[Jayhawk-chapter] Jayhawk Chapter May Minutes

Tamara Kearney tamara at gatetoserenity.com
Wed Aug 15 03:43:11 UTC 2018

Jayhawk Chapter Minutes
May 12, 2018

Meeting was called to order at 10:23 am.

State Report

The Ken Tiede scholarship Deadline is August 31.

The Kansas state talking book library launched a book club via teleconference. The first session will be June 13 at 10:00 am.

The state convention will  be the first weekend in November at the Hotel Old Town Wichita.


A correction was made to reflect that the code of conduct is already in place. The minutes were approved as corrected.

Treasurer’s Report

The balance was $786.82, the same as last month. The treasurer’s report was approved as read. 

Fund Raising Update

Trivia Night: On May 14 at 11:00 at Conroy’s Pub Renée, Susan and Rob will meet with Steve Buckner and maybe Tom Conroy to organize trivia night. They will be looking at the back room where the event will be held. They will also be working on finding organizations that we can approach to donate prizes and raffle items. Trivia night will be held on Saturday, October 13.

Communities for Change: Renée is going to look into the Communities for Change program.

Cans for the community: There is an organization called Cans for the Community. Instead of putting our aluminum cans in the city recycling, we are encouraged to take them to a CFC drop off site where they are gathered up, and sold for cash. The funds are distributed to a designated  charitable organization. This may be worth investigating as a fund raising source.

Old Business

Change of Meeting Time: The proposed new meeting times were Friday evenings at 5:00 or Saturday mornings at 11:00. We will vote by email.

Summer Social: Our annual summer social will be held at Conroy’s Pub starting at 4:30 pm Saturday, June 15. 

New Business

A member is trying to get orientation and mobility training in Lawrence.

In the fall we will discuss strategies to recruit new members.

On May 17 the Apple store will hold several accessibility workshops on iOS and Mac OS. Anyone interested in attending should contact Tamara.

A motion was made and seconded to allocate $150 per person to assist two people to go to national convention. We will take an email vote. 

The meeting adjourned at 11:51 am.

Respectfully submitted,

Tamara Kearney

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