[Jayhawk-Chapter] Jayhawkb chapter meeting notice and agenda

Rob Tabor rob.tabor at sbcglobal.net
Sat Jan 11 15:49:15 UTC 2020

Greetings fellow Jayhawk Federationists,


I hope everyone is staying safe and warm in this snow-covered wintry
environment, and I hope the snowy and perhaps icy ground will not deter
anyone from coming to the chapter meeting this coming Monday afternoon at
4pm at Conroy's Pub. I look forward to starting off the new year with a big
bang. Please review the attached agenda and be prepared to add anything you
think we should consider. The agenda is also posted below in case you are
unable to open the attached MS-Word file. So enjoy your weekend in spite of
old man winter, and I look forward to seeting you at Conroy's.


Best regards,


Rob Tabor | president Jayhawk chapter national Federation of the Blind of

(785) 865-9959

Rob.tabor at sbcglobal.net



National Federation of the Blind of Kansas JAYHAWK CHAPTER

MEETING AGENDA FOR Monday January 13, 2020

Time:          4:00pm - 6:00pm

Location:  Conroy's Pub, 3115 W Sixth, Lawrence KS 



1.     Call to order, welcome and introductions (If guests present)

2.     Review/modification of meeting agenda

3.     Excerpts from Presidential Release No. 490 by Dr. Mark A Riccobono,
National President 

4.     Chapter president's and state  reports - Rob 

5.     Approve minutes for October, 2019

6.     Chapter treasurer's report, Brendy

7.     Fundraising - a. Consideration of restaurant give-back fundraisers

B. Other fundraising ideas

8.     Report on 2019 state convention, various members

9.     Other old business

10. New Business



Next meeting Monday, Feb. 10 Conroy's Pub, 3115 W 6th, Suite D, Lawrence, KS




I pledge to participate actively in the effort of the National Federation of
the Blind to achieve equality, opportunity, and security for the blind; to

support the policies and programs of the Federation; and to abide by its




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