[Job-Discussions] USNLx

Richard Davis dickblind at gmail.com
Wed Apr 13 22:46:28 UTC 2022

Dear List Members.

I started working with DirectEmployers many years ago. Their job search
algorithm is one of the most advanced in the country, and now they have
expanded it. It has a bias in favor of persons with disabilities. Give it a
try, and let me know what you think. Access issues? Please let me know at
dickblind at gmail.com. Here is a description and the link

Established in 2007, the National Labor Exchange (NLx) represents a unique,
public-private partnership between DirectEmployers (DE) and the National
Association of State Workforce Agencies (NASWA). The NLx is a robust
resource for employers and state workforce agencies to connect workers with
job openings. The powerful tool also connects state and federal agencies,
nonprofit and Veteran organizations, as well as disability and diversity
partners to assist employers with recruitment goals.


Dick Davis, Chair
NFB Employment Committee
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