[nabs-l] student events
Arielle Silverman
arielle71 at gmail.com
Fri Jan 9 21:57:47 UTC 2009
Hi Sarah,
Thanks so much for posting details from some of the recent WABS
activities. Your student division is certainly an inspiration to all
the other divisions out there. I'm particularly impressed with the
camping trip/spring seminar that you held in June.
What was your division's strategy for hiring drivers/transport
vehicles? Did you rent a vehicle from a company (i.e. charter bus) or
hire an individual driver? If the latter, where did you find your
driver and how did you negotiate a rate?
This info is important as many student divisions want to hold
recreational events like camping and hiking but struggle with securing
needed transportation to and from the campsite, etc.
Thanks and best of luck,
On 1/10/09, sarah baebler <wolvessarah at hotmail.com> wrote:
> Well Wisconsin has only have a
> few organizations/camps/events for blind so I know a lot and my blind
> students, and they
> know a lot more. So we got a huge list together and invited them to
> convention and had them list a fun
> activity and a work/student issue that they wanted to do/learn. So with
> that list we try to work out both the fun and serious topics. Our board
> before has always decided on topics and figured what we've had problems with
> and then make session out of them. In the past year we've have phone board
> meetings that have had 20 people come and get involved with deciding and
> being on committees. If your just starting out you should
> have an event like rock climbing or goalball and do something with a work
> related topic like how to interview and technology. Then you can start
> small and have a fun and serious activity. This will one get a lot of people
> involved around the state because it will be something fun and not just
> sitting
> around the chance are honestly that you will have a greater attendance.
> Then you can also get a lot of contacts through that where you
> can send and get involved with further activities. If you should do a
> flier, where you list the who, what, where,
> when, how and yes even a why. Then send that to all your contacts, email
> list, camps, state programs that work with the blind, schools, and so on and
> so
> forth anything you can think of. Even though you may not know all the
> blind people in your state these people will know or be able to forward it
> on. We also made brochures and sent them to colleges and high school as
> well as those state programs. The brochure just states about all the things
> we do and shows pictures of events, and explains our goals. If you want I
> can send you a version and I am willing to assit you if you choose to make
> one. We used publisher and just bought thick paper and ink which is much
> cheaper than ordering or goign somewhere and having them make it. Another
> thing that we have done is involve non-students, people looking for
> employment, or just in transition or in training programs. We have found
> that even though these are not students they still benefit from learning
> about programs, services, advocating, and many more. We've helped some be
> more independant and obtain jobs as well as a couple that decided to choose
> to attend college. Also with a independent
> issue we have noticed that if you intend to invited minors (18 or under)
> then
> you should have them be accompanied by a guardian or adult. I've attached
> 3 events that we've done, I hope it's helpful. They might not be ideal for
> your neck of the woods but it's what works for us.
> If you have any more questions let me know
> Sarah
> WABS vice president
> WAGDU vice president
> Get in Touch with Your Inner Primate!
> On
> Saturday, March 29, the Wisconsin Association of Blind Students (WABS) will
> be
> holding a Rock Climbing event in Madison Wisconsin. We are looking for ages
> from high school and
> up to scale the walls with us and reach for the horizon.
> We will all
> get together on Saturday afternoon to head over from the hotel to Boulders
> climbing gym on Madison's East side.
> Rock climbing will last for three hours, in which time; there will be a
> chance to work one on one with the staff.
> We are very excited, and we look forward to getting a chance to get to
> know you!
> Prior to
> heading to the gym, we are going to do a series of formal and informal
> activities and the like to get to know one another. We'll be ordering
> pizza, and we can't eat it
> all ourselves, so you really should join us!
> As WABS is
> helping with the cost of this event, hotel, rock climbing and meals will
> cost a
> total of $45; a very pretty price for such fun.
> We have booked rooms at the Holiday Inn on the East side of Madison which
> has a pool
> so bring along your swimsuit. We'll head home Sunday morning, after a night
> of
> swimming, eating left-over pizza and making new friends. For your
> convenience, we are looking to hire
> a driver and would encourage you to use our transportation if it at all
> works
> in your schedule and makes it possible for you to come and share this event
> with us. There will be a nurse on staff as well as night monitors at the
> hotel
> to ensure your safety and comfort!
> WABS is a
> division of the National Federation of the Blind of Wisconsin. We encourage
> students to push their limits,
> believe in themselves and stop blindness from being a barrier. We pride
> ourselves in not only being a
> successful division of the NFBW, but also being a great supportive group of
> students who form lasting friendships in and out of our division.
> If you are interested in participating, and you are under
> 18, please have a parent or guardian fill out the enclosed release form and
> mail it to:
> Sarah Baebler
> 408 Portage St
> Lodi WI, 53555
> For more information about this event, call or email our
> President, Beth Allred at: (608(217-6895. allred at wisc.edu
> For more information about our division, please see the
> enclosed flyer.
> I hope to see you in Madison!
> Sincerely,
> Meghan Whalen
> Vice President, Wisconsin
> Association of Blind Students
> General information:
> Name_______________________________
> Address:_______________________________________
> City, State, Zip
> code:___________________________________
> Phone:_( )___________________
> Email:____________________________________
> Age:_________________
> Preference of contact (phone, email, snail
> mail):_____________________________
> Emergency and medical Information:
> Emergency contact:________________________
> Emergency contact phone number:(
> )_______________________
> Allergic to any medicine:___________________________________________
> Allergies:_____________________________________________
> Medications taking at the moment (include dose and how frequent):
> _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
> Physical conditions (other than
> blindness:____________________________________________
> Physical
> limitations:______________________________________________________________
> Diet
> restrictions:________________________________________________________________
> Miscellaneous:
> Your experience in rock climbing (beginner, intermediate, advanced):
> _____________________
> Any roommate preferences:________________________________________
> The Wisconsin Association of Blind Students is offering a transportation
> vehicle to provide transportation for
> you, to and from the event.
> Are you interested in the provided transportation? Yes:_________
> No:__________
> Please return by ___Friday,
> March 21st _ to
> Sarah Baebler
> 408 Portage St.
> Lodi, WI 53555
> Or send an email to
> Beth Allred at allred at wisc.edu
> If you have any
> questions, please contact our president Beth Allred at (608) 217-6895
> Wisconsin Association
> of Blind Students
> Rock Climbing Event
> March 29, 2008
> Parent Consent Form
> Please fill
> out this sheet and send it to the address provided on the flier included.
> Student's name:_________________________________ Student's
> age:___________
> Parent/Guardian's name:_________________________________________
> Parent/Guardian's phone number:
> __________________________________
> Address: ______________________________________________________________
> Emergency Contact
> name:_________________________________________________
> Emergency Contact
> phone:________________________________________________
> Student's insurance provider and
> number:_____________________________________
> _______________________________________________________________________
> Does the student have permission to
> administer their own medications: Yes:___No:____
> List current
> medications, including
> doses and how frequently given: ________________
> ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
> Describe allergies and diet
> restrictions: _______________________________________
> ________________________________________________________________________
> Describe restrictions on physical
> activities: _____________________________________
> Describe other disabilities or
> physical illness: ___________________________________
> I give my permission for my son/daughter, ___________ __________________to
> participate in the Rock Climbing event sponsored by the Wisconsin
> Association
> of Blind Students on the weekend of March 29, 2008.
> Initials of parent, ________________
> In the event of an emergency, I give my permission for
> emergency medical
> treatment and transportation.
> Initials of parent, _____________
> I agree to hold harmless the Wisconsin Association of Blind
> Students (WABS) for any and all negligent injuries that my son/daughter may
> incur during the aforementioned WABS event.
> Initials of parent, _____________
> I agree to the transportation of my son/daughter
> ____________________________ , by the Wisconsin Association of Blind
> Students.
> Initials of parent,______________
> I agree to all the above terms and conditions.
> _________________________________________________
> ____________________
> Signature of Parent/Guardian
> Date
> Please send
> this along with the other information form to
> Sarah Baebler
> 408 Portage St.
> Lodi, WI
> 53555
> The Wisconsin Association of Blind
> Students
> Have you
> ever struggled to advocate for yourself when applying for a job or
> requesting
> accommodations in school? Do you wish
> you had someone to help you find your way sometimes? Do you feel like you
> have to reinvent the
> wheel each time you fight for one of your rights as a person who is blind?
> You aren't alone. There are many other blind students in Wisconsin who have
> fought the same battles you are fighting now.
> You don't need to reinvent the wheel.
> Let us spin ours for you. The
> Wisconsin Association of Blind Students (WABS) is a division of The National
> Federation of the Blind of Wisconsin (NFB).
> We all fight for what the National Federation of the Blind (NFB)
> believes in. Blindness is not a crutch,
> it is a physical nuisance, and we are fully capable of anything we wish to
> achieve. By joining WABS, you are making
> a statement. You are saying that you
> believe that blindness does not lessen your value as a member of society.
> You are showing that you are willing to
> support other persons who are blind in finding their way to independence and
> self advocacy. If you run into
> discrimination, you will have countless friends to back you up in fighting
> for
> your rights as well. You don't have to be a member to participate in any of
> our
> activities, and we very much hope that you participate whether you are a
> member
> or not!
> We are not
> just an organization for blindness rights.
> WE are friends. We do what
> friends do. IN the past, we have gone
> camping, attended NFB national convention and roomed together and run a
> student
> seminar. Lifetime friends can be found
> within WABS. If you join WABS, you will
> be inspired to rise to your full potential and you will find strength in the
> support of your fellow members.
> Currently,
> we are in the process of planning a rock climbing event. Again, you do not
> need to be a member of WABS
> to participate in the Rock Climbing Event. Come, have fun with us! We will
> be
> staying at a hotel in Madison
> and will go climbing at Boulders Climbing Gym.
> For more information, contact our president, Beth Allred, Allred at wisc.edu.
> For more information about WABS, or for contact information
> for the rest of our officers, our website is:
> www.nfbwis.org/students
> We look forward to hearing from you and would love to
> welcome you into the ever-growing Federation family.
> Wisconsin
> Association of Blind Students
> Presents
> A weekend of fun in the sun
> Who: Students and young adults
> (18-35), who have low vision or are blind (legally blind). Students 18 and
> under are welcome on the
> Saturday events, with parental supervision.
> What: A camping weekend where we
> will explore
> different activities to promote independence and a variety of skills to
> assist
> individuals in school, work, and society.
> When: June 6, 7, and 8th
> 2008.
> Where: Lodi Agricultural Fair
> Lodi Agricultural
> 700 Fair Street.
> Lodi, WI 53555
> Mt. Olympus Water & Theme Park
> 1881 Wisconsin Dells Parkway
> Wisconsin Dells, WI 53965
> Why: to inform blind youth about
> services available to them, network with other blind youths across the
> state,
> have a good safe fun time, and learn techniques to assist in the daily lives
> of
> blind youth.
> Transportation: We will again offer
> transportation for those who request it.
> We realize that the event is taking place before lion's camp and will
> gladly take people there.
> Cost: $50. This includes all meals, camping fees, ticket
> to Water/Theme Park, and all other expenses.
> The only other cost to you will be if you choose to purchase ice cream
> at one of the events. If you are
> concerned about money please contact Sarah Baebler (contact information
> listed
> below)
> Agenda: (subject to change)
> Friday June 6, 2008
> Morning/afternoon – transportation pick up.
> 3:30 pm – 4:15 pm – Arrive and register
> 4:15 pm – 4:30 pm – Briefing/rules of conduct
> 4:30 pm – 5:00 pm – Set up camp site (you and your tent mates will set up
> your
> own tent)
> 5:00 pm – 5:30 pm – Eat, clean up, and prepare for transport.
> 5:30 pm – 6:00 pm– Transport to the Merrimac Ferry (Okee side) park.
> 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm – Team building activities,
> 7:30 pm – 8:00 pm – Travel on the ferry across lake Wisconsin to the
> Merrimac/Baraboo side (chance to purchase ice cream), then travel back
> across
> to the Okee side.
> 8:00 pm – 8:30 pm – Transport back to Fairgrounds.
> 8:30 pm – 9:00 pm – WABS meeting
> 9:00 pm – 10:30 pm– Talent show
> 10:30 pm – 11:30 pm – Camp fire/smores party.
> Saturday June 7, 2008
> 7:00 am – 7:30 am – Breakfast.
> 7:30 am – 10:20 am - small group activities.
> Groups include:
> TAPS AND FUR - Dog guides and Canes,
> STEPPING UP - NFB and WABS vs other organizations (why you should get
> involved)
> and advocating for yourself,
> SHAKE YOUR GROOVE THANG – Expressions and gestures, visual clues for a non
> visual world.
> STOP, PREPARE, AND ROLL - College/work preparation and the interview
> process.
> 7:30 am – 8:10 am - Session one
> 8:10 am – 8:50 am - Session two
> 8:50 am – 9:00 am - break
> 9:00 am - 9:40 am - Session three
> 9:40 am – 10:20 am - Session four
> 10:20 am – 10:30 am – break
> 10:30 am – 11:30 am – O&M Challenge and preparation
> 11:30 am – 12:30 pm – Eat
> 12:30 pm – 1:30 pm – transport to Mt. Olympus Water & Theme Park
> 1:30 pm – 6:30 pm - Mt. Olympus
> 6:30 pm – 7:30 pm – Transportation back to fairgrounds
> 7:30 pm – 8:00 pm – Dinner
> 8:00 pm – 12:00 pm – Dance (boogy down)
> Sunday June 8, 2008
> 7:30 am – 8:00 am – breakfast
> 8:00 am – 8:30 am – transport to gym and prepare for goal ball
> 8:30 am - 11:30 am – Goal ball
> 11:30 am – 12:30 pm – Lunch and debrief
> 12:30 – 1:00 – Return to fairgrounds, pack up, clean up, and leave.
> Please
> fill out the following application and e-mail or mail it to the address
> provided.
> Application due by May 27, 2008
> If
> you have any questions please contact
> Sarah Baebler (608) 770-1002 or at wolvessarah at hotmail.com
> Sarah Baebler
> 408 Portage St.
> Lodi, WI 53555
> Or send an electronic copy to wolvessarah at hotmail.com Please address the
> subject line as WABS
> camping event.
> Information sheet
> :
> General
> Information:
> Name_______________________________
> Address:____________________________________
> City, Sate, Zip Code__________________________
> Home Phone ( )___________________
> Cell Phone (
> )___________________
> Email:____________________________________
> Age:_________________
> How should we contact you? (phone, email, snail mail):
> ____________________________
> Format of materials (larger print, Braille, tape, etc):
> _____________________________
> Emergency and medical Information:
> Emergency contact:________________________
> Emergency contact phone number:( )
> __________
> Allergic to any medicine:______________________
> Allergies:___________________________________
> Medications taking at the moment (include dose and how frequent):
> _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
> Physical conditions or limitations that might affect the activities (hearing
> impaired, wheelchair user)
> __________________________________________
> Diet Restrictions:: ___________________________
> Miscellaneous:
> Do you get
> sea sick (we will be riding a ferry across lake Wisconsin)?
> Yes __________ No___________
> Tent mate preferences? _____________________________________
> The Wisconsin Association of Blind Students is offering a transportation
> vehicle to provide transportation for you, to and from the event, including
> transportation to Lions Camp.
> Are you interested in the provided transportation?
> Yes:_________ No:__________
> If Yes, do you need transportation to Lions Camp on Sunday June 8, 08?
> Yes _________ No___________
> Annual Convention 2008
> Who: blind students (all ages), young adults, and
> those in transition.
> What: The National Federation of the Blind of
> Wisconsin's annual convention, WABS business meeting, talent show, dance,
> goal
> ball, Mary Kay party and networking opportunities
> When: Friday November 7th to Sunday
> November 9th, 2008.
> Where: Best Western, Inn on the Park, 22 S Carrol
> St, Madison Wisconsin 53703
> Why: Break down boundaries and reach for the
> stars.
> How: WABS is providing transportation for those
> who want it.
> Cost: The cost for the entire weekend is planned
> out. You do not need to eat/attend all
> the meals with the exception of banquet and the student lunch. If you need
> assistance with cost please contact us (see below).
> The hotel will be $75 dollars a night. Your cost will be $38 dollars for
> both
> nights if you decide you want to share a room with others (contact us to
> reserve a room and for your roommate preferences).
> WABS membership is $5 dollars
> NFBW membership is $10 dollars
> Friday – Dinner will be up to you.
> Saturday – Breakfast is 10 dollars, Lunch is $5 (Student's lunch –Pizza),
> dinner is $25 dollars (banquet – Dress up).
> Sunday – WABS will provide a
> light breakfast option. After convention adjourns we will be heading over to
> falk elementary school for goal ball and lunch will be provided for $5
> dollars.
> TOTAL: $98 for all the above
> meals, membership, and lodging.
> If
> you have any concerns, questions, or to reserve a room and register for
> transportation, contact Sarah Baebler (608) 770-1002 or at
> wolvessarah at hotmail.com
>> From: albertyoo1 at hotmail.com
>> To: nabs-l at nfbnet.org
>> Date: Fri, 9 Jan 2009 08:45:28 -0500
>> Subject: Re: [nabs-l] student events
>> Sarah, good ideas how did you all come up with the idea for the students
>> and employment? Can you explain? Would you have to contact different
>> places of employment?> From: wolvessarah at hotmail.com> To:
>> nabs-l at nfbnet.org> Date: Thu, 8 Jan 2009 22:27:22 -0600> Subject: Re:
>> [nabs-l] student events> > > Hi Rachel,> WABS (Wisconsin Association of
>> Blind Students) has a event almost every or every other month. We do a lot
>> of things such as: shopping trips, sledding, skiing, parades, rock
>> climbing, goalball, camping, student seminars, a big variety of fund
>> raising, team building, we've also done mini travel races, and taken some
>> public transit trips like riding a train and a ferry (not normally
>> available in Wisconsin). I know i am missing a lot but the key we have
>> found to be the most successful is having a fun event with a
>> student/employment focus. We also do a lot of employment and life
>> activities to help those who aren't in school but want to participate. For
>> example, We've had state conventions where we have added a WABS event like
>> goalball on Sunday afternoons or such as a camping event where we have
>> done talent shows, and 3 employment/students session (canes vs dogs, job
>> interview skills, and advocating), and tried to attend a water/theme park
>> (that's when WI had the flood so that didn't work out). Those are just
>> some ideas we have done if they're helpful.> Good luck,> Sarah Baebler>
>> WABS Vice President> WAGDU Vice President> > > From:
>> Rachel at BeckerConsultants.com> > To: nabs-l at nfbnet.org> > Date: Fri, 2 Jan
>> 2009 14:14:03 -0500> > Subject: [nabs-l] student events> > > > Hi
>> everyone. I hope you had a wonderful holiday and that you all have a> >
>> happy new year. I am the vice-president of the Maryland Association of
>> Blind> > Students and I am trying to get some events going for 2009 but we
>> haven't> > had any events in awhile. Now that finals and Christmas are
>> over, I am going> > to talk to the president about what we should do but I
>> was wondering if you> > guys had any cool ideas. What have your student
>> divisions been doing lately?> > Rachel> > > > > >
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