[nabs-l] Appreciating our roots

Maryann Migliorelli mrsmigs at migliorelli.org
Mon May 3 04:26:50 UTC 2010

Greetings Briley,
Bravo for you!!!  Very well said!!!  

I would advise that you get the audio copy of "The mana and the movement"
when you can, especially if you can get the one with the original speeches
included.  It's a long read but definitely worth the time and attention.

It always amazes me to hear blind people say that they "did it all on their
own."   Our history is different in situations but not in the nature from
many other civil rights minorities.  None of us have done it alone.  We all
stand on the shoulders of some pretty incredible giants who have helped to
pave the way for us, and, hopefully, we will all work to raise up new giants
to continue moving our cause forward.

Maryann Migliorelli

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