[nabs-l] proposition for amendment to constitution

Michelle Clark mcikeyc at aol.com
Sun Jun 19 03:41:29 UTC 2011


I too have sat back and waded through a whole lot of email comments
regarding the proposed change to the Constitution. Several questions come to

1. When would you expect this to go into effect?
2. Who would manage this process?
3. What are the qualifications of such person or persons?
4. Where are the boundaries set forth for such a change?
5. What are the monetary obligations such a proposal would cost the
6. Where is the input from others on this list to such a proposal that would
effect so many?
8. What are the motives for such a proposal?

While I understand there are some who are more adamant about some issues
then others, I would like to get input from others. Then again, the silence
may be indicative of what people feel. At any rate, the answer will be found
out at Convention, as that is where this and any other proposals have to be
voted upon and then the true outcome will be known.

I am not trying to make light of the thoughts of another, but I just want to
hear from others so this discussion would not be so weighted on the opinions
of a few. 


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