[nabs-l] jaws and filling out forms

David Andrews dandrews at visi.com
Mon Oct 17 00:21:12 UTC 2011

When you are focused on the field in question press insert-F1 and 
JAWS will tell you what you can do there.


At 07:16 PM 10/16/2011, you wrote:
>IT seems like searching with online sites has so many forms! I have 
>jaws 12. You see these forms in internship and job searches.
>So questions here. Are these accessible? I have jaws 12.
>1. I tab to fill out my selections on the form. Jaws says extended 
>select list box. How do I work that? I press enter. Is jaws supposed 
>to then read my selections when down arrowing?
>2. What do I do when it says multi select list box?
>Some boxes say you can choose more than one item, but I have had to 
>get sighted help to click on those items.
>With jaws I seem to only get one choice selected.
>3. In combo boxes, how do I ensure jaws selected my item? Sometimes 
>I have to open the combo box to read it.
>Should I press escape before tabbing to the next item?
>4. Is there a way to quickly see a list of radio buttons or check 
>boxes on the form? For links and edit boxes you can get a list.

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