[nabs-l] Off Topic Messages

David Andrews dandrews at visi.com
Sat Sep 17 02:46:35 UTC 2011

The range and number of off topic messages here in the last week or 
so has been astounding.  Consequently, I have placed the whole list 
under moderated status until they die out.  This means that each 
message has to be approved by me.

This list exists to support nabs and state organizations of students 
and for discussion of blindness-related student matters.  It is not 
for political discussion, advertising internet radio stations, 
personal messages etc.

And ... please don't feel you should debate me about the purpose of 
the list.  I am not trying to be harsh, just trying to get people 
back on track.  When things stray too far, people start unsubscribing.

David Andrews, List Owner

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