[nabs-l] Those Amazing Inspiring Blind People
justin.williams2 at gmail.com
Wed May 29 15:12:56 UTC 2013
I don't know about twice as hard, but unfortunately, even fi you don't say
it aloud, hopefully our children who are blidn will have that kind of work
ethic instilled into them. I don't much care for it either, but it is what
it is.
-----Original Message-----
From: nabs-l [mailto:nabs-l-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Julie McGinnity
Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2013 11:04 AM
To: National Association of Blind Students mailing list
Subject: Re: [nabs-l] Those Amazing Inspiring Blind People
Hi all,
I received an email a few days before the ceremony saying that the president
wanted to identify some of the honors students in her speech. I sincerely
thought that was the end of it, and I said yes because I knew my parents
would be happy.
I agree with you Arielle. Resilience isn't a personality trait we possess.
We choose to be resilient--and this applies to sighted people as well. The
difference in our case is that it seems more obvious. I think we display
this form of resilience when we choose to answer random questions from
strangers when we would rather be minding our own business. It is
educating. I don't think that this makes us special or amazing though.
Most of us are used to educating people and dealing with their ignorance.
It's just something we do.
I am torn about the idea that blind people have to work twice as hard.
I'm not denying that it is true, but do we really want our blind children
thinking that they need to work twice as hard to get anything accomplished?
Maybe the answer is yes. But I'm not convinced.
On 5/28/13, justin <justin.williams2 at gmail.com> wrote:
> I am a blind martial artist, and I have never called myself amazing
> learning to strike without sight. There is a trick to that. However,
> because the athlete is a champion, to many others achieving that goal
> as a blind person makes him seem more impressive. I would simply put
> it down to an ability to adapt in order to succeed. While the skill
> set is impressive, a champion is a champion disabled or not. I can't see,
so I have to do
> something a little different. However, a champion athlete can use the
> fact
> that he is blind to inspire others. I don't care for it much either,
> but once again, if you can serve the greater good by weaving them
> together, wouldn't you? Try to fight off as many of the amazing
> comments as possible; I hate those, even when I may have done
> something that could be considered amazing, probably because I have
> gotten it too often and it's gotten annoying. For example, I was
> somewhat annoyed in high school when I was presented with the heart
> award by my wrestling coach as a freshman. He meant well, and I was
> not angry at him, but I couldn't help but think that he gave that to
> me because I was a blind wrestler; I would not have done an interview
> for that. I also refused the interview proposed to me in high school
> which basically said, look at me; I am a good wrestler despite my
> blindness. I would have gladly done an interview years later in
> college when I broke our state powerlifting record. I would have been
> the state champion power lifter who happened to be blind. I would
> have tried to leave the blind part out, but I'm sure that it would
> have been included. I would only use blindness to show the skills of
> adaptation which may be a moment of inspiration, a shot in the arm, or
> a spark for someone who needs it.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: nabs-l [mailto:nabs-l-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Arielle
> Silverman
> Sent: Wednesday, May 29, 2013 10:32 PM
> To: National Association of Blind Students mailing list
> Subject: Re: [nabs-l] Those Amazing Inspiring Blind People
> I don't think blind athletes are more impressive than sighted athletes.
> Blind athletes use alternative techniques just like we use Braille and
> canes to do other things. However, being a high-level champion at a
> sport is impressive whether the person is blind or sighted.
> Arielle
> On 5/28/13, justin <justin.williams2 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Not at all; if you have a way of displaying to the world your
>> intelligence and skill as a human, then that's great.
>> I can't speak for the others on this list, but I'm not trying to say
>> that having to use alternative techniques to compensate for blindness
>> is something to completely disregard. Having to fight issues of
>> accessibility while doing the everyday things of life does mean that
>> to function on the same level of the sighted, we have to be a little
> better than average.
>> Without sight you have to be a little sharper. However, treating us
>> like we are oober special and the whole nine yards because we walked
>> across a room or are able to read and write; that's ridiculous and
>> degrading. Do your thing; if you can help someone, then I got your
>> back man. In certain contexts, using your blindness along with your
>> accomplishments can be a model of inspiration for people. Just as
>> long as you control the situation with your own personal power and
>> not let someone dictate where how your blindness angle is emphasized.
>> Tell them to just give you the ball and get out of your way.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: nabs-l [mailto:nabs-l-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Miso
>> Kwak
>> Sent: Wednesday, May 29, 2013 9:36 PM
>> To: nabs-l at nfbnet.org
>> Subject: Re: [nabs-l] Those Amazing Inspiring Blind People
>> this is definitely another interesting thread for I have pondered
>> about this for so many times...
>> Reading Julie's mail definitely made me think about my graduation.
>> Each year principal chooses a student to lead the class on to the
>> field carrying class flag.
>> This year, she chose me and another student. When she announced us
>> she said "these students are students who have overcome obstacles and
>> can represent the class well."
>> It was surprising rather than offensive...
>> I definitely have overcome obstacles as a foreign student and blind
>> student but I am not sure if I represent the class.
>> My partner had obstacles in a sense that he had family issues and
>> just personal struggles throughout high school until this year when
>> he made a positive turn-around.
>> It is definitely an honor. I just don't know whether I deserve it.
>> Also, I recently did an interview for an educational video.
>> It took more than a month for me to decide whether to do this or not
>> but I chose to do it because it could be a positive influence for
>> teens who may be struggling with life.
>> You may criticize me for my belief but I am grateful to know my life
>> could give a positive outlook for others.
>> I just hope it's done by my drive and passion and integrity not my
>> blindness.
>> Like mentioned previously it's wrong for someone to praise blind
>> people for being able to do simple tasks such as reading and writing.
>> (I usually say it's just my way of reading and writing as you write
>> in
>> pen) But there could be some things that are truly "amazing" and
>> "inspirational"
>> If any of you remember, I recently shared an article about blind
>> pole-vaulters in the list.
>> Aren't they amazing? for being truly great athletes and overcoming
>> others'
>> doubts?
>> Thanks for reading my long email. I just don't like separating emails
>> by topics.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Arielle Silverman <arielle71 at gmail.com>
>> To: National Association of Blind Students mailing list
>> <nabs-l at nfbnet.org>
>> Sent: Wed, May 29, 2013 4:15 pm
>> Subject: Re: [nabs-l] Those Amazing Inspiring Blind People
>> Hi all,
>> Julie, your experience at graduation sounds mortifying. He should
>> have at least asked your permission before he talked about you at the
>> ceremony. I have been called inspirational by a homeless man, and
>> also by a man who was receiving kidney dialysis. If I had to choose
>> between blindness, kidney failure and homelessness I would choose
>> blindness any day, but I know that it's not up to me to characterize
>> those men's lives any more than they can characterize mine.
>> I agree that we have to act resilient in order to deal with the
>> environmental barriers we face (negative attitudes, inaccessibility
>> etc.) However, I think of resilience as an action more than a
>> personality trait. I don't think we have more ability to be resilient
>> than anyone else does. Human beings are hard-wired to adapt to
>> whatever situations they are in. As blind people we are simply doing
>> what we need to do in order to survive and fulfill our goals and desires.
>> When I look at my own college experiences, there might have been
>> challenges I wouldn't have had if sighted. However, these were
>> eclipsed by all the help and support I received from my parents (who
>> both have advanced degrees), from the scholarship I was awarded and
>> the mentors I was assigned as part of that scholarship program, and
>> from my professors and friends. I honestly do not feel that earning
>> my double major was difficult. And so I find it insulting when people
>> who don't know me at all assume it was more difficult for me than for
>> somebody who is a first-generation college student, or who had to
>> work full-time while going to school, for example.
>> Arielle
>> On 5/29/13, Danielle Sykora <dsykora29 at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> This is definitely an interesting discussion. Like the rest of you,
>>> I am often told I am amazing for accomplishing simple tasks. Most
>>> people do not understand that I don't perceive their comments as
>>> complimentary; they are only responding to their low expectations of
>>> my abilities. Unfortunately, education is not always possible or
>>> successful. Consequently, I find it difficult at times to determine
>>> whether a compliment is truely desserved.
>>> I don't believe that we are particularly amazing or resilient.
>>> Certainly, we encounter many challenges; from low expectations on a
>>> daily basis, facing the difficulties of obtain textbooks, etc.
>>> However, we are merely accomplishing what we need to succeed.
>>> Just some thoughts,
>>> Danielle
>>> On 5/29/13, Katie Wang <bunnykatie6 at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> This is a very interesting thread! I'm very much in agreement with
>>>> what Julie has said here. While I certainly believe that blind
>>>> people should not be regarded as amazing or inspirational for
>>>> accomplishing ordinary things (e.g., going to college, getting a
>>>> job, living independently), I do think that we need a
>>>> greater-than-average level of resilience to successfully handle
>>>> many of the challenges we face
>> as
>>>> blind people. Granted, many of these challenges are not directly
>>>> caused by our blindness per se but result from low expectations and
>>>> negative attitudes from the general public, but they are
>>>> nonetheless challenges that call for resourcefulness, creativity,
>>>> and self-advocacy. After all, it is fair to say that sighted people
>>>> generally don't have to worry about finding a way to access their
>>>> college textbooks or taking the initiative to learn alternative
>>>> techniques for completing everyday tasks. While I'm a firm believer
>> of
>>>> the NFB philosophy that, with training and opportunity, blindness
>>>> can be reduced to an inconvenience, I also think that, given the
>>>> reality of our society, many blind people are not given the
>>>> appropriate training and opportunities by default and do in fact
>>>> need to overcome more obstacles in order to accomplish things in
>>>> life that might otherwise be deemed ordinary. In that sense, the
>>>> label
> of "amazing"
>>>> may not be completely off the mark. Admittedly this rationale
>> probably
>>>> works better with major milestones in life such as graduating from
>>>> college with honors than with everyday tasks such as walking around
>>>> independently, but I just want to put the thought out there.
>>>> With regard to handling patronizing treatment from the general
>> public,
>>>> I have certainly encountered my fair share of frustrations. While I
>> do
>>>> make a point to educate those with whom I interact on a regular
>>>> basis so that they have an accurate understanding of me as a
>>>> competent, capable blind person, I admit that I often do not do so
>>>> with strangers. I have thanked random people for complimenting me
>>>> on being amazing many times, not because I agree with them but
>>>> because I do
>> not
>>>> have the time/energy to educate and do not want to appear rude. I
>>>> think it is important to remember that, as unfortunate as it is,
>>>> many sighted people do not recognize certain actions, such as
>>>> excessive helpfulness and compliments, as patronizing, even though
>>>> they do come across as very much so to us. For this reason, I'm of
>>>> the personal opinion that we should educate as much as we are
>>>> willing and able,
>> but
>>>> on those occasions where we do not feel up to the task (which I
>>>> know we all feel from time to time), erring on the side of polite
>>>> (albeit
>>>> passive) responding may be more constructive than coming across as
>>>> aggressive and confrontational.
>>>> Katie
>>>> On 5/29/13, Julie McGinnity <kaybaycar at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>> I recently graduated from college. The public relations people
>>>>> here wanted to write an article about me because I was graduating
>>>>> with honors and with a double major. I thought, rather naively,
>>>>> that
>> this
>>>>> was the reason. But no... As you can imagine, the article was
>> about
>>>>> how amazing I was succeeding in college with honors as a blind
>> person.
>>>>> If that wasn't bad enough, at my graduation ceremony the president
>> was
>>>>> giving a speech about resilience. In her speech, she mentioned
>> people
>>>>> who had been resilient due to circumstances in their lives that
>>>>> were difficult that they had to overcome. I was the first person
>>>>> mentioned. Then she mentioned a guy who did his entire degree
>> online
>>>>> while he was doing tures in Iraq, and finally, she described a
>>>>> girl who came from a poor village in Africa to receive her
>>>>> education. I felt aweful. Yes, I received honors and did the
>>>>> rare double major with a music major, but do I deserve to be
>>>>> compared to those people who faced such real hardships? I don't
>>>>> think so. Like Arielle,
>> I've
>>>>> lived a priviledged life. All of my needs and some of my wants
>>>>> were given to me.
>>>>> Then I started to think about it some more. I thought about
>> resilence
>>>>> as a blind person. I don't think resilience is exactly what most
>>>>> sighted people would expect. For them, it's simple; we have to
>>>>> overcome our blindness. Not being able to see must be terrible,
>>>>> and the fact that we have overcome something that they think
>>>>> insurmountable makes us amazing. But it's so much more than that.
>> I
>>>>> think we do, as blind people, have to be resilient. We face
>>>>> discrimination, deal with people who think we need help, receive
>>>>> questions that insult us, and, let's face it, people stare at us a
>>>>> lot. Some of these things are less bothersome than others, but it
>> all
>>>>> amounts to the same thing. Dealing with these things makes us
>>>>> resilient in a way. I do not think this means that we are
>>>>> amazing, but I do think that it gives us a different outlook on life.
>>>>> Facing the misconceptions of others causes to be resilient.
>>>>> Just some random thoughts I had... What an interesting discussion!
>>>>> On 5/27/13, justin <justin.williams2 at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>> I don't always know how to respond either; it does looks amazing
>> when
>>>>>> someone is operating in an alternative way. Even I will admit
>>>>>> that anytime someone uses a different set of abilities, or a
>>>>>> skill set which is unfamiliar to me, I consider them a little
>>>>>> beyond ordinary in that particular context, but rarely do I think
>>>>>> they are
> amazing.
>>>>>> While educating people and opening their minds is nice; that is
>>>>>> something that
>> everyone
>>>>>> in
>>>>>> their own way ought to do, it is degrading for a sighted person
>>>>>> to assume that all the skills in life I have acquired are
>>>>>> "amazing for a
>> blind
>>>>>> man."
>>>>>> At thirty-four, I have been subjected to a variety of "inspiring
>>>>>> moments so to speak. Some of them I play along with, and some of
>>>>>> them I
>> don't.
>>>>>> After
>>>>>> a while I have learn to sometimes indulge the person to see where
>> it
>>>>>> goes,
>>>>>> and sometimes I don't. Sometimes I use them as entertainment.
>> Other
>>>>>> times
>>>>>> I cut it off immediately. Usually, I thank them, or make a joke.
>> It
>>>>>> is
>>>>>> good to liven those times up with humor to bring things down to a
>> human
>>>>>> level. And then there are those times when I say absolutely
>> nothing.
>>>>>> Corinthians 1-14 was it...-----Original Message-----
>>>>>> From: nabs-l [mailto:nabs-l-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of
>> melissa
>>>>>> Green
>>>>>> Sent: Tuesday, May 28, 2013 7:04 PM
>>>>>> To: National Association of Blind Students mailing list
>>>>>> Subject: Re: [nabs-l] Those Amazing Inspiring Blind People
>>>>>> I remember that when I was in grade school. the teachers would
>> want to
>>>>>> parade me around in front of the state people coming to observe
>>>>>> the school.
>>>>>> After they left the teacher would harp on how I was just like
>> everyone
>>>>>> else.
>>>>>> I also remember having people applaud because I could walk into
>>>>>> the music room and sit in my chair.
>>>>>> I also remember being told that I had to be completely independent.
>>>>>> No relying on others.
>>>>>> It took me a while to get out of that thought process.
>>>>>> When I did, my view of myself as a blind person changed as well.
>>>>>> .
>>>>>> I could go on and on about my childhood too.
>>>>>> But I won't.
>>>>>> I feel that recognition is nice, but I don't want a big fus made
>> over
>>>>>> me
>>>>>> because of my blindness.
>>>>>> When I was getting ready to go through the graduation ceremony
>>>>>> they wanted to give my guide dog a diploma and put her on mine,
>>>>>> as well as put
>> a
>>>>>> cap
>>>>>> and
>>>>>> gown on her.
>>>>>> I said absolutely not!
>>>>>> I would include her in my own way.
>>>>>> That is what I did.
>>>>>> I put my tassel on her collar and that is how I chose to do it.
>>>>>> It was my choice and noone else's.
>>>>>> Sincerely,
>>>>>> Melissa and Pj
>>>>>> "Forever is composed of nows." -Emily Dickinson facebook Melissa
>>>>>> R Green Linkedin www.linkedin.com/in/melissagreen5674
>>>>>> skype: lissa5674
>>>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>>>> From: "Arielle Silverman" <arielle71 at gmail.com>
>>>>>> To: "National Association of Blind Students mailing list"
>>>>>> <nabs-l at nfbnet.org>
>>>>>> Sent: Tuesday, May 28, 2013 4:42 PM
>>>>>> Subject: [nabs-l] Those Amazing Inspiring Blind People
>>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>> I think some great points have been made here. When someone tells
>> me I
>>>>>> am amazing or inspiring or courageous or whatever, I don't like
>>>>>> it because it implies a lower standard. There's always part of
>>>>>> that compliment that goes unstated: "You're amazing......For a
>>>>>> blind person". It's really a backhanded insult to other blind
>>>>>> people,
>> even
>>>>>> though it may not be intended that way. Also, I don't like being
>> told
>>>>>> that I must have overcome great obstacles or that I must have
>>>>>> great perseverance and passion to get to where I am today,
>>>>>> because I
>> don't
>>>>>> think that's true. My blindness hasn't interfered much with my
>>>>>> educational achievements and compared with many others my life
>>>>>> has been over-privileged. When people make these assumptions I
>>>>>> feel
>> they
>>>>>> are judging me based on blindness without knowing much else about
>> me,
>>>>>> my upbringing or anything I've done.
>>>>>> I also think that the "amazing" comments are particularly tough
>>>>>> on blind youth who also happen to be high achievers. It's hard to
>>>>>> know how to interpret these comments and when we are truly
>>>>>> amazing vs.
>> just
>>>>>> exceeding people's low standards. And sometimes, being an
>> inspiration
>>>>>> is just too much extra pressure when our lives are already filled
>> with
>>>>>> a lot of internal and external demands.
>>>>>> When I was growing up, I got used to these accolades because my
>>>>>> parents had many friends who would marvel at my accomplishments.
>> When
>>>>>> I was young I was often asked to show off my Braille reading for
>>>>>> company and this just completely blew people away. Then as I grew
>>>>>> I was a high achiever in school and won some awards for spelling
>>>>>> bees and things like that. They deserved recognition, but
>>>>>> probably not
>> to
>>>>>> the level that I got. One night when I was ten, I wrote down some
>>>>>> musings about how I felt about blindness and dealing with sighted
>>>>>> kids. My mother ran across my writing on the family computer and
>>>>>> through a random string of events, what I wrote got published in
>> our
>>>>>> local paper. Then when I was eleven, a magazine editor read the
>>>>>> newspaper article and was so amazed and inspired that she asked
>>>>>> me
>> to
>>>>>> write a column for her magazine. This of course only compounded
>>>>>> people's awe and amazement in what I could do, since not only was
>>>>>> I blind but I was also famous. It took several years, but I
>> eventually
>>>>>> realized that I wasn't an amazing writer. I was a decent writer,
>> but
>>>>>> not particularly outstanding at it, and not good at fiction or
>> poetry
>>>>>> at all. The only reason people were so impressed with my writing
>> was
>>>>>> because I wrote about blindness and that was a topic that
>>>>>> intrigued people. I had to get a lot of painful criticism on my
>>>>>> writing
>> before I
>>>>>> eventually realized I wasn't as outstanding as those folks made
>>>>>> me
>> out
>>>>>> to be. Around the time I came to that epiphany, I also began to
>> resent
>>>>>> all the accolades. I remember thinking, at the age of fifteen,
>>>>>> that "adults always treat me like I'm five and fifty at the same
>>>>>> time.
>> But
>>>>>> I just want to be a normal 15-year-old girl!" I felt like on one
>> hand,
>>>>>> I was being held to an impossibly high standard--expected to be
>>>>>> an amazing writer, an inspiration to all--and on the other hand,
>>>>>> held
>> to
>>>>>> an extremely low standard--expected not to be capable of basic
>>>>>> independence. People would praise my writing but then worry about
>> my
>>>>>> ability to walk across a room. I just wanted to blend into the
>> crowd
>>>>>> of teenagers and gossip about boys and clothes (well, mostly just
>>>>>> boys) instead.
>>>>>> Then, at the end of ninth grade, I "accidentally on purpose"
>> failed my
>>>>>> algebra final and earned my first B on my report card. There were
>> some
>>>>>> problems on the final that were hard and I didn't feel like
>> answering
>>>>>> on the last day of school, so I skipped them. I didn't intend to
>>>>>> fail--I think I just got a little overconfident about my ability
>>>>>> to earn straight A's. But I also wonder if on a less conscious
>>>>>> level,
>> I
>>>>>> bombed the test so I could prove to myself and others that I was
>>>>>> a human being and I was capable of screwing up--and not always an
>>>>>> inspiration. Just a week before that final exam, I remember my
>> algebra
>>>>>> teacher admitting that he had doubted my ability to pass his
>>>>>> class
>> at
>>>>>> the beginning of the year, but that he was totally impressed with
>> my
>>>>>> performance. I remember being angry at him for assuming I
>>>>>> wouldn't succeed in his class just because I was blind. And so
>>>>>> perhaps, ironically, I failed his test to try to show him I
>>>>>> wasn't amazing,
>> I
>>>>>> wasn't a superhero, I was just a normal teenager doing the best I
>>>>>> could to succeed in school.
>>>>>> OK, enough rambling about my childhood, but I do think that the
>>>>>> unnecessary recognition we get from the public can be just as
>> damaging
>>>>>> as true discrimination, especially when we are young and trying
>>>>>> to figure out where our true talents are. None of us should be
>>>>>> forced into the position of inspiring others. As first-class
>>>>>> citizens, we have the right to achieve at the level we wish to
>>>>>> achieve at, and
>> we
>>>>>> have a right to accurate feedback about how well we're doing at
>>>>>> something. Fortunately, as others have stated, there are sighted
>> folks
>>>>>> with high expectations who are willing to hold us up to rigorous
>>>>>> standards and to give us a true picture of our strengths and
>>>>>> weaknesses.
>>>>>> Best,
>>>>>> Arielle
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>>>>> --
>>>>> Julie McG
>>>>> National Association of Guide dog Users board member, National
>>>>> Federation of the Blind performing arts division secretary,
>>>>> Missouri Association of Guide dog Users President, and Guiding
>>>>> Eyes for the Blind graduate 2008 "For God so loved the world that
>>>>> he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not
>>>>> perish but may have eternal life."
>>>>> John 3:16
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> com
Julie McG
National Association of Guide dog Users board member, National Federation
of the Blind performing arts division secretary, Missouri Association of
Guide dog Users President, and Guiding Eyes for the Blind graduate 2008 "For
God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who
believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life."
John 3:16
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