[nabs-l] Update on Project Homeless event

Anjelina Cruz anjelinac26 at gmail.com
Mon Sep 30 19:29:20 UTC 2013

Good afternoon all,
 I wanted to give you a quick update about my experience at the Project
 Homeless outreach event I posted about a few weeks ago. Thank you
 everyone for your feedback and encouragement!
 I used my laptop to write the guests answers and e-mailed them to a
printer that was setup in the area. Navigating around the diffent
 vendors was not as difficult as I initially assumed. Even though at
 times I wasn't always sure if I was going in the correct direction,
 many other volunteers were also asking for directions.
 Thank you again for the support of this list and your can-do attitude.
 I needed to be pushed out of my comfort zone!


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