[NABS-L] Paid Social Media Internship: Maryland Department of Disabilities

Bridges Help Desk helpdesk at imagemd.org
Wed Aug 23 16:17:29 UTC 2023

Hi Students:


We have been asked to pass along this opportunity for a paid internship specifically for students with disabilities. Good luck to those who apply!


Chris for the Bridges team




Are you an AT Champion?




We're seeking young adults between 18-24 to serve as

Maryland AT Champions!



The Maryland Assistive Technology (AT) Program, in partnership with TransCen Inc., 

is recruiting 2 young adults with disabilities between the ages of 18-24 to serve as 

Maryland Assistive Technology Champions. 



AT Champions will collaborate with the Maryland AT Program to develop social media content related to assistive technology, including videos, blog posts, material development, and AT fabrication. Maryland AT Champions will also work with AT Champions from other states in the mid-Atlantic region.



6-Month Focus on: 

AT Awareness, Fabrication, Activism, Funding, and Outreach





*    Six month program running from October 2023 - March 2024 

*    Approximately 10 hours per month

*    2 virtual, multi-state meetings per month, required

*    Stipend of approximately $2,000 provided





*    All applications due by August 31, 2023. 


*    All applicants will be notified of final selections by September 18, 2023.


 <https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=0013qarbHkK9C1rEOygOXRin5IVY9ZYgUF8Jis5upVwd81ilbMJ08TksRnQmpHThWkyaWsTWpcMjyTUSQz2o99nnbISsRc0CiF6pBXYedTi5pGX-d5egY4mhU9G4pq8UrO0TGUv-C_PfNE1EM8PmTskY9M__kxIcY6zOpY1SGe10rbVydrYv9YnQK6I5yTxHGHn-M_dBCy4bWJYXJxk6moxU1mtTlIZWSGP74W095yT8ixSYH3z9nTsJLpCk0Fpp5Pzo4i80ujhf0rd5de4I_h15w==&c=GcUH_75s6Aleh7zErpbXB4iVEW-KMA7cdw7q_8UUQ3WH8buwvOD5_w==&ch=3MCUoDMO5y6_oRfX3z8LdfXDJABfQTRiTaZWBnujoB-qU-y8kiqboQ==> APPLY HERE Maryland AT Champions Application 


The Ideal AT Champion


The ideal candidate(s) will be creative, excited to share their passion for assistive technology, and eager to develop leadership skills. Candidates should have some personal experience with assistive technology and tools for people with disabilities.








Free Helpdesk for Maryland Blind/Low Vision Transition Students, Families, Educators, and Community Allies 

Maryland Bridges Technical Assistance Center

Check out our website <https://imagemd.org/bridges-help-desk> 

Send us an email <mailto:Helpdesk at imagemd.org> 

Text: Send to (410) 357-1546 

Voice mail: (410) 357-1546 [leave a detailed message and we will return your call]

Contact us through our accessible web form <https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfucdh9JELV4Q8UkANgjStQUSwJcWys-JjWtcQ4wc8QWkk7Ew/viewform> 

Like our Facebook page <https://www.facebook.com/Bridges4MarylandBlindLowVisionTransition>  

Follow us on Twitter @BridgesHelpdesk <https://twitter.com/BridgesHelpdesk> 

Subscribe to our YouTube channel <https://youtube.com/channel/UCtwRTbjHK0BjqqH-j5dyH3g>  

Tap into our Instagram feed <https://www.instagram.com/bridgeshelpdesk/> 


This unique project is being coordinated through The IMAGE Center of Maryland, a center for independent living in Towson, and it is funded by a grant from the Maryland Department of Education Division of Special Education/Early Intervention Services


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