[nagdu] one sided representing on guide dog school list
Margo and Elmo
margo.downey at verizon.net
Sun Nov 23 20:03:58 UTC 2008
Thanks, jenine, for the clarification. People on any list are not always
gong to like what we say or what we post or misunderstand what we post.
I figure if the moderators of a list allow this or that or don't like
something I've posted or the way I've posted it, I'll know for sure.
Margo andElmo
----- Original Message -----
From: "Jenine Stanley" <jeninems at wowway.com>
To: "'NAGDU Mailing List, the National Association of Guide Dog Users'"
<nagdu at nfbnet.org>
Sent: Sunday, November 23, 2008 10:14 AM
Subject: Re: [nagdu] one sided representing on guide dog school list
> Sorry if I've missed something in a discussion that might have prompted
> Cheryl's message. I seem to be getting double messages on several lists
> lately.
> I realize this may not be taken in the spirit in which it is meant due to
> my
> employment by the guide dog school, but I have given the school's opinion
> on
> our graduate list, when people have complained about Cheryl's posting of
> and NAGDU events, that the list welcomes such postings of events from
> anyone
> and any blindness organization. The moderators have also stated this to
> Cheryl privately and to list members. The list does allow meeting
> announcements and other material as long as it has to do with guide dogs,
> from any organization. We regularly post Cheryl's meeting announcements.
> We
> cannot, however, be responsible for any off-list messages sent to her
> criticizing her posting of such material and when messages have been sent
> to
> the moderators and myself as a representative of the school regarding such
> postings, we have all said that we encourage posting of meeting
> announcements and other guide dog related material from any blindness
> organization and that people may delete such messages if they do not wish
> to
> read them. We, being the moderators, and myself when asked, encourage
> anyone
> posting such messages to make the subject clear in the subject line and
> not
> post without official permission of the organization.
> As for the Long Island Acb president being one of our volunteer staff in
> our
> GPS program, it's my understanding that he was just recently elected to
> that
> position and since we have not held a GPS class since mid 2007, he hasn't
> had a chance to spread the word about Long Island ACB. <grin> He is also
> not
> a member of our graduate list.
> Not sure what provoked Cheryl's message but I did want to keep the record
> straight from GDF's end. As I stated at this summer's NAGDU convention, we
> give out the address and web site for NAGDU to all graduating teams in
> their
> grad packet. We also often refer people to NAGDU and NFB for local
> assistance with advocacy issues. Marion can verify that I've contacted him
> several times for this purpose.
> Jenine Stanley
> jeninems at wowway.com
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