[nagdu] transportation

d m gina dmgina at samobile.net
Tue Jun 2 15:13:52 UTC 2009

If I can get there on my own I am fine to go with my dog.
It is getting rides in the winter that is a problem.
Then especially if they go across town and not stay at the church four 
blocks away.
I am pleased all worked out for you.
They just did upgrades to our church.
Putting in an elevator as well as fixing a bathroom for anyone who needs it.
Wheel chair folks can use it as well.
To put all of this money out and then go across town to another church 
is something I don't understand.
What bothers me the most, is I Dar need to be understanding that if a 
van is used it is insurance cost that keeps it from happening.
So if you don't get to church I am sorry but you must be understanding.
I feel the dog is second issue.
I know nothing has been put in the bulletin because it was never read to me.
I feel they would get response's if they put something in the paper for 
folks to come and get me threw the winter months.
I have time to work on this, so I will do just that.
thanks for asking a lawyer how things stand, because I will get a good 
answer from them.
Thanks so much.

every saint has a past
every sinner has a future

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