[nagdu] Finicky eaters
The Pawpower Pack
pawpower4me at gmail.com
Mon Jul 5 01:48:03 UTC 2010
I don't know; I think Dobermans may be tied with Poodles in the
sneakiness department. My retired border collie guide, Gracy comes to
stay with us once a month or so. I swear she is teaching Laveau all
of her bad habits-- the worst and most offensive being shoe thievery.
She doesn't chew them, or destroy them in any way. She just moves
them. I am Deafblind and can't catch her in the act, so many years
ago, I taught Mill'E to find the stolen shoes because along with the
slogan "know thy dog," another of my favorites is "pick your battles."
Well Gracy has taught Laveau the art of shoe thievery and the Dober-
dog is proving to be an apt student.
Laveau was also a consummate counter-surfer in her day and I thought
we had fixed that little issue until three days ago when I went to let
her out into the yard via the back door in our kitchen. I opened the
door, and turned to call her when I saw her, bold as brass, standing
on her back legs with the front ones braced on the counter, looking
into my sink, which is the place we put meat to defrost.
Old habits die hard, and leopards don't change their spots. So while
I appreciate the fact that she does behave the majority of the time; I
know for a fact that she's always going to have inclinations toward
food thievery and I need to consistently reinforce the behaviors I
wish her to display.
She's a clever one, she is!
Next time Mytsi takes your shoes; I'll send Mill'E over for she has
become quite adept at shoe-finding.
Rox and the Herbal HenchHounds
Bristol (retired), Mill'E SD. and Laveau Guide Dog, CGC.
"It has always been the prerogative of children and half-wits to point
out that the emperor has no clothes. But the half-wit remains a half-
wit, and the emperor remains an emperor."-- Neil Gaiman
pawpower4me at gmail.com
AIM: Brissysgirl
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