[nagdu] call for volunteers to help with NAGDU's exhibit hall table

Marion Gwizdala blind411 at verizon.net
Mon Jun 21 02:53:04 UTC 2010

Dear All,
    I want to thank Sherrill O'Brien for her willingness to take on this 
task. As someone who has been charged with coordinating exhibit hall tables 
in the past, I know what a challenging chore this can be. For those of you 
attending convention, this is a truly grass roots way you can get involved 
in the work of the Association. Fund raising activities help NAGDU continue 
its work and is an excellent networking opportunity for each of us. You just 
never know who you will be talking to in the exhibit hall!
    I want every subscriber to these lists to know that the Board of NAGDU 
is a very hard-working group of volunteers! As leaders, we want you to 
follow our lead! Each of the members of the Board works countless hours each 
year and piches in to staff the exhibit hall table. Please follow our lead 
and give us two hours of your time while in Dallas. Anyone who has worked 
our table knows how much fun we have and how fulfilling it is to volunteer!
    I look forward to seeing old friends and making a few new ones! I'll see 
many of you in Dallas!

Fraternally yours,
Marion Gwizdala, President
National Association of Guide Dog Users
National Federation of the Blind
Blind411 at Verizon.net


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