[nagdu] Man's dogs will set blind kids free
Tamara Smith-Kinney
tamara.8024 at comcast.net
Fri May 14 17:01:49 UTC 2010
Well, I see where you're coming from now. I assure you that, even as a
not-yet-total, I still have plenty of trouble and do a lot of things wrong
and am completely and totally clumsy even now that my hands and arms are
mostly working again. It's still up and down, but I'm pretty sure that when
the physical problems become a nonfactor, I will still manage to mess up and
get confused and, well, bumble and fumble. I will still have to take myself
aside every now and then and spend a day or two or three just "practicing"
being blind by really focusing on my adaptive skills because theyr'e still
not set enough to overcome years of doing things sighted. Sigh.
And the guide dog makes a huge differents for those things overhead, as well
as for those obstacles that can throw off my orientation even on days when
the light is bright enough that I can fall into "using" my residual vision,
which is completley unreliable. Without the dog, I can get turned around
and confused and sometimes just have to stop and let myself catch up with
the world so I can figure out where I am and where I'm supposed to be going.
Yes, my dog makes that bit much, much easier. The very thought of having to
take off to a meeting or something with the cane instead of her is truly
daunting. Ugh! And I have to make opportunities for myself to practice my
O&M with my cane so that I will be only almost totally hopeless should I
find myself waking up to a sick dog or something, needing to travel far to
get where I need to go.... Scary, scary.
Is that pitiful? No! Embarrassing, yes. I would rather be all cool and
together and slick... I'm not. Even with the dog, there are days when I
fumble with everything else and find myself confused by the great difficulty
of getting my perfectly folded and organized money out of my purse to pay
for something... Very embarrassing, and do not feel proud or anything. Nor
do I see myself as pitiful. Just as someone who still has a long way to go
to learn how to live blind with a bit of style and class. /smile/ And,
honestly, there are still days, though they are becoming fewer and farther
between, when I just don't think I can cope. Early on, I had to give myself
permission to simply take a day to *not* cope before getting back to the
struggle to live my life adapting to my increasing loss of central vision.
It was what I needed to do, and I didn't like admitting it to myself, but,
well.... It's what worked for me.
For the record, I don't find your sharing of your experiences and feelings
disagreeable or offensive in anay way. You do well at saying what you
think, even if it is opposite what someone else thinks, without making it a
personal attack or anything. And we all learn from each other and from how
we view and describe our own experiences.
And when you describe your struggles and difficulties and missteps, I do not
see you as pitiful! You do what you need to do in the circumstances you're
in, and that is what is important. I don't see you as special or amazing,
either, just as a fellow blind woman moving around the world as we all do.
In other words, I see you as Michelle. /smile/
Me, I will probably never be as good at being blind as I want to be, but I
will keep trying and learning and screwing up and lecturing myself and...
That's me. I will never be as slick and smooth and graceful as other blind
people I know who are just better adapted or who have been doing it all
their lives or whatever. There will always be better travelers than me.
Better cooks, housekeepers, readers, you name it. That doesn't make me
less, or them more. It just makes us who we are.
Keep sharing your feelings and experiences, Michelle. If we all agreed on
everything, we would never learn, and the discussions would get really
boring. /smile/
Tami Smith-Kinney
-----Original Message-----
From: nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org [mailto:nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf
Of Michelle
Sent: Friday, May 14, 2010 4:57 PM
To: NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog Users
Subject: Re: [nagdu] Man's dogs will set blind kids free
Sorry, but although I agree with some of the stuff you said, there are other
bits I disagree with. Without trying to be rude of offensive, sure most
blind people aren't pitiful, but some are. And excuse me, but I'm one of the
blind people, the few I might add, that despite being instructed by a
professional instructor, getting around wasn't as good a deal as when I got
my guide dog. I had trouble with my white cane, it didn't stop me from
bumping me into stuff most of the time, because as a total, how can I know
when to suddenly put my hands up to protect myself all of a sudden? My dog
prevents that and rarely lets me bump into things. Being blind isn't so easy
for some, and I don't like how some people on here have decided that just
because they get angry with the stuff in the article and the like, they can
say that blind people aren't so pitiful. As a whole they're probably not,
but please don't forget the ones who are having trouble, despite all the
help! (Stern but not intentionally rude and judgmental).
----- Original Message -----
From: "Marion Gwizdala" <blind411 at verizon.net>
To: "NAGDU Mailing List, the National Association of Guide Dog Users"
<nagdu at nfbnet.org>
Sent: Friday, May 14, 2010 1:44 AM
Subject: Re: [nagdu] Man's dogs will set blind kids free
> I'm sorry, but this whole perception of the pitiful blind person whose
> life would be depressing and worthless without a guide dog only serves to
> reinforce the assertion that such organizations as Mira Foundation are
> less
> interested in disseminating accurate information about blindness and more
> concerned with saying whatever they need to say in order to gain support
> for
> their cause! I have never counted steps in my 30 years as a blind person
> and
> can't even tell you if I know a blind person who does! And why did this
> guy
> run into light poles? Perhaps because he had absolutely no O&M instruction
> before getting a guide dog!
> Such drivvle only serves to marginalize those blind people who do not
> use a guide dog, which happens to be the vast majority of the blind!
> Furthermore, the schools that do not give guide dogs to young people do so
> with very sound reasoning. However, one thing better than a poor pitiful
> blind man is a "poor pitiful blind child" to get donors to dig deeply into
> their pockets! Ugh! JMHO!
> Fraternally yours,
> Marion Gwizdala
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Ginger Kutsch" <gingerKutsch at yahoo.com>
> To: "'NAGDU Mailing List, the National Association of Guide Dog Users'"
> <nagdu at nfbnet.org>
> Sent: Thursday, May 13, 2010 8:22 AM
> Subject: [nagdu] Man's dogs will set blind kids free
>> Man's dogs will set blind kids free
>> Published Thu, May 13, 2010 05:02 AM
>> SOUTHERN PINES -- As a blind man, Bob Baillie walks down busy
>> Broad Street often enough to know it is 75 steps from the corner
>> of Pennsylvania Avenue to the first dip in the sidewalk. When he
>> hits the first crack, it's 60 steps to the corner.
>> This intimacy with the concrete would be impossible without
>> Devon, a 110-pound Bernese mountain dog who works for cookies and
>> ear scratches. Before Devon, Baillie would knock into light
>> poles, wander into traffic and curse the surgical accident that
>> left him in the dark three years ago.
>> Freed and inspired by his wet-nosed companion, Baillie, a
>> Southern Pines businessman, decided to connect blind people
>> nationwide with their own guide dogs, focusing on children as
>> young as 11. In a little more than a year, his Aberdeen-based
>> Mira Foundation USA has arranged trained animals for an
>> 11-year-old girl and a 17-year-old boy, and five North Carolina
>> teenagers wait in the pipeline.
>> "I thought it was a wonderful idea," said Cricket Bidleman, the
>> 11-year old, in San Diego. "I'll be a lot safer at school, and
>> I'll have a friend to talk to at home."
>> Baillie's work is expensive and uncommon. Guide dogs cost roughly
>> $60,000 once training is complete, putting their help beyond the
>> reach of many families. Also, guide dog groups often require that
>> blind children be 16 or at least in high school before getting
>> dogs, making rare exceptions.
>> For Baillie, it's a chance to lift depression out of his own life
>> and fill a gap for potentially hundreds more. He hopes his
>> foundation will grow into a charity that places 30 dogs a year,
>> one wagging tail at a time.
>> "Very few of us get the opportunity to really do something for
>> human beings," said Baillie, 66. "Just the fact that you can get
>> up in the morning, grab your dog and go for a walk by yourself."
>> In North Carolina, more than 200,000 people report visual loss, a
>> definition that runs from total blindness to serious difficulty
>> seeing even while wearing glasses, according to a 2008 report
>> from the American Foundation for the Blind.
>> Of that group, more than 11,000 are ages 5 to 17.
>> Blind children aren't typically thought to be mature enough to
>> handle a guide dog before they're 16, though exceptions have been
>> made for 14-year-olds, said William Krol, spokesman for the New
>> York-based Guide Dog Foundation for the Blind.
>> "When you're a guide dog handler, you have a commitment not only
>> to yourself, but also to your dog," he said.
>> Sally Bidleman, Cricket's mom, argued that guide dogs should be
>> provided according to need and ability rather than age. She tried
>> every agency in the country, she said, before finding Mira.
>> Cricket navigates the halls of her school, including the stairs,
>> on her own each day. When her dog arrives this summer, the school
>> will hold an assembly to orient Cricket's classmates on how to
>> approach her companion.
>> "It's like somebody getting eyes, almost," she said. "It's like
>> getting another sense."
>> 'You'd rather be dead'
>> Baillie's blindness struck three years ago during what was
>> supposed to be a simple bypass surgery. The incision cut an
>> artery, he said, and he lost blood to his eyes while he bled. He
>> knew the surgery might be fatal but never received any warning
>> about blindness. To date, Baillie has received no compensation
>> and believes he will have to fight to get any.
>> "Taking a choice between croaking and being blind," Baillie said,
>> "for the first couple of days, you'd rather be dead. Try crossing
>> the street with your eyes closed."
>> Before the surgery, Baillie worked in both dentistry and real
>> estate. For the first year, he struggled with a cane, forcing
>> himself to listen to traffic - a requirement, he said, for
>> getting a dog.
>> "He would just plow into things and he never slowed down," said
>> Kathy Szyja, his director of operations at Mira. "He needed this
>> dog to keep him safe."
>> Devon came from the Mira Foundation in Quebec, and while Baillie
>> was there, learning to walk with him, he learned that children in
>> America rarely get dogs. When he asked about it, he said, he
>> heard an it's-always-been-that-way explanation. So borrowing the
>> Canadian name for his own group, he started Mira USA.
>> 'Dinner in the Dark'
>> It operates as a nonprofit out of an office in Aberdeen with
>> minimal staff. Fundraiser meals and runs boosted its treasury.
>> Now, to raise money, Mira hosts dinners (there's one on Friday)
>> where the guests eat blindfolded. The dogs all come from Mira in
>> Canada and a lot of the expense comes from flying eligible
>> children to Canada, and the trainers to their homes. As Mira
>> grows in Moore County, Baillie hopes to train dogs there.
>> For now, he and Devon rise each morning and make the three-mile
>> trek from his horse-country house to downtown Southern Pines. For
>> the first mile, there are no sidewalks. Before they reach a
>> sidewalk, Baillie and Devon cross four streets.
>> But on Broad Street, everyone knows them.
>> "When you see a person walking up and down the street with a
>> cane," Baillie said, "you're not likely to say hello. But when
>> you walk up and down the street with a dog, let me tell you, it
>> makes a huge difference. People driving by will roll down their
>> window and yell, 'Hey, Devon!' Never mind Bob."
>> Staff researcher David Raynor contributed to this report.
>> josh.shaffer at newsobserver.com or 919-829-4818
>> Source:
>> http://www.newsobserver.com/2010/05/13/v-print/479987/mans-dogs-s
>> et-blind-kids-free.html
>> Ginger Bennett Kutsch
>> Morristown, NJ
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