May 2010 Archives by author
Starting: Sat May 1 01:32:02 UTC 2010
Ending: Mon May 31 23:12:32 UTC 2010
Messages: 646
- [nagdu] waiting in line
Katrin Andberg
- [nagdu] Good idea!
Katrin Andberg
- [nagdu] dog carting was Good idea!
Katrin Andberg
- [nagdu] waiting in line
Katrin Andberg
- [nagdu] Missing Washington Co. Boy Found After 5-Mile BarefootWalk
Katrin Andberg
- [nagdu] Missing Washington Co. Boy Found After 5-Mile BarefootWalk
Katrin Andberg
- [nagdu] Missing Washington Co. Boy Found After 5-MileBarefootWalk
Katrin Andberg
- [nagdu] Missing Washington Co. Boy Found After5-MileBarefootWalk
Katrin Andberg
- [nagdu] I just received my first guide dog ... It's a boy!
AnnaLisa Anderson
- [nagdu] Jessica's survey answers
AnnaLisa Anderson
- [nagdu] A thing I teach my dogs
AnnaLisa Anderson
- [nagdu] Man's dogs will set blind kids free
AnnaLisa Anderson
- [nagdu] Bernese Mountain dog
AnnaLisa Anderson
- [nagdu] Bernese Mountain dog
AnnaLisa Anderson
- [nagdu] All Done
AnnaLisa Anderson
- [nagdu] My new boy!
AnnaLisa Anderson
- [nagdu] Soft Stool
AnnaLisa Anderson
- [nagdu] Puppyraising for owner training
David Andrews
- [nagdu] Dalmatians
David Andrews
- [nagdu] 2010 NFB Convention Agenda Now Available
David Andrews
- [nagdu] Raw diet for guide dogs
Tara Annis
- [nagdu] FW: "Crazy Blind Guy" sees his way to fitness
Margo and Arrow
- [nagdu] FW: "Crazy Blind Guy" sees his way to fitness
Margo and Arrow
- [nagdu] Carolina Eye Partners With Mira Foundation
Margo and Arrow
- [nagdu] Carolina Eye Partners With Mira Foundation
Margo and Arrow
- [nagdu] "Starting a Dialogue?
Margo and Arrow
- [nagdu] Guide dog Attacked near syracuse
Margo and Arrow
- [nagdu] Is there a team NAGDU for convention this year
Margo and Arrow
- [nagdu] Is there a team NAGDU for convention this year
Margo and Arrow
- [nagdu] GDB Swiss Harness Sizes?
Jeanette Beal
- [nagdu] GDB Swiss Harness Sizes?
Jeanette Beal
- [nagdu] Hey Got a Question for the List
Cathryn Bonnette
- [nagdu] street crossings
Cathryn Bonnette
- [nagdu] "Starting a Dialogue?
Cathryn Bonnette
- [nagdu] "Starting a Dialogue?
Cathryn Bonnette
- [nagdu] annoying behavior
Cathryn Bonnette
- [nagdu] Re Annoying Behavior
Cathryn Bonnette
- [nagdu] annoying behavior to Cathryn
Cathryn Bonnette
- [nagdu] annoying behavior to Cathryn
Cathryn Bonnette
- [nagdu] Carolina Eye Partners With Mira Foundation
Buddy Brannan
- [nagdu] Man's dogs will set blind kids free
Buddy Brannan
- [nagdu] Man's dogs will set blind kids free
Buddy Brannan
- [nagdu] Man's dogs will set blind kids free
Buddy Brannan
- [nagdu] Man's dogs will set blind kids free
Buddy Brannan
- [nagdu] Man's dogs will set blind kids free
Buddy Brannan
- [nagdu] Smallest Guide Dog
Bryan Brown
- [nagdu] Smallest Guide Dog
Bryan Brown
- [nagdu] Missing Washington Co. Boy Found After5-MileBarefootWalk
Mark J. Cadigan
- [nagdu] Missing Washington Co. Boy Found After5-MileBarefootWalk
Mark J. Cadigan
- [nagdu] Missing Washington Co. Boy Found After5-MileBarefootWalk
Mark J. Cadigan
- [nagdu] Missing Washington Co. Boy Found After5-MileBarefootWalk
Mark J. Cadigan
- [nagdu] guide dog attacked near Syracuse
Mark J. Cadigan
- [nagdu] rejected by the lions club?
Tracy Carcione
- [nagdu] Puppyraising for owner training
Tracy Carcione
- [nagdu] Dalmatians
Tracy Carcione
- [nagdu] You never know
Tracy Carcione
- [nagdu] New dogs in May for some people
Tracy Carcione
- [nagdu] Smallest Guide Dog
Tracy Carcione
- [nagdu] You never know
Tracy Carcione
- [nagdu] Replacement Dog
Tracy Carcione
- [nagdu] Smallest Guide Dog
Tracy Carcione
- [nagdu] Raw diet for guide dogs
Tracy Carcione
- [nagdu] I just received my first guide dog ... It's a boy!
Tracy Carcione
- [nagdu] docked tails was Smallest Guide Dog
Tracy Carcione
- [nagdu] what do you feed
Tracy Carcione
- [nagdu] How long Echo worked, was: Raw diet for guide dogs
Tracy Carcione
- [nagdu] any suggestions?
Tracy Carcione
- [nagdu] Nixon's 7th birthday and retirement question
Tracy Carcione
- [nagdu] A thing I teach my dogs
Tracy Carcione
- [nagdu] A thing I teach my dogs
Tracy Carcione
- [nagdu] A thing I teach my dogs
Tracy Carcione
- [nagdu] updates
Tracy Carcione
- [nagdu] Bernese Mountain dog
Tracy Carcione
- [nagdu] Man's dogs will set blind kids free
Tracy Carcione
- [nagdu] Bernese Mountain dog
Tracy Carcione
- [nagdu] dog drop-out rate
Tracy Carcione
- [nagdu] dog drop-out rate
Tracy Carcione
- [nagdu] Shepherds at GDB Re: dog drop-out rate
Tracy Carcione
- [nagdu] All Done
Tracy Carcione
- [nagdu] Bernese Mountain dog
Tracy Carcione
- [nagdu] dog drop-out rate
Tracy Carcione
- [nagdu] Shepherds at GDB Re: dog drop-out rate
Tracy Carcione
- [nagdu] Seeing Eye annual report
Tracy Carcione
- [nagdu] Dog drop-out rate
Tracy Carcione
- [nagdu] Australia: Survey results on dog attacks & publicinterference
Tracy Carcione
- [nagdu] My new boy!
Tracy Carcione
- [nagdu] GDF's step refusal
Tracy Carcione
- [nagdu] Soft Stool
Tracy Carcione
- [nagdu] reasons to go to the vet
Tracy Carcione
- [nagdu] (no subject)
Tracy Carcione
- [nagdu] (no subject)
Tracy Carcione
- [nagdu] annoying behavior
Tracy Carcione
- [nagdu] Service dog helps control anxiety attacks
Tracy Carcione
- [nagdu] FW: Announcing plans to renovate GDB's California campus
Tracy Carcione
- [nagdu] Quiet car legislation coming up
Tracy Carcione
- [nagdu] Introduction
Pawpower Creations
- [nagdu] [SPAM] Re: Introduction
Pawpower Creations
- [nagdu] Introduction
Pawpower Creations
- [nagdu] Raw diet for guide dogs
Pawpower Creations
- [nagdu] Harnesses Re: Introduction
Pawpower Creations
- [nagdu] Thanks for the welcome
Pawpower Creations
- [nagdu] Harnesses Re: Introduction
Pawpower Creations
- [nagdu] Harnesses Re: Introduction
Pawpower Creations
- [nagdu] Harnesses Re: Introduction
Pawpower Creations
- [nagdu] Harnesses Re: Introduction
Pawpower Creations
- [nagdu] Man's dogs will set blind kids free
Pawpower Creations
- [nagdu] Funny dog stories, poems, quotes etc
Pawpower Creations
- [nagdu] elections?
Marsha Drenth
- [nagdu] elections?
Marsha Drenth
- [nagdu] annoying behavior
Marsha Drenth
- [nagdu] annoying behavior
Marsha Drenth
- [nagdu] annoying behavior
Marsha Drenth
- [nagdu] annoying behavior to Cathryn
Marsha Drenth
- [nagdu] Re Annoying Behavior
Marsha Drenth
- [nagdu] Carolina Eye Partners With Mira Foundation
Toni Eames
- [nagdu] Recovery from spinal fusion
Toni Eames
- [nagdu] IAADP scholarship opportunity for 2010
Toni Eames
- [nagdu] what do you feed
Ann Edie
- [nagdu] Replacement Dog
Ioana Gandrabur
- [nagdu] Carolina Eye Partners With Mira Foundation
Ioana Gandrabur
- [nagdu] what do you feed survey answers
Ioana Gandrabur
- [nagdu] Shepherds at GDB Re: dog drop-out rate and greetings from San rafael
Ioana Gandrabur
- [nagdu] My new boy!
Ioana Gandrabur
- [nagdu] training update
Ioana Gandrabur
- [nagdu] finding an empty seat and update on training
Ioana Gandrabur
- [nagdu] Harnesses Re: Introduction
Kolby Garrison
- [nagdu] GOOD IDEA!
Kolby Garrison
- [nagdu] All Done
Melissa Green
- [nagdu] Got a question for the list
Linda Gwizdak
- [nagdu] rejected by teh lions club?
Linda Gwizdak
- [nagdu] Smallest Guide Dog
Linda Gwizdak
- [nagdu] Puppyraising for owner training
Linda Gwizdak
- [nagdu] Raw diet for guide dogs
Linda Gwizdak
- [nagdu] Puppyraising for owner training
Linda Gwizdak
- [nagdu] Replacement Dog
Linda Gwizdak
- [nagdu] Carolina Eye Partners With Mira Foundation
Linda Gwizdak
- [nagdu] Carolina Eye Partners With Mira Foundation
Linda Gwizdak
- [nagdu] what do you feed
Linda Gwizdak
- [nagdu] Carolina Eye Partners With Mira Foundation
Linda Gwizdak
- [nagdu] Harnesses Re: Introduction
Linda Gwizdak
- [nagdu] "Starting a Dialogue?
Linda Gwizdak
- [nagdu] Good idea!
Linda Gwizdak
- [nagdu] Man's dogs will set blind kids free
Linda Gwizdak
- [nagdu] Man's dogs will set blind kids free
Linda Gwizdak
- [nagdu] Man's dogs will set blind kids free
Linda Gwizdak
- [nagdu] "Starting a Dialogue?
Linda Gwizdak
- [nagdu] Shepherds at GDB Re: dog drop-out rate and greetingsfrom San rafael
Linda Gwizdak
- [nagdu] Missing Washington Co. Boy Found After 5-MileBarefootWalk
Linda Gwizdak
- [nagdu] Missing Washington Co. Boy Found After 5-Mile BarefootWalk
Linda Gwizdak
- [nagdu] CC equipment for guide and service dogs
Linda Gwizdak
- [nagdu] Missing Washington Co. Boy Found After 5-MileBarefootWalk
Linda Gwizdak
- [nagdu] CC equipment for guide and service dogs
Linda Gwizdak
- [nagdu] Missing Washington Co. Boy Found After5-MileBarefootWalk
Linda Gwizdak
- [nagdu] My new boy!
Linda Gwizdak
- [nagdu] annoying behavior
Linda Gwizdak
- [nagdu] Service dog helps control anxiety attacks
Linda Gwizdak
- [nagdu] GDF's step refusal
Linda Gwizdak
- [nagdu] rejected by teh lions club?
Marion Gwizdala
- [nagdu] rejected by teh lions club?
Marion Gwizdala
- [nagdu] rejected by teh lions club?
Marion Gwizdala
- [nagdu] You never know
Marion Gwizdala
- [nagdu] Smallest Guide Dog
Marion Gwizdala
- [nagdu] Room Mate Needed for National Convention
Marion Gwizdala
- [nagdu] I just received my first guide dog ... It's a boy!
Marion Gwizdala
- [nagdu] Carolina Eye Partners With Mira Foundation
Marion Gwizdala
- [nagdu] On the Radio
Marion Gwizdala
- [nagdu] Carolina Eye Partners With Mira Foundation
Marion Gwizdala
- [nagdu] Dining in the Dark
Marion Gwizdala
- [nagdu] Carolina Eye Partners With Mira Foundation
Marion Gwizdala
- [nagdu] "Starting a Dialogue?
Marion Gwizdala
- [nagdu] "Starting a Dialogue?
Marion Gwizdala
- [nagdu] "Starting a Dialogue?
Marion Gwizdala
- [nagdu] Man's dogs will set blind kids free
Marion Gwizdala
- [nagdu] "Starting a Dialogue?
Marion Gwizdala
- [nagdu] Man's dogs will set blind kids free
Marion Gwizdala
- [nagdu] All Done
Marion Gwizdala
- [nagdu] Guide dog Attacked near syracuse
Marion Gwizdala
- [nagdu] Is there a team NAGDU for convention this year
Marion Gwizdala
- [nagdu] the smallest guide dog
Mardi Hadfield
- [nagdu] comparing harnesses
Mardi Hadfield
- [nagdu] Survey answers
Mardi Hadfield
- [nagdu] guide dog attacked near Syracuse
Mardi Hadfield
- [nagdu] I just received my first guide dog ... It's a boy!
Bob Hicks
- [nagdu] rejected by the lions club?
Michael Hingson
- [nagdu] KNFB Reader Mobile At NFB National Convention
Michael Hingson
- [nagdu] GDB Swiss Harness Sizes?
Michael Hingson
- [nagdu] All Done
Michael Hingson
- [nagdu] street crossings
Julie J
- [nagdu] pros and cons of guide dogs
Julie J
- [nagdu] Hey Got a Question for the List
Julie J
- [nagdu] Leader Dog information
Julie J
- [nagdu] rejected by teh lions club?
Julie J
- [nagdu] rejected by the lions club?
Julie J
- [nagdu] owner training
Julie J
- [nagdu] Puppy Raising (was) Re: SELF TRAINING
Julie J
Julie J
- [nagdu] rejected by the lions club?
Julie J
- [nagdu] Smallest Guide Dog
Julie J
- [nagdu] rejected by the lions club?
Julie J
- [nagdu] Dalmatians
Julie J
- [nagdu] docked tails was Smallest Guide Dog
Julie J
- [nagdu] Raw diet for guide dogs
Julie J
- [nagdu] Introduction
Julie J
- [nagdu] Raw diet for guide dogs
Julie J
- [nagdu] I just received my first guide dog ... It's a boy!
Julie J
- [nagdu] Carolina Eye Partners With Mira Foundation
Julie J
- [nagdu] Carolina Eye Partners With Mira Foundation
Julie J
- [nagdu] Harnesses Re: Introduction
Julie J
- [nagdu] what do you feed
Julie J
- [nagdu] any suggestions?
Julie J
- [nagdu] what do you feed
Julie J
- [nagdu] Harnesses Re: Introduction
Julie J
- [nagdu] Comparing Harnesses
Julie J
- [nagdu] waiting in line
Julie J
- [nagdu] Bernese Mountain dog
Julie J
- [nagdu] updates
Julie J
- [nagdu] Man's dogs will set blind kids free
Julie J
- [nagdu] comparing harnesses
Julie J
- [nagdu] changes at GDF was Missing Washington Co. Boy Found After5-MileBarefootWalk
Julie J
- [nagdu] Australia: Survey results on dog attacks & publicinterference
Julie J
- [nagdu] Missing Washington Co. Boy Found After5-MileBarefootWalk
Julie J
- [nagdu] Missing Washington Co. Boy Found After5-MileBarefootWalk
Julie J
- [nagdu] Missing Washington Co. Boy Found After5-MileBarefootWalk
Julie J
- [nagdu] Soft Stool
Julie J
- [nagdu] elections?
Julie J
- [nagdu] guide dog survey
Julie J
- [nagdu] elections?
Julie J
- [nagdu] guide dog survey
Julie J
- [nagdu] elections?
Julie J
- [nagdu] elections?
Julie J
- [nagdu] Service dog helps control anxiety attacks
Julie J
- [nagdu] visiting a friend's apartment?
Julie J
- [nagdu] finding an empty seat
Julie J
- [nagdu] finding an empty seat
Julie J
- [nagdu] finding an empty seat and update on training
Julie J
- [nagdu] Man's dogs will set blind kids free
Nimer Jaber
- [nagdu] questions about guide dogs and cruises
Chasity Jackson
- [nagdu] questions about guide dogs and cruises
Chasity Jackson
- [nagdu] Nixon's 7th birthday and retirement question
- [nagdu] rejected by teh lions club?
Steve Johnson
- [nagdu] rejected by the lions club?
Steve Johnson
- [nagdu] Puppy Raising (was) Re: SELF TRAINING
Steve Johnson
- [nagdu] I just received my first guide dog ... It's a boy!
Steve Johnson
- [nagdu] Smallest Guide Dog
Steve Johnson
- [nagdu] Raw diet for guide dogs
Steve Johnson
- [nagdu] questions
Steve Johnson
- [nagdu] When Treating One Worker's Allergy Sets Off Another's
Steve Johnson
- [nagdu] Man's dogs will set blind kids free
Steve Johnson
- [nagdu] GDF's step refusal
Steve Johnson
- [nagdu] Missing Washington Co. Boy Found After5-MileBarefootWalk
Steve Johnson
- [nagdu] changes at GDF was MissingWashingtonCo.BoyFoundAfter5-MileBarefootWalk
Steve Johnson
- [nagdu] reasons to go to the vet
Steve Johnson
- [nagdu] visiting a friend's apartment?
Steve Johnson
- [nagdu] LD? was Re: visiting a friend's apartment?
Steve Johnson
- [nagdu] Service dog helps control anxiety attacks
Steve Johnson
- [nagdu] FW: "Crazy Blind Guy" sees his way to fitness
Susan Jones
- [nagdu] Replacement Dog
Susan Jones
- [nagdu] HARNESSES
Susan Jones
Susan Jones
- [nagdu] GOOD IDEA!
Susan Jones
- [nagdu] When Treating One Worker's Allergy Sets Off Another's
Susan Jones
- [nagdu] All Done
Susan Jones
- [nagdu] Missing Washington Co. Boy Found After 5-Mile Barefoot Walk
Susan Jones
- [nagdu] Missing Washington Co. Boy Found After 5-MileBarefootWalk
Susan Jones
- [nagdu] When Treating One Worker's Allergy Sets Off Another's
Ginger Kutsch
- [nagdu] what do you feed
Ginger Kutsch
- [nagdu] Man's dogs will set blind kids free
Ginger Kutsch
- [nagdu] Blind GMU graduate achieves his dream
Ginger Kutsch
- [nagdu] Missing Washington Co. Boy Found After 5-Mile Barefoot Walk
Ginger Kutsch
- [nagdu] Australia: Survey results on dog attacks & public interference
Ginger Kutsch
- [nagdu] Condo owners want to test DNA of dog poo to track negligent owners
Ginger Kutsch
- [nagdu] $50,000 Settlement Reached in Service Animal Litigation
Ginger Kutsch
- [nagdu] Service dog helps control anxiety attacks
Ginger Kutsch
Ginger Kutsch
- [nagdu] FW: Announcing plans to renovate GDB's California campus
Jonathan Lyens
- [nagdu] FW: "Crazy Blind Guy" sees his way to fitness
- [nagdu] Smallest Guide Dog
- [nagdu] Smallest Guide Dog
- [nagdu] I just received my first guide dog ... It's a boy!
- [nagdu] canine power tools
- [nagdu] GOOD IDEA!
- [nagdu] updates
- [nagdu] Got a question for the list
Wayne Merritt
- [nagdu] Missing Washington Co. Boy Found After 5-MileBarefootWalk
Wayne Merritt
- [nagdu] Dalmatians
Ed Meskys
- [nagdu] Smallest Guide Dog
Ed Meskys
- [nagdu] Dalmatians
Ed Meskys
- [nagdu] Smallest Guide Dog
Ed Meskys
- [nagdu] I'm back
Ed Meskys
- [nagdu] Fw: Guide dog of NYC advocate for the blind dies at 13
Ed Meskys
- [nagdu] A thing I teach my dogs
- [nagdu] A thing I teach my dogs
- [nagdu] Man's dogs will set blind kids free
- [nagdu] Man's dogs will set blind kids free
- [nagdu] Man's dogs will set blind kids free
- [nagdu] Man's dogs will set blind kids free
- [nagdu] annoying behavior
Allison Nastoff
- [nagdu] (no subject)
Sherrill O'Brien
- [nagdu] elections?
Sherrill O'Brien
- [nagdu] elections?
Sherrill O'Brien
- [nagdu] dog drop-out rate
Jordan Frances Ortiz
Cheryl Osborn
- [nagdu] Dalmatians
Cheryl Osborn
- [nagdu] Replacement Dog
Cheryl Osborn
- [nagdu] I just received my first guide dog ... It's a boy!
Cheryl Osborn
- [nagdu] retirement
Cheryl Osborn
- [nagdu] When Treating One Worker's Allergy Sets Off Another's
Cheryl Osborn
- [nagdu] Many Thanks re: replacement dog
Cheryl Osborn
- [nagdu] "Starting a Dialogue?
Cheryl Osborn
- [nagdu] waiting in line
Cheryl Osborn
- [nagdu] "Starting a Dialogue?
Cheryl Osborn
- [nagdu] A thing I teach my dogs
Cheryl Osborn
- [nagdu] "Starting a Dialogue?
Cheryl Osborn
- [nagdu] "Starting a Dialogue?
Cheryl Osborn
- [nagdu] FW: "Crazy Blind Guy" sees his way to fitness
Charlene Ota
- [nagdu] owner training
Charlene Ota
- [nagdu] owner training
Charlene Ota
- [nagdu] Many Thanks re: replacement dog
Charlene Ota
- [nagdu] All Done
Charlene Ota
- [nagdu] reasons to go to the vet
Charlene Ota
- [nagdu] annoying behavior
Charlene Ota
- [nagdu] rejected by teh lions club?
The Pawpower Pack
- [nagdu] Puppyraising for owner training
The Pawpower Pack
- [nagdu] Puppyraising for owner training
The Pawpower Pack
- [nagdu] Puppyraising for owner training
The Pawpower Pack
- [nagdu] Smallest Guide Dog
The Pawpower Pack
- [nagdu] Dalmatians
The Pawpower Pack
- [nagdu] Dalmatians
The Pawpower Pack
- [nagdu] Smallest Guide Dog
The Pawpower Pack
- [nagdu] Puppyraising for owner training
The Pawpower Pack
- [nagdu] Smallest Guide Dog
The Pawpower Pack
- [nagdu] Raw diet for guide dogs
The Pawpower Pack
- [nagdu] Raw diet for guide dogs
The Pawpower Pack
- [nagdu] canine power tools
The Pawpower Pack
- [nagdu] canine power tools
The Pawpower Pack
- [nagdu] survey answers for Jessica
The Pawpower Pack
- [nagdu] Harnesses Re: Introduction
The Pawpower Pack
- [nagdu] Harnesses Re: Introduction
The Pawpower Pack
- [nagdu] Harnesses Re: Introduction
The Pawpower Pack
- [nagdu] Harnesses Re: Introduction
The Pawpower Pack
- [nagdu] any suggestions?
The Pawpower Pack
- [nagdu] A thing I teach my dogs
The Pawpower Pack
- [nagdu] A thing I teach my dogs
The Pawpower Pack
- [nagdu] A thing I teach my dogs
The Pawpower Pack
- [nagdu] Man's dogs will set blind kids free
The Pawpower Pack
- [nagdu] Man's dogs will set blind kids free
The Pawpower Pack
- [nagdu] Man's dogs will set blind kids free
The Pawpower Pack
- [nagdu] CC equipment for guide and service dogs
The Pawpower Pack
- [nagdu] changes at GDF was MissingWashingtonCo.BoyFoundAfter5-MileBarefootWalk
The Pawpower Pack
- [nagdu] visiting a friend's apartment?
The Pawpower Pack
- [nagdu] Service dog helps control anxiety attacks
The Pawpower Pack
- [nagdu] GDF's step refusal
The Pawpower Pack
- [nagdu] GDF's step refusal
The Pawpower Pack
- [nagdu] GDF's step refusal
The Pawpower Pack
- [nagdu] questions about guide dogs and cruises
The Pawpower Pack
- [nagdu] finding an empty seat
The Pawpower Pack
- [nagdu] questions about guide dogs and cruises
The Pawpower Pack
- [nagdu] Smallest Guide Dog
Hope Paulos
- [nagdu] A thing I teach my dogs
Hope Paulos
- [nagdu] Missing Washington Co. Boy Found After 5-Mile BarefootWalk
Hope Paulos
- [nagdu] Missing Washington Co. Boy Found After5-MileBarefootWalk
Hope Paulos
- [nagdu] Missing Washington Co. Boy Found After5-MileBarefootWalk
Hope Paulos
- [nagdu] Missing Washington Co. Boy Found After5-MileBarefootWalk
Hope Paulos
- [nagdu] Missing Washington Co. Boy Found After5-MileBarefootWalk
Hope Paulos
- [nagdu] changes at GDF was Missing WashingtonCo.BoyFoundAfter5-MileBarefootWalk
Hope Paulos
- [nagdu] Missing Washington Co. Boy Found After5-MileBarefootWalk
Hope Paulos
- [nagdu] Soft Stool
Hope Paulos
- [nagdu] reasons to go to the vet
Hope Paulos
- [nagdu] GDF's step refusal
Hope Paulos
- [nagdu] finding an empty seat
Hope Paulos
- [nagdu] Got a question for the list
Pickrell, Rebecca M (TASC)
- [nagdu] rejected by teh lions club?
Pickrell, Rebecca M (TASC)
- [nagdu] rejected by the lions club?
Pickrell, Rebecca M (TASC)
- [nagdu] rejected by the lions club?
Pickrell, Rebecca M (TASC)
- [nagdu] FW: "Crazy Blind Guy" sees his way to fitness
Pickrell, Rebecca M (TASC)
- [nagdu] rejected by the lions club?
Pickrell, Rebecca M (TASC)
- [nagdu] You never know
Pickrell, Rebecca M (TASC)
- [nagdu] rejected by the lions club?
Pickrell, Rebecca M (TASC)
- [nagdu] Puppyraising for owner training
Pickrell, Rebecca M (TASC)
- [nagdu] Hey Got a Question for the List
Pickrell, Rebecca M (TASC)
- [nagdu] Smallest Guide Dog
Pickrell, Rebecca M (TASC)
- [nagdu] GDB Swiss Harness Sizes?
Pickrell, Rebecca M (TASC)
- [nagdu] GDB Swiss Harness Sizes?
Pickrell, Rebecca M (TASC)
- [nagdu] Carolina Eye Partners With Mira Foundation
Pickrell, Rebecca M (TASC)
- [nagdu] any suggestions?
Pickrell, Rebecca M (TASC)
- [nagdu] Puppyraising for owner training
Pickrell, Rebecca M (TASC)
- [nagdu] Smallest Guide Dog
Pickrell, Rebecca M (TASC)
- [nagdu] Replacement Dog
Pickrell, Rebecca M (TASC)
- [nagdu] Many Thanks re: replacement dog
Pickrell, Rebecca M (TASC)
- [nagdu] A thing I teach my dogs
Pickrell, Rebecca M (TASC)
- [nagdu] "Starting a Dialogue?
Pickrell, Rebecca M (TASC)
- [nagdu] A thing I teach my dogs
Pickrell, Rebecca M (TASC)
- [nagdu] Man's dogs will set blind kids free
Pickrell, Rebecca M (TASC)
- [nagdu] Man's dogs will set blind kids free
Pickrell, Rebecca M (TASC)
- [nagdu] "Starting a Dialogue?
Pickrell, Rebecca M (TASC)
- [nagdu] A thing I teach my dogs
Pickrell, Rebecca M (TASC)
- [nagdu] Man's dogs will set blind kids free
Pickrell, Rebecca M (TASC)
- [nagdu] Man's dogs will set blind kids free
Pickrell, Rebecca M (TASC)
- [nagdu] Man's dogs will set blind kids free
Pickrell, Rebecca M (TASC)
- [nagdu] Man's dogs will set blind kids free
Pickrell, Rebecca M (TASC)
- [nagdu] Missing Washington Co. Boy Found After 5-Mile Barefoot Walk
Pickrell, Rebecca M (TASC)
- [nagdu] Missing Washington Co. Boy Found After 5-Mile BarefootWalk
Pickrell, Rebecca M (TASC)
- [nagdu] All Done
Pickrell, Rebecca M (TASC)
- [nagdu] Missing Washington Co. Boy Found After 5-MileBarefootWalk
Pickrell, Rebecca M (TASC)
- [nagdu] Missing Washington Co. Boy Found After 5-MileBarefootWalk
Pickrell, Rebecca M (TASC)
- [nagdu] Missing Washington Co. Boy Found After 5-MileBarefootWalk
Pickrell, Rebecca M (TASC)
- [nagdu] Missing Washington Co. Boy Found After5-MileBarefootWalk
Pickrell, Rebecca M (TASC)
- [nagdu] Missing Washington Co. Boy Found After5-MileBarefootWalk
Pickrell, Rebecca M (TASC)
- [nagdu] changes at GDF was Missing Washington Co. BoyFoundAfter5-MileBarefootWalk
Pickrell, Rebecca M (TASC)
- [nagdu] changes at GDF was Missing WashingtonCo.BoyFoundAfter5-MileBarefootWalk
Pickrell, Rebecca M (TASC)
- [nagdu] Missing Washington Co. Boy Found After5-MileBarefootWalk
Pickrell, Rebecca M (TASC)
- [nagdu] changes at GDF wasMissingWashingtonCo.BoyFoundAfter5-MileBarefootWalk
Pickrell, Rebecca M (TASC)
- [nagdu] Missing Washington Co. Boy Found After5-MileBarefootWalk
Pickrell, Rebecca M (TASC)
- [nagdu] GDF's step refusal
Pickrell, Rebecca M (TASC)
- [nagdu] Explanation of traffic lights and pedestrian signals
Pickrell, Rebecca M (TASC)
- [nagdu] Re Annoying Behavior
Pickrell, Rebecca M (TASC)
- [nagdu] GDF's step refusal
Pickrell, Rebecca M (TASC)
- [nagdu] GDF's step refusal
Pickrell, Rebecca M (TASC)
- [nagdu] Re Annoying Behavior
Pickrell, Rebecca M (TASC)
- [nagdu] GDF's step refusal
Pickrell, Rebecca M (TASC)
- [nagdu] GDF's step refusal
Pickrell, Rebecca M (TASC)
- [nagdu] rejected by teh lions club?
Jessica Pitzer
- [nagdu] rejected by teh lions club?
Jessica Pitzer
- [nagdu] rejected by the lions club?
Jessica Pitzer
- [nagdu] rejected by the lions club?
Jessica Pitzer
- [nagdu] rejected by the lions club?
Jessica Pitzer
- [nagdu] owner training
Jessica Pitzer
Jessica Pitzer
- [nagdu] rejected by teh lions club?
Jessica Pitzer
- [nagdu] what do you feed
Jessica Pitzer
- [nagdu] any suggestions?
Jessica Pitzer
- [nagdu] Harnesses Re: Introduction
Jessica Pitzer
- [nagdu] Please keep rolo in your thoughts today.
Jessica Pitzer
- [nagdu] Harnesses Re: Introduction
Jessica Pitzer
- [nagdu] updates
Jessica Pitzer
- [nagdu] All Done
Marty Rahn
- [nagdu] Soft Stool
Elizabeth Rene
- [nagdu] Re Annoying Behavior
Elizabeth Rene
- [nagdu] Guide Dog Schools
Elizabeth Rene
- [nagdu] Hey Got a Question for the List
Albert J Rizzi
- [nagdu] rejected by the lions club?
Albert J Rizzi
- [nagdu] rejected by the lions club?
Albert J Rizzi
- [nagdu] rejected by the lions club?
Albert J Rizzi
- [nagdu] You never know
Albert J Rizzi
- [nagdu] Carolina Eye Partners With Mira Foundation
Albert J Rizzi
- [nagdu] Carolina Eye Partners With Mira Foundation
Albert J Rizzi
- [nagdu] Carolina Eye Partners With Mira Foundation
Albert J Rizzi
- [nagdu] Man's dogs will set blind kids free
Albert J Rizzi
- [nagdu] Man's dogs will set blind kids free
Albert J Rizzi
- [nagdu] Missing Washington Co. Boy Found After5-MileBarefootWalk
Albert J Rizzi
- [nagdu] changes at GDF was Missing WashingtonCo.BoyFoundAfter5-MileBarefootWalk
Albert J Rizzi
- [nagdu] Missing Washington Co. Boy Found After5-MileBarefootWalk
Albert J Rizzi
- [nagdu] Smallest Guide Dog
Jewel S.
- [nagdu] Dalmatians
Jewel S.
- [nagdu] Dalmatians
Jewel S.
- [nagdu] the Dalmatian guide
Jewel S.
- [nagdu] Dalmatians
Jewel S.
- [nagdu] Dalmatians
Jewel S.
- [nagdu] Introduction
Jewel S.
- [nagdu] Harnesses Re: Introduction
Jewel S.
- [nagdu] Harnesses Re: Introduction
Jewel S.
- [nagdu] "Starting a Dialogue?
Jewel S.
- [nagdu] GDF's step refusal
Jewel S.
- [nagdu] GDF's step refusal
Jewel S.
- [nagdu] GDF's step refusal
- [nagdu] owner training
- [nagdu] I just received my first guide dog ... It's a boy!
- [nagdu] Soft Stool
Jess And Saunders
- [nagdu] Jessica's survey answers
Jess And Saunders
- [nagdu] GOOD IDEA!
Rena Seay
- [nagdu] Leader Dog information
- [nagdu] A thing I teach my dogs
- [nagdu] Good idea!
- [nagdu] dog carting was Good idea!
- [nagdu] Man's dogs will set blind kids free
- [nagdu] changes at GDF was MissingWashingtonCo.BoyFoundAfter5-MileBarefootWalk
- [nagdu] changes at GDF wasMissingWashingtonCo.BoyFoundAfter5-MileBarefootWalk
- [nagdu] Explanation of traffic lights and pedestrian signals
- [nagdu] Got a question for the list
Tamara Smith-Kinney
- [nagdu] New dogs in May for some people
Tamara Smith-Kinney
- [nagdu] Hey Got a Question for the List
Tamara Smith-Kinney
- [nagdu] pros and cons of guide dogs
Tamara Smith-Kinney
- [nagdu] Hey Got a Question for the List
Tamara Smith-Kinney
- [nagdu] FW: "Crazy Blind Guy" sees his way to fitness
Tamara Smith-Kinney
- [nagdu] rejected by teh lions club?
Tamara Smith-Kinney
- [nagdu] rejected by teh lions club?
Tamara Smith-Kinney
- [nagdu] rejected by teh lions club?
Tamara Smith-Kinney
- [nagdu] rejected by teh lions club?
Tamara Smith-Kinney
- [nagdu] rejected by the lions club?
Tamara Smith-Kinney
Tamara Smith-Kinney
- [nagdu] rejected by the lions club?
Tamara Smith-Kinney
- [nagdu] rejected by the lions club?
Tamara Smith-Kinney
- [nagdu] owner training
Tamara Smith-Kinney
- [nagdu] owner training
Tamara Smith-Kinney
- [nagdu] Puppy Raising (was) Re: SELF TRAINING
Tamara Smith-Kinney
- [nagdu] rejected by the lions club?
Tamara Smith-Kinney
- [nagdu] rejected by the lions club?
Tamara Smith-Kinney
- [nagdu] Puppyraising for owner training
Tamara Smith-Kinney
- [nagdu] rejected by teh lions club?
Tamara Smith-Kinney
- [nagdu] Puppyraising for owner training
Tamara Smith-Kinney
- [nagdu] You never know
Tamara Smith-Kinney
- [nagdu] rejected by the lions club?
Tamara Smith-Kinney
- [nagdu] rejected by the lions club?
Tamara Smith-Kinney
- [nagdu] Dalmatians
Tamara Smith-Kinney
- [nagdu] Dalmatians
Tamara Smith-Kinney
- [nagdu] the Dalmatian guide
Tamara Smith-Kinney
- [nagdu] Dalmatians
Tamara Smith-Kinney
- [nagdu] Smallest Guide Dog
Tamara Smith-Kinney
- [nagdu] Puppyraising for owner training
Tamara Smith-Kinney
- [nagdu] I just received my first guide dog ... It's a boy!
Tamara Smith-Kinney
- [nagdu] Replacement Dog
Tamara Smith-Kinney
- [nagdu] Introduction
Tamara Smith-Kinney
- [nagdu] Raw diet for guide dogs
Tamara Smith-Kinney
- [nagdu] Harnesses Re: Introduction
Tamara Smith-Kinney
- [nagdu] Harnesses Re: Introduction
Tamara Smith-Kinney
- [nagdu] what do you feed
Tamara Smith-Kinney
- [nagdu] GDB Swiss Harness Sizes?
Tamara Smith-Kinney
- [nagdu] Carolina Eye Partners With Mira Foundation
Tamara Smith-Kinney
- [nagdu] GDB Swiss Harness Sizes?
Tamara Smith-Kinney
- [nagdu] GDB Swiss Harness Sizes?
Tamara Smith-Kinney
- [nagdu] what do you feed
Tamara Smith-Kinney
- [nagdu] any suggestions?
Tamara Smith-Kinney
- [nagdu] A thing I teach my dogs
Tamara Smith-Kinney
- [nagdu] A thing I teach my dogs
Tamara Smith-Kinney
- [nagdu] dog carting was Good idea!
Tamara Smith-Kinney
- [nagdu] Man's dogs will set blind kids free
Tamara Smith-Kinney
- [nagdu] "Starting a Dialogue?
Tamara Smith-Kinney
- [nagdu] Man's dogs will set blind kids free
Tamara Smith-Kinney
- [nagdu] Man's dogs will set blind kids free
Tamara Smith-Kinney
- [nagdu] Man's dogs will set blind kids free
Tamara Smith-Kinney
- [nagdu] Man's dogs will set blind kids free
Tamara Smith-Kinney
- [nagdu] All Done
Tamara Smith-Kinney
- [nagdu] Missing Washington Co. Boy Found After 5-Mile Barefoot Walk
Tamara Smith-Kinney
- [nagdu] Missing Washington Co. Boy Found After 5-Mile BarefootWalk
Tamara Smith-Kinney
- [nagdu] Australia: Survey results on dog attacks &publicinterference
Tamara Smith-Kinney
- [nagdu] My new boy!
Tamara Smith-Kinney
- [nagdu] changes at GDF wasMissingWashingtonCo.BoyFoundAfter5-MileBarefootWalk
Tamara Smith-Kinney
- [nagdu] changes at GDF wasMissingWashingtonCo.BoyFoundAfter5-MileBarefootWalk
Tamara Smith-Kinney
- [nagdu] training update
Tamara Smith-Kinney
- [nagdu] GDF's step refusal
Tamara Smith-Kinney
- [nagdu] Explanation of traffic lights and pedestrian signals
Tamara Smith-Kinney
- [nagdu] Re Annoying Behavior
Tamara Smith-Kinney
- [nagdu] GDF's step refusal
Tamara Smith-Kinney
- [nagdu] the Dalmatian guide
Jenine Stanley
- [nagdu] the Dalmatian guide
Jenine Stanley
- [nagdu] what do you feed
Jenine Stanley
- [nagdu] guide dog survey
Jenine Stanley
- [nagdu] GDF's step refusal
Jenine Stanley
- [nagdu] pros and cons of guide dogs
Nicole B. Torcolini
- [nagdu] rejected by the lions club?
Nicole B. Torcolini
- [nagdu] rejected by the lions club?
Nicole B. Torcolini
- [nagdu] Puppy Raising (was) Re: SELF TRAINING
Nicole B. Torcolini
- [nagdu] Continued Trainging (was) Re: rejected by the lions club?
Nicole B. Torcolini
- [nagdu] rejected by teh lions club?
Nicole B. Torcolini
- [nagdu] Puppyraising for owner training
Nicole B. Torcolini
- [nagdu] Puppyraising for owner training
Nicole B. Torcolini
- [nagdu] Smallest Guide Dog
Nicole B. Torcolini
- [nagdu] Smallest Guide Dog
Nicole B. Torcolini
- [nagdu] Smallest Guide Dog
Nicole B. Torcolini
- [nagdu] Smallest Guide Dog
Nicole B. Torcolini
- [nagdu] Raw diet for guide dogs
Nicole B. Torcolini
- [nagdu] Raw diet for guide dogs
Nicole B. Torcolini
- [nagdu] Raw diet for guide dogs
Nicole B. Torcolini
- [nagdu] Harnesses Re: Introduction
Nicole B. Torcolini
- [nagdu] GDB Swiss Harness Sizes?
Nicole B. Torcolini
- [nagdu] Harnesses Re: Introduction
Nicole B. Torcolini
- [nagdu] Harnesses Re: Introduction
Nicole B. Torcolini
- [nagdu] Comparing Harnesses
Nicole B. Torcolini
- [nagdu] any suggestions?
Nicole B. Torcolini
- [nagdu] any suggestions?
Nicole B. Torcolini
- [nagdu] GOOD IDEA!
Nicole B. Torcolini
- [nagdu] Harnesses Re: Introduction
Nicole B. Torcolini
- [nagdu] Harnesses Re: Introduction
Nicole B. Torcolini
- [nagdu] Shepherds at GDB Re: dog drop-out rate
Nicole B. Torcolini
- [nagdu] Missing Washington Co. Boy Found After 5-MileBarefootWalk
Nicole B. Torcolini
- [nagdu] Australia: Survey results on dog attacks & publicinterference
Nicole B. Torcolini
- [nagdu] My new boy!
Nicole B. Torcolini
- [nagdu] changes at GDF was MissingWashingtonCo.BoyFoundAfter5-MileBarefootWalk
Nicole B. Torcolini
- [nagdu] Missing Washington Co. Boy Found After5-MileBarefootWalk
Nicole B. Torcolini
- [nagdu] Vet Visits Re: (no subject)
Nicole B. Torcolini
- [nagdu] LD? was Re: visiting a friend's apartment?
Nicole B. Torcolini
- [nagdu] annoying behavior
Nicole B. Torcolini
- [nagdu] Service dog helps control anxiety attacks
Nicole B. Torcolini
- [nagdu] annoying behavior to Cathryn
Nicole B. Torcolini
- [nagdu] finding an empty seat
Nicole B. Torcolini
- [nagdu] Leader Dog information
Neil Vosburgh
- [nagdu] Leader Dog information
Neil Vosburgh
- [nagdu] Leader Dog information
Neil Vosburgh
- [nagdu] rejected by the lions club?
Neil Vosburgh
- [nagdu] the Dalmatian guide
Dan Weiner
- [nagdu] GDB Swiss Harness Sizes?
Dan Weiner
- [nagdu] When Treating One Worker's Allergy Sets Off Another's
Dan Weiner
- [nagdu] A thing I teach my dogs
Dan Weiner
- [nagdu] A thing I teach my dogs
Dan Weiner
- [nagdu] what do you feed
Meghan Whalen
- [nagdu] Harnesses Re: Introduction
Meghan Whalen
- [nagdu] All Done
Meghan Whalen
- [nagdu] Shepherds at GDB Re: dog drop-out rate
Meghan Whalen
- [nagdu] annoying behavior
Meghan Whalen
- [nagdu] rejected by teh lions club?
Toni Whaley
- [nagdu] Smallest Guide Dog
Toni Whaley
- [nagdu] All Done
Toni Whaley
- [nagdu] Harnesses Re: Introduction
countrygrl290 at
- [nagdu] New dogs in May for some people
cheryl echevarria
- [nagdu] Last month to book on the NAGDU Fundraiser
cheryl echevarria
- [nagdu] Carolina Eye Partners With Mira Foundation
cheryl echevarria
- [nagdu] Introduction
cheryl echevarria
- [nagdu] Man's dogs will set blind kids free
cheryl echevarria
- [nagdu] Man's dogs will set blind kids free
cheryl echevarria
- [nagdu] Man's dogs will set blind kids free
cheryl echevarria
- [nagdu] Man's dogs will set blind kids free
cheryl echevarria
- [nagdu] Man's dogs will set blind kids free
cheryl echevarria
- [nagdu] Final Call for the Cruise for the National Association of Guide Dog Users
cheryl echevarria
- [nagdu] Man's dogs will set blind kids free
cheryl echevarria
- [nagdu] All Done
cheryl echevarria
- [nagdu] changes at GDF was Missing Washington Co. Boy FoundAfter5-MileBarefootWalk
cheryl echevarria
- [nagdu] changes at GDF was Missing Washington Co.BoyFoundAfter5-MileBarefootWalk
cheryl echevarria
- [nagdu] changes at GDF was MissingWashingtonCo.BoyFoundAfter5-MileBarefootWalk
cheryl echevarria
- [nagdu] elections?
cheryl echevarria
- [nagdu] elections?
cheryl echevarria
- [nagdu] visiting a friend's apartment?
cheryl echevarria
- [nagdu] elections?
cheryl echevarria
- [nagdu] o/t look for a roommate to share cabin on Norwegian Epic NAGDU fundraiser
cheryl echevarria
- [nagdu] Is there a team NAGDU for convention this year
cheryl echevarria
- [nagdu] Is there a team NAGDU for convention this year
cheryl echevarria
- [nagdu] questions about guide dogs and cruises
cheryl echevarria
- [nagdu] questions about guide dogs and cruises
cheryl echevarria
- [nagdu] GDF's step refusal
d m gina
- [nagdu] Replacement Dog
fuehrer stacy l
- [nagdu] Replacement Dog
fuehrer stacy l
- [nagdu] training update
fuehrer stacy l
- [nagdu] Introduction
- [nagdu] any suggestions?
- [nagdu] finding open stalls
- [nagdu] A thing I teach my dogs
- [nagdu] A thing I teach my dogs
- [nagdu] Man's dogs will set blind kids free
- [nagdu] Man's dogs will set blind kids free
- [nagdu] Man's dogs will set blind kids free
- [nagdu] Man's dogs will set blind kids free
- [nagdu] Missing Washington Co. Boy Found After 5-Mile BarefootWalk
- [nagdu] Missing Washington Co. Boy Found After 5-MileBarefootWalk
- [nagdu] changes at GDF was Missing Washington Co.BoyFoundAfter5-MileBarefootWalk
- [nagdu] changes at GDF was MissingWashingtonCo.BoyFoundAfter5-MileBarefootWalk
- [nagdu] Soft Stool
- [nagdu] Harnesses Re: Introduction
doug weil
Last message date:
Mon May 31 23:12:32 UTC 2010
Archived on: Mon Jun 29 15:07:43 UTC 2020
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).