[nagdu] Australia: Survey results on dog attacks & publicinterference
Julie J
julielj at windstream.net
Wed May 19 14:42:50 UTC 2010
89% were distracted by petting or feeding in the past year.
Holy cow I'm moving there. I feel like things are great if I make it a
whole week with no one petting or distracting my guide.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Ginger Kutsch" <gingerKutsch at yahoo.com>
To: "'NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog Users'"
<nagdu at nfbnet.org>
Sent: Wednesday, May 19, 2010 8:54 AM
Subject: [nagdu] Australia: Survey results on dog attacks &
> Don't pat guide dogs: experts
> April 28, 2010
> They're cute canines that every passer-by wants to pat but an
> innocent show of affection to a guide dog can put its owner at
> risk.
> Nine out of 10 guide dogs have been distracted while on the job
> in the past year, typically by pats from well-meaning members of
> the public, a Guide Dogs NSW/ACT client survey has found.
> Some have been fed and others even attacked by other dogs not on
> a leash.
> A simple pat can cause a guide dog to lose concentration,
> potentially endangering the life of its visually impaired owner
> while crossing roads, using stairs or on a busy footpath.
> Guide Dogs NSW/ACT chief executive Dr Graeme White said an attack
> by another dog could be disastrous.
> "All it takes is one encounter, especially with domestic dogs,
> and this may cut short the working life of a guide dog," he said
> at the survey's release in Sydney on Wednesday.
> Barbara Bonfield experienced this firsthand when her first guide
> dog was attacked by another dog.
> "It can end up with the dog ... having to be hospitalised and
> then retired because it can't work anymore," said Ms Bonfield
> said, who has had her third dog, Nara, for five years.
> The cost of losing a guide dog is high. Guide Dogs NSW/ACT
> estimates it takes $30,000 and two years to fully train each
> animal.
> Celebrity vet Chris Brown, of Bondi Vet fame, urged people to
> admire working dogs from afar.
> "These dogs aren't just a piece of equipment," Dr Brown said.
> "They mean a lot to these handlers and if they are put out of
> action because of someone's dog attacking them or just losing
> their confidence then it's a real tragedy ... considering the
> amount of work that's gone in."
> The survey, released to coincide with Guide Dog Week, found 89
> per cent of dogs had experienced distractions such as patting and
> feeding from the public, while 88 per cent had been disturbed by
> other dogs without a leash.
> "We were quite astounded to find virtually all our guide dog
> users experience this on a daily basis," Guide Dogs NSW/ACT
> community education co-ordinator Jennifer Moon said.
> "Even through this campaign, we've seen the public come up and
> pat the guide dogs while they're in a harness."
> Dr Brown said it's best to stay away.
> "Unfortunately, people feel they are being polite by coming over
> and saying hi," he said.
> "But it could almost be the opposite in many respects because you
> are distracting that dog."
> Ms Moon estimates about 800 visually impaired people use guide
> dogs throughout Australia.
> For more information about guide dog etiquette visit
> www.guidedogs.com.au.
> Source:
> http://news.smh.com.au/breaking-news-national/dont-pat-guide-dogs
> -experts-20100428-trvc.html
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