[nagdu] I got yelled at

Robert Hooper hooper.90 at buckeyemail.osu.edu
Thu Aug 25 14:21:55 UTC 2011


The gentle leader is not a harness. It is a device consisting of a metal ring (for attaching a leash), a nylon loop (I think it's nylon), and two snaps that are like those found on backpacks (I'm lacking knowledge on what this kind of snap is called). Anyway, you fit the loop over the dogs muzzle and the other strap comes around behind the head. Be sure to get it tight and to snug it up just behind the ears. It somewhat resembles a muzzle, and many people will think it is a muzzle, but it is not. The dog can still open its mouth and even eat while wearing it. After securing the gentle leader, the leash is connected to a metal ring which is now on the underside of the dog's jaw. This allows you to feel what their head is doing (turning to sniff a dinner roll on a table in a restaurant, for example). More importantly, it allows you to control the dog's head with considerable ease. I know some dogs who hate wearing it. At first, Bailey tries to slip it off over his ears, but after a few seconds he gives it up and accepts it. The strap around their neck right behind the ears is supposed to make them feel secure and calm them down. When I was at the Seeing Eye, we trained with gentle leaders. We were encouraged to use them anywhere there was food in order to have better control over their head (they really don't like having their heads pulled in such a fashion and are quick to submit to your whim). It's also been suggested to use it when the dog is over-excited--for example, when we went to the airport, Bailey was so excited to be somewhere new that he practically pulled my arm off. I didn't feel as though he was doing very safe guide work, so I put on his gentle leader. It calmed him down immediately. His pull was still harder than normal, but he was much more manageable. Whilst in training, I noticed that for some dogs (like mine), the gentle leader is a miracle worker. I have gotten around to calling it the valium strap because of the effect it has on Bailey. I used it when introducing him to other family members so he wouldn't feel so overwhelmed and would be calm and thus have a positive experience. Unfortunately, I've noticed whilst in training that it's the exact opposite of a miracle worker for some other dogs. I had a friend whose dog would constantly be trying to "rub" the gentle leader off. This person kept it on until their dog settled, however.
There are lots of reasons why one would wish to use a gentle leader. I use it while in grocery stores and other food-related areas, or whenever Bailey seems overexcited or anxious. Luckily for me, it works really well for him. If you trained at a school and they didn't use one, I would definitely recommend at least trying it to see how the dog reacts. I wouldn't walk regular routes with it on, however. The one time I forgot to take it off after leaving a store, I kept worrying about why Bailey was walking so slowly. Normally he walks at a very brisk pace, but when he's wearing his gentle leader, he moves much slower. I'm sure it's because of the relaxing properties of the gentle leader.
Well, I will cease my novice email message and let the pros tear it apart. :) 
Robert Hooper
Hooper.90 at buckeyemail.osu.edu
The Ohio State University
553 Morrill Tower
1900 Cannon Drive
Columbus, Ohio 43210
(740) 856-8195

-----Original Message-----
From: nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org [mailto:nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Janice Toothman
Sent: Thursday, August 25, 2011 9:53 AM
To: NAGDU Mailing List, the National Association of Guide Dog Users
Subject: Re: [nagdu] I got yelled at

I am unfamiliar with the GEntle Leader. What type of harness is it? How does it work? and how would one get one ? because I have a problem with Destiny sniffing when she is breaking and when we go walking when she is in harness.
Janice and Destiny

On 8/24/2011 3:32 PM, Sherry Gomes wrote:
> GDB trains all their dogs now with the gentle leader, not for the full 
> training schedule, but they have to do some important routes with it 
> on.  I found it harder to use, because it's a whole different type of correction.
> My dogs can get a little sniffy due to my slow pace, so I use verbal 
> corrections and food rewards to manage the behavior when necessary.  
> But, yeah, many people have great success with the gentle leader.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org [mailto:nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org] On 
> Behalf Of Tami Kinney
> Sent: Wednesday, August 24, 2011 1:12 PM
> To: nagdu at nfbnet.org
> Subject: Re: [nagdu] I got yelled at
> Sherri,
> I use the Halti or GL -- I have one of each, depending on which 
> harness I'm using -- so that I know when my dog is sniffing. /lol/ I 
> end up using it for reminders to keep her mind on the job, and then I 
> try to give her "authorized" sniffing opportunities at the beginning 
> of working jaunts so that she can get it out of her system. Sounds 
> like the coward's way out to me, but it works, so... /grin/
> Tami
> On Wed, 2011-08-24 at 11:58 -0600, Sherry Gomes wrote:
>> I pretty much ignore people now if they yell at me, but I used to 
>> smile sweetly and give them GDB's phone number and tell them to ask 
>> for graduate services and make a complaint.  It always shut them up, 
>> because they realized if I was confident enough of my handling to 
>> tell them to whom to complain, the complaint wouldn't go very far.  LOL.
>> Also, with your dog's sniffing problem, have you ever tried a halty 
>> or gentle leader with him?  I don't like them myself, but I know tons 
>> of handlers who have great success with them.  With your dog's age, 
>> if you've never used one, it might be hard to get him used to it, but 
>> I thought I'd mention it anyway.
>> Sherry
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org [mailto:nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org] On 
>> Behalf Of Tracy Carcione
>> Sent: Wednesday, August 24, 2011 11:34 AM
>> To: nagdu at nfbnet.org
>> Subject: [nagdu] I got yelled at
>> I got yelled at yesterday for correcting Ben.  He crossed the street 
>> fine, then he took the opportunity to sniff the lightpole, and I 
>> yanked his leash, and some guy said I was very mean.  Well, I could 
>> have been wrong, and Ben could have been stopping for all the people 
>> at the curb, but he'd sniffed every lightpole he was near so far on 
>> our walk, so I was probably right.  I could have tried a verbal 
>> correction instead, but Ben usually laughs at those.  I did give a 
>> brief explanation, but we were both zooming on our separate ways.  Of 
>> course, after the guy yelled at me, Ben pulled over at his usual spot 
>> and relieved himself, and was excellent after that, earning many Good 
>> Boys!  But the guy will never know that.  Not that I especially care, but it was annoying.
>> I sure wish Ben could always be the dog he is after he's relieved.  
>> Before he does, he's a sniff monster.  But, if I try to relieve him 
>> first thing, before we set out, he sniffs around a bit, then just 
>> stands there.  He wants the walking to get the old juices flowing.  
>> But it's pretty aggravating for me, because he wants to walk and 
>> sniff until he's gone, and I just want to walk. I've put up with it 
>> for almost 5 years now, because otherwise Ben is very good, but I 
>> sure won't miss it when he retires.
>> Tracy
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