[nagdu] Visiting Buenos Aires with a guide dog

Tracy Carcione carcione at access.net
Sun Dec 9 19:24:14 UTC 2012

My frind asked me to forward the following:

Buenos Aires is a fairly guide dog friendly city.  It has its own access law
which allows guide dogs to go to any place of public accommodation.  Though
compliance has increased during the nearly five years I have lived there,
there are still pockets of resistance, especially in hotels.  for that
reason a worldwide chain like Holiday Inn or Best Western are recommended.
Of course, those who can afford the Hyatt may want to go there.

The things to know:
1.  You are entitled to access to public accommodations, including
restaurants, hotels, theaters and public transit.
2. You better know some Spanish, as most Buenos Aires residents do not speak
English, despite what you may read in tourist brochures.
3.  Be very security conscious.  tourist are prime targets for fly by
robberies, scams regarding money exchange, and many more hazards.
4. Though public transit is available, it is not very reliable; take a radio
taxi if you can.  They are quite reasonable.  Don't grab a cab off the
streets; you may just not get where you want to go, and it can be more

I would be happy to give you more information when you are ready to travel.

David Arocho
darocho at earthlink.net

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