[nagdu] Are you sure?

marilyn t21114 at optonline.net
Sat Jul 7 13:57:41 UTC 2012

Hi Everyone,
A week ago at my agency I had the support group that I facilitate. 36 people came most were blind though its for all disabilities. I decided to let the group talk about anything they wanted to instead of me having a guest speaker or picking a topic. 
What do most people who can't see complain about? transportation, problems on transportation with a guide dog and how people who have guides are treated in public. One of my consumers because she has some sight was told in the dept store by a customer you can see why are you using that dog. the response was I have very little vision left , I am a new guide dog user and I have a right to have a guide dog. I told my consumer encouraging her our goal is to educate which is what she did but we don't have to explain why we have the dog. I said people always ask me if I am training my dog. I say yes everyday when we are out she is being trained to keep me safe. Another consumer said why are we always questioned when we have a guide dog are you sure your blind? I told this consumer to tell people yes I am sure, my doctors are sure, and the guide dog school who gave me this dog is sure. 
Marilyn and Anna who are sure.

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