[nagdu] canes/guide dogs
Juanita Herrera
juanitaherrera1991 at gmail.com
Wed Jul 11 02:22:47 UTC 2012
I use both as well, and I love it! Versatility is the key to life. :)
Juanita and Anise
On 7/10/12, Larry D. Keeler <lkeeler at comcast.net> wrote:
> Well, you're unfortunately right. Should be no probblem! I use both and am
> proud to do so because I feel it gives me mor adaptibility. Adaptibility is
> what its all about! Being able to take new situations and adapt to every
> one of them makes me at least feel like a conquer!
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Juanita Herrera" <juanitaherrera1991 at gmail.com>
> To: "NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog Users"
> <nagdu at nfbnet.org>
> Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2012 8:34 PM
> Subject: Re: [nagdu] canes/guide dogs
>> Vanessa,
>> Very well put. I dislike the way people were comparing the NFB and
>> ACB. I've attended one ACB state convention held in California and I
>> saw similar incidents occurring between guide dog handlers and cane
>> users. I agree with you. It doesn't matter where the two are, but I
>> think cane users and guide dog users will probably have issues at one
>> point or another. I wish it weren't like that because I'm all about
>> keeping the peace with everyone, but unfortunately it does happen. Our
>> only option is to be patient and show others that we won't let it
>> bother us.
>> Juanita And Anise
>> On 7/9/12, Vanessa Lowery <vlowery at dhr.state.md.us> wrote:
>>> I don't tend to check messages as frequently over the weekends, so I'm
>>> always going to be playing catch-up on Mondays, but as a member of ACB
>>> who
>>> has attended four or so national conventions, the rift between cane
>>> users
>>> and guide dog ysers is also alive in well. I don't think it has anything
>>> to
>>> do with organizational affiliation. It is jsut a rift that exists
>>> between
>>> the two camps. Personally, I would prefer that it not exist, but it
>>> does.
>>> However, as Julie correctly put it, not every cane users has a beef wiht
>>> guide dog users, and not every guide dog user has a beef with cane
>>> users.
>>> But I also don't think that the rift is as wide-spread as is often
>>> thought
>>> simply because convention settings are enough to put everyone on edge,
>>> no
>>> matter what means of mobility is being utilized. it is jsut a stressful
>>> environment. No matter how large the venue is, there are crowds that
>>> pile
>>> up, and patience goes out the window (guide dog users, canes users,
>>> those
>>> using sighted guide, and the people trains).
>>> Good post, Julie, by the way.
>>> Vanessa Lowery, LGSW
>>> Adult and Community Services Division
>>> Adult Services Screening Unit
>>> 410-853-3550
>>> VLowery at dhr.state.md.us
>>>>>> marilyn <t21114 at optonline.net> 7/9/2012 8:08 AM >>>
>>> Hi Everyone,
>>> It saddens me to hear there is still a problem with cane users and dog
>>> users
>>> at conventions. I can remember when there were no canes when I was
>>> growing
>>> up and you felt your way around or held someone's hand. Ok I am old and
>>> proud I made it to this age. I joined NFB back in the 80's before I had
>>> a
>>> guide dog. the group out here in Suffolk County was terrible. When I made
>>> a
>>> decision to get a dog I was put down and told I was giving up my
>>> independence. One man had a guide dog in the group. I told them no I am
>>> enhancing my independence. After getting my first dog my husband and I
>>> decided to see what the NFB convention was like. Lots of information but
>>> fights between people using canes and dogs. After I think 2 days my
>>> husband
>>> and I both turned to each other and said were out of here. I have never
>>> been
>>> to a convention since. If we can't work together then we are divided and
>>> that is why ACB started. we can all have different views but the main
>>> thing
>>> is respect each other. We are mo!
>>> re alike than we are different.
>>> I am a good cane user but prefer a dog. That being said I have to get
>>> ready
>>> to leave for the blind group I go to every Monday morning. that is the
>>> only
>>> day I don't work.
>>> marilyn and Anna
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