[nagdu] Sheila: Please Share Your Information!
Sheila Leigland
sleigland at bresnan.net
Wed Jul 18 02:41:02 UTC 2012
Hello, Marion and all. It is a little pomplicated so I will do my best to explain what I know. We are considered extended employees. The other group of employees are what are known as competative employees which means that they are supposed to produce a certain amount every day. They are for the most part able bodied and they receive at least minimum wage and get thirty five to forty hours a week. One of the supervisors is partially blind. My husband and I hang clothes on racks and our waged is determined by timings that we take every six months. It has been determined that a rack should take no longer than 32 minutes placing plothing on hangers in one of three sections mins, womens, and childrens. The number of garments for a rack depends uppon the price of the garments. If it were to take a person 64 minutes he or she would be working about at 50 percent of the speed that they feel it should be done. So I believe you would get aproximately fifty percent of minimum wage and the prevailing wage for this comes in if it waises ofr lowers. I don't believe that a totally blind person can check the garment for whether it is mens ladies or kids get them on the hangers and place them in the right area of the rack because the racks hold anywhere from eighty four to one hundred and twenty items. That isn't even a second of time per item. I don't think the system is even remotely fair to a blind worker. I don't mind working with people with disabilibies but I hate being treated like a second class citizen and when we were having trouble with our dogs I raised holy heck about tthe interfereince.and if necessary will do it again. I told the new job coach he could say what he needed to say to me but my dog is my business and I would accept no interference. Please forgive any spelling mistakes. If you have any questions for me You can email me offlist or I would be happy to give you a call. Bet regards Sheila
Sheila Leigland
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