[nagdu] To Sarah, was RE: questions for GDDI, SEGDI and TSE grads
d m gina
dmgina at samobile.net
Mon Nov 26 01:24:31 UTC 2012
Hi there,
yes those trollies are fun, and in Denver they have a train that goes
from C to A to get your baggage.
You have to make sure that you are hanging on to the pole to keep
standing, it sure can go fast.
I know when I went to get my dog the lady tipped my chair backwards so
far down I thought for sure she would drop me.
then she wanted a tip.
Forget that smile.
Going back to the plane the instructor had us walking with her.
I would rather walk, or take the walk that can go faster than this old
lady can.
the dogs do well with it.
Original message:
> I myself refuse to be escorted in a wheelchair! Especially when I have 2
> good legs and a dog to guide me! However, when I came back from Columbus, I
> used the airport trolly. Holly and I could both ride on it. The only issue
> I hadd was that we didn't get bathroom training! I mean, they didn't teach
> us what to do with our dogs when using the public urinals! Well, I'm sure
> you women might not understand, but I for one think those things are rather
> convenient! Using a stall was not likely to become my normal thing for that
> piece of buisness! Anyway, I kept having vissions of thoroughly irritating
> Detroit folks by having Holly giving out offending sniffs! And worse, those
> folks getting mad at me! Well, I figured that out! And, happily in rthe 4
> years sence have not caused any offenses in that direction. However, at our
> state convention, Holly tried to sneak a drink out of one of those things!
> Yuck!!!
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Sarah" <coastergirl92 at gmail.com>
> To: "NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog Users"
> <nagdu at nfbnet.org>
> Sent: Saturday, November 24, 2012 11:56 PM
> Subject: Re: [nagdu] To Sarah, was RE: questions for GDDI,SEGDI and TSE
> grads
>> Yes they encourage me to be escorted in a wheelchail while in an airport.
>> They had me heel the dog next to the chair but he was trying to guide.
>> Sarah and Wizard
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Deanna Lewis" <deannakay03 at gmail.com
>> To: "'NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog Users'"
>> <nagdu at nfbnet.org
>> Date sent: Sat, 24 Nov 2012 18:38:40 -0500
>> Subject: [nagdu] To Sarah, was RE: questions for GDDI, SEGDI and TSE
>> grads
>> Hi Sarah,
>> I am a bit confused by your email...
>> So, did Guide Dogs of the Desert show you how to work your guide while you
>> are being pushed in a wheelchair at the airport? Did they encourage you to
>> be escorted in a wheelchair at the airport?
>> I am just curious, since I didn't quite understand.
>> I know that when I do fly, and request someone to help me to my gate, that
>> they always bring a wheelchair. I simply say that I do not need it.
>> However,
>> when I tell the assistant that I would love to use the wheelchair for my
>> luggage, they will not let me do so /smiles/. Now, that would put that
>> wheelchair to great use, LOL.
>> Thanks for the clarification on this.
>> Deanna and Pascal
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: nagdu [mailto:nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Sarah
>> Sent: Friday, November 23, 2012 12:09 PM
>> To: NAGDU Mailing List, the National Association of Guide Dog Users
>> Subject: Re: [nagdu] questions for GDDI, SEGDI and TSE grads
>> Heblo
>> When I was in training, we went to the airport and my got is trained to
>> guide while in a wheelchair. I think they are the only school that does
>> this kind of training.
>> Sarah and Wizard
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Criminal Justice Major" <orleans24 at comcast.net
>> To: <Undisclosed-Recipient:;
>> Date sent: Fri, 23 Nov 2012 09:48:58 -0700
>> Subject: [nagdu] questions for GDDI, SEGDI and TSE grads
>> Hi, all,
>> My subject line may seem rather odd, but here it goes...
>> I was browsing on the net this morning to do research on which guide dog
>> schools do and do not wheelchair guide dog training.
>> When I visited GDDI (Guide Dogs of the desert International's) web site
>> and
>> carefully was listening to the application, I did hear manual wheelchair
>> listed, but was curious if that also means a person in a power wheelchair
>> would be able to train with a guide dog there?
>> I sent Bob Wendler (not sure of the correct spelling of his last
>> name) an email to see.
>> As for SEGDI (Southeastern Guide Dog's) training programs, I did not see
>> wheelchair training listed under special needs.
>> Have they stopped doing that type of training?
>> When I checked TSE (The Seeing Eye's) web site for special needs guide dog
>> trainin, I didn't come across to much either, despite putting special
>> needs
>> in the search engine.
>> I did hear from a friend that is a TSE grad tell me over the phone a long
>> time ago that TSE does the wheelchair guide dog training program, but only
>> offers it to their grads.
>> Would it be best that I send an email to these three schools or call them
>> for more information?
>> I was given an assignment by my O&M instructor last Friday to do some
>> research on seeing which guide dog schools would do wheelchair training
>> guide dogs upon letting her know what schools I'd be interested in.
>> I honestly expressed to her that I feel more comfortable when working with
>> a
>> guide dog as I enjoy the partnership, but also companionship.
>> Whatever answers grads may have, feel free to email me privately off list
>> at:
>> orleans24 at comcast.net
>> to prevent unnecessary high volume on the list.
>> I have my O&M lesson later this afternoon at 2:00 PM with my instructor,
>> so
>> figured I'd get to doing more research and giving her information.
>> Hope you'alls enjoyed your Thanksgiving yesterday.
>> Odie will be resting up before we have to venture to the bowling alley
>> tomorrow.
>> Dale will probably attend Men's Bible Study, so no one will be here at
>> home.
>> Bibi, husband Dale and son Odie
>> the happy spirited bounty labrawolf
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every saint has a past
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