November 2012 Archives by subject
Starting: Thu Nov 1 00:50:13 UTC 2012
Ending: Fri Nov 30 23:20:02 UTC 2012
Messages: 590
- [nagdu] Hi all update on Izzy and I
matthew dyer
- Re: [nagdu] Hi all update on Izzy and I
Chantel Cuddemi
- Re: [nagdu] Hi all update on Izzy and I
- Re: [nagdu] Hi all update on Izzy and I
d m gina
- Re: [nagdu] Hi all update on Izzy and I
matthew dyer
- Re: [nagdu] Hi all update on Izzy and I
matthew dyer
- Re: [nagdu] Hi all update on Izzy and I
- Re: [nagdu] Hi all update on Izzy and I
rhonda cruz
- Re: [nagdu] Hi all update on Izzy and I
matthew dyer
- [nagdu] (no subject)
Tina Thomas
- [nagdu] (no subject)
Dailyah Patt
- [nagdu] (SEGD-LIST) my day from yesterday
Janet DeLuca
Sean Moore
Pickrell, Rebecca M (TASC)
- [nagdu] [Fwd: [Njagdu] A blind eye toward guide dog discrimination?]
Tracy Carcione
- [nagdu] [Fwd: [Njagdu] A blind eye toward guide dog discrimination?]
Cindy Ray
- [nagdu] adventures with Zeb and I
Rebecca Ilniski
- [nagdu] adventures with Zeb and I
Lori Dent
- [nagdu] adventures with Zeb and I
Lyn Gwizdak
- [nagdu] After Going Blind, Starting a New Career With Help From Two Guide Dogs
Ginger Kutsch
- [nagdu] Air Carrier Act Re: You are required to sit in the bulkhead.
Marsha Drenth
- [nagdu] a little help calming me down please
- [nagdu] a little help calming me down please
Lyn Gwizdak
- [nagdu] a little help calming me down please
Sheila Leigland
- [nagdu] birthdays
Jessica Pitzer
- [nagdu] birthdays
Chantel Cuddemi
- [nagdu] birthdays
Debbie Cole
- [nagdu] birthdays
- [nagdu] birthdays
Lori Dent
- [nagdu] birthdays
Julie McGinnity
- [nagdu] birthdays
Tracy Carcione
- [nagdu] birthdays
Sheila Leigland
- [nagdu] birthdays
rhonda cruz
- [nagdu] birthdays
melissa R green
- [nagdu] birthdays
Julie J.
- [nagdu] birthdays
Margo and Arrow
- [nagdu] Birthdays
Tracy Carcione
- [nagdu] birthdays
Rebecca Ilniski
- [nagdu] birthdays
Larry D. Keeler
- [nagdu] birthdays
Lyn Gwizdak
- [nagdu] birthdays and a birthday list
Marsha Drenth
- [nagdu] birthdays and a birthday list
Jessica Pitzer
- [nagdu] Blind 9/11 Survivor Speaks at Center for Spiritual Living-
David Andrews
- [nagdu] Blog entry about hiking with a Seeing Eye dog
Ginger Kutsch
- [nagdu] Canada: Service-dog requirement divides district, woman
Ginger Kutsch
- [nagdu] Christmas concerns was Still food and chewing problems
Julie J.
- [nagdu] Christmas concerns was Still food and chewing problems
Larry D. Keeler
- [nagdu] Christmas concerns was Still food and chewing problems
Lyn Gwizdak
- [nagdu] Congratulations Jenny
judotina48kg at
- [nagdu] Congratulations Jenny
rhonda cruz
- [nagdu] Congratulations Jenny
Jenny Keller
- [nagdu] conventions was Diabetic alert dogs and how alert dogs arepreventing aneed for a guide dog!
Julie J.
- [nagdu] conventions was Diabetic alert dogs and how alert dogs arepreventing aneed for a guide dog!
Christel Sogenbits
- [nagdu] Diabetic alert dogs and how alert dogs are preventing a need for a guide dog!
Dailyah Patt
- [nagdu] Diabetic alert dogs and how alert dogs are preventing a need for a guide dog!
Pickrell, Rebecca M (TASC)
- [nagdu] Diabetic alert dogs and how alert dogs are preventing a need for a guide dog!
d m gina
- [nagdu] Diabetic alert dogs and how alert dogs are preventing a need for a guide dog!
Cindy Ray
- [nagdu] Diabetic alert dogs and how alert dogs are preventing a need for a guide dog!
Cindy Ray
- [nagdu] Diabetic alert dogs and how alert dogs are preventing a need for a guide dog!
d m gina
- [nagdu] Diabetic alert dogs and how alert dogs are preventing a need for a guide dog!
Cindy Ray
- [nagdu] Diabetic alert dogs and how alert dogs are preventing a need for a guide dog!
Tracy Carcione
- [nagdu] Diabetic alert dogs and how alert dogs are preventing a need for a guide dog!
Pickrell, Rebecca M (TASC)
- [nagdu] Diabetic alert dogs and how alert dogs are preventing aneed for a guide dog!
Lyn Gwizdak
- [nagdu] Diabetic alert dogs and how alert dogs are preventing a need for a guide dog!
Lyn Gwizdak
- [nagdu] Diabetic alert dogs and how alert dogs are preventing a need for a guide dog!
d m gina
- [nagdu] Diabetic alert dogs and how alert dogs are preventing a need for a guide dog!
d m gina
- [nagdu] Diabetic alert dogs and how alert dogs are preventing a need for a guide dog!
Julie J.
- [nagdu] Diabetic alert dogs and how alert dogs are preventing a need for a guide dog!
d m gina
- [nagdu] Diabetic alert dogs and how alert dogs are preventing a need for a guide dog!
Dailyah Patt
- [nagdu] Diabetic alert dogs and how alert dogs are preventing a need for a guide dog!
d m gina
- [nagdu] Diabetic alert dogs and how alert dogs are preventing a need for a guide dog!
Lyn Gwizdak
- [nagdu] Diabetic alert dogs and how alert dogs are preventing a need for a guide dog!
d m gina
- [nagdu] Diabetic alert dogs and how alert dogs are preventing aneed for a guide dog!
Sheila Leigland
- [nagdu] Diabetic alert dogs and how alert dogs are preventing a need for a guide dog!
Melissa R Green
- [nagdu] Diabetic alert dogs and how alert dogs are preventing a need for a guide dog!
Julie J.
- [nagdu] Diabetic alert dogs and how alert dogs are preventing a need for a guide dog!
Buddy Brannan
- [nagdu] Diabetic alert dogs and how alert dogs are preventing a need for a guide dog!
Buddy Brannan
- [nagdu] Diabetic alert dogs and how alert dogs are preventing a need for a guide dog!
d m gina
- [nagdu] Diabetic alert dogs and how alert dogs are preventing a need for a guide dog!
Buddy Brannan
- [nagdu] Diabetic alert dogs and how alert dogs are preventing a need for a guide dog!
Lyn Gwizdak
- [nagdu] Diabetic alert dogs and how alert dogs arepreventing aneed for a guide dog!
Lyn Gwizdak
- [nagdu] Diabetic alert dogs and how alert dogs are preventing a need for a guide dog!
Jenny Keller
- [nagdu] Diabetic alert dogs and how alert dogs arepreventing aneed for a guide dog!
Christel Sogenbits
- [nagdu] Diabetic alert dogs and how alert dogs are preventing a need for a guide dog!
Tracy Carcione
- [nagdu] Diabetic alert dogs and how alert dogsarepreventing aneed for a guide dog!
Lyn Gwizdak
- [nagdu] Diabetic alert dogs and how alert dogs arepreventing a need for a guide dog!
Lyn Gwizdak
- [nagdu] Diabetic alert dogs and how alert dogs are preventing a need for a guide dog!
Jenny Keller
- [nagdu] Diabetic alert dogs and how alert dogs arepreventing a need for a guide dog!
Jenny Keller
- [nagdu] Diabetic alert dogs and how alert dogs arepreventing a need for a guide dog!
Pickrell, Rebecca M (TASC)
- [nagdu] Diabetic alert dogs and how alert dogs are preventing a need for a guide dog!
Pickrell, Rebecca M (TASC)
- [nagdu] Diabetic alert dogs and how alert dogs arepreventing a need for a guide dog!
Jenny Keller
- [nagdu] Diabetic alert dogs and how alert dogs arepreventing aneed for a guide dog!
Lyn Gwizdak
- [nagdu] dog food kibble size
Jessica Pitzer
- [nagdu] dog food kibble size
Mark J. Cadigan
- [nagdu] dog food kibble size
Julie J.
- [nagdu] Dog Parks WAS Re: Working Our Dogs
Tami Jarvis
- [nagdu] Email address
d m gina
- [nagdu] Email address
Larry D. Keeler
- [nagdu] Exercising at the air port
d m gina
- [nagdu] Fair Housing Act
Julie J.
- [nagdu] Fair Housing Act
Criminal Justice Major
- [nagdu] Fake service dogs provoke resentment, possible rule changes
Ginger Kutsch
- [nagdu] Fake service dogs provoke resentment, possible rule changes
Tami Jarvis
- [nagdu] Fake service dogs provoke resentment, possible rule changes
Julie J.
- [nagdu] Fake service dogs provoke resentment, possible rule changes
Jenine Stanley
- [nagdu] Fake service dogs provoke resentment, possible rule changes
Tami Jarvis
- [nagdu] Fake service dogs provoke resentment, possible rule changes
Tami Jarvis
- [nagdu] Fake service dogs provoke resentment, possible rule changes
Criminal Justice Major
- [nagdu] Fake service dogs provoke resentment, possible rule changes
Tami Jarvis
- [nagdu] Fake service dogs provoke resentment, possible rule changes
Lyn Gwizdak
- [nagdu] Fake service dogs provoke resentment, possible rule changes
Tami Jarvis
- [nagdu] Fake service dogs provoke resentment, possible rule changes
Julie McGinnity
- [nagdu] Fake service dogs provoke resentment, possible rule changes
Tracy Carcione
- [nagdu] Fake service dogs provoke resentment, possible rule changes
Pickrell, Rebecca M (TASC)
- [nagdu] Fake service dogs provoke resentment, possible rule changes
Cindy Ray
- [nagdu] Fake service dogs provoke resentment, possible rule changes
Julie McGinnity
- [nagdu] Fake service dogs provoke resentment, possible rule changes
Cindy Ray
- [nagdu] Fake service dogs provoke resentment, possible rule changes
Lyn Gwizdak
- [nagdu] Fake service dogs provoke resentment, possible rule changes
Lyn Gwizdak
- [nagdu] Fake service dogs provoke resentment, possible rule changes
Buddy Brannan
- [nagdu] Fake service dogs provoke resentment, possible rule changes
Lyn Gwizdak
- [nagdu] First State Convention
Jessica Diaz
- [nagdu] First State Convention
Cindy Ray
- [nagdu] First State Convention
- [nagdu] First State Convention
Cindy Ray
- [nagdu] First State Convention
- [nagdu] First State Convention
Julie J.
- [nagdu] First State Convention
Larry D. Keeler
- [nagdu] First State Convention
judotina48kg at
- [nagdu] First State Convention
mary wurtzel
- [nagdu] First State Convention
Larry D. Keeler
- [nagdu] First State Convention
William Vandervest
- [nagdu] Florida: Guide dog in St. Pete hit-and-run recovering from surgery
Ginger Kutsch
- [nagdu] Flying
t21114 at
- [nagdu] funny story about going to broadway
Marsha Drenth
- [nagdu] funny story about going to broadway
Sheila Leigland
- [nagdu] funny story about going to broadway
d m gina
- [nagdu] funny story about going to broadway
Larry D. Keeler
- [nagdu] funny story about going to broadway
rhonda cruz
- [nagdu] funny story about going to broadway
Marsha Drenth
- [nagdu] funny story about going to broadway
d m gina
- [nagdu] funny story about going to broadway
Marsha Drenth
- [nagdu] funny story about going to broadway
Margo and Arrow
- [nagdu] funny story about going to broadway
Larry D. Keeler
- [nagdu] funny story about going to broadway
Larry D. Keeler
- [nagdu] funny story about going to broadway
Larry D. Keeler
- [nagdu] funny story about going to broadway
Margo and Arrow
- [nagdu] funny story about going to broadway
William Vandervest
- [nagdu] Going to the Dogs
Criminal Justice Major
- [nagdu] Got accepted!
Kody Keplinger
- [nagdu] Got accepted!
Debbie Cole
- [nagdu] Got accepted!
- [nagdu] Got accepted!
Lori Dent
- [nagdu] Got accepted!
Marsha Drenth
- [nagdu] Got accepted!
Chantel Cuddemi
- [nagdu] Got accepted!
rhonda cruz
- [nagdu] happy Thanksgiving!
Chantel Cuddemi
- [nagdu] harness
Jessica Pitzer
- [nagdu] Have you registered yet?
Marj Schneider
- [nagdu] High School students and Guide Dogs...
Pickrell, Rebecca M (TASC)
- [nagdu] Holiday weekend
Sheila Leigland
- [nagdu] How to measure a successful guide dog team?
Tracy Carcione
- [nagdu] How to measure a successful guide dog team?
Larry D. Keeler
- [nagdu] How to measure a successful guide dog team?
Cindy Ray
- [nagdu] How to measure a successful guide dog team?
Julie J.
- [nagdu] How to measure a successful guide dog team?
- [nagdu] How to measure a sucessful guide dog team?
Marsha Drenth
- [nagdu] How to measure a sucessful guide dog team?
rhonda cruz
- [nagdu] How to measure a sucessful guide dog team?
Lori Dent
- [nagdu] How to measure a sucessful guide dog team?
Larry D. Keeler
- [nagdu] Hurricane Sandy
- [nagdu] Hurricane Sandy
Cindy Ray
- [nagdu] Hurricane Sandy
t21114 at
- [nagdu] Hurricane Sandy
Cindy Ray
- [nagdu] Hurricane Sandy
meg silkey
- [nagdu] Hurricane Sandy
Pickrell, Rebecca M (TASC)
- [nagdu] I'm back
Tracy Carcione
- [nagdu] I'm back
Cindy Ray
- [nagdu] I'm back
Tracy Carcione
- [nagdu] I'm back
Cindy Ray
- [nagdu] I'm back
Rebecca Ilniski
- [nagdu] I'm back
judotina48kg at
- [nagdu] I'm back
rhonda cruz
- [nagdu] I'm back
Lori Dent
- [nagdu] I'm back
Sheila Leigland
- [nagdu] Iams dog food question.
Deanna Lewis
- [nagdu] Iams dog food question.
Cindy Ray
- [nagdu] Iams dog food question.
Deanna Lewis
- [nagdu] Iams dog food question.
Cindy Ray
- [nagdu] Iams dog food question.
Tina Thomas
- [nagdu] In question please
d m gina
- [nagdu] In question please
Larry D. Keeler
- [nagdu] In question please
d m gina
- [nagdu] In question please
Julie J.
- [nagdu] In question please
d m gina
- [nagdu] In question please
Pickrell, Rebecca M (TASC)
- [nagdu] In question please
Marsha Drenth
- [nagdu] In question please
Julie J.
- [nagdu] In question please
d m gina
- [nagdu] In question please
- [nagdu] In question please
melissa R green
- [nagdu] Lions Clubs
- [nagdu] Marsha
d m gina
- [nagdu] Marsha
Marsha Drenth
- [nagdu] Massachusetts man tried to murder blind wife, kicked guide dog
Ginger Kutsch
- [nagdu] Massachusetts man tried to murder blind wife, kicked guide dog
d m gina
- [nagdu] methods of training in other countries?
Chantel Cuddemi
- [nagdu] methods of training in other countries?
- [nagdu] methods of training in other countries?
Chantel Cuddemi
- [nagdu] methods of training in other countries?
- [nagdu] methods of training in other countries?
Lyn Gwizdak
- [nagdu] my day from yesterday
Sean Moore
- [nagdu] my day from yesterday
Nimer M. Jaber, IC³
- [nagdu] my day from yesterday
Sean Moore
- [nagdu] my day from yesterday
Julie J.
- [nagdu] my day from yesterday
d m gina
- [nagdu] my day from yesterday
Ramona Davidson
- [nagdu] my day from yesterday
Sean Moore
- [nagdu] my day from yesterday
Sean Moore
- [nagdu] my day from yesterday
Lyn Gwizdak
- [nagdu] NAGDU's Position: Ownership of your dog
Marion Gwizdala
- [nagdu] NAGDU's Position: Ownership of your dog
- [nagdu] New guide dog book at NLS
Tracy Carcione
- [nagdu] New guide dog book at NLS
Larry D. Keeler
- [nagdu] Note from the moderator Re: my day from yesterday
Marsha Drenth
- [nagdu] Note from the moderator Re: my day from yesterday
Lyn Gwizdak
- [nagdu] Note from the moderator Re: my day from yesterday
- [nagdu] Note from the moderator Re: my day from yesterday
d m gina
- [nagdu] note from the moderator re: my day from yesterday
Mardi Hadfield
- [nagdu] Note from the moderator Re: my day from yesterday
Lyn Gwizdak
- [nagdu] NY website Theft
Julie Phillipson
- [nagdu] Our Adventure
- [nagdu] Our Adventure
Juanita Herrera
- [nagdu] Our Adventure
rhonda cruz
- [nagdu] Our Adventure
- [nagdu] Our Adventure
Larry D. Keeler
- [nagdu] Our Adventure
Debbie Cole
- [nagdu] Our Adventure
- [nagdu] Our Adventure
Chantel Cuddemi
- [nagdu] Our Adventure
Debbie Cole
- [nagdu] Our Adventure
- [nagdu] our morning
Sean Moore
- [nagdu] our morning
- [nagdu] our morning
Tami Jarvis
- [nagdu] our morning
Sheila Leigland
- [nagdu] our morning
rhonda cruz
- [nagdu] our morning
Marsha Drenth
- [nagdu] our morning
Sean Moore
- [nagdu] our morning
Tina Thomas
- [nagdu] our morning
Larry D. Keeler
- [nagdu] our morning
Larry D. Keeler
- [nagdu] our morning
Marsha Drenth
- [nagdu] our morning
Larry D. Keeler
- [nagdu] Our Thanksgiving Day/ Odie's punishment To His Daddy
Criminal Justice Major
- [nagdu] ownership
Criminal Justice Major
- [nagdu] Ownership of your dog
- [nagdu] Ownership of your dog
Debbie Cole
- [nagdu] Ownership of your dog
rhonda cruz
- [nagdu] Ownership of your dog
- [nagdu] Ownership of your dog
Debbie Cole
- [nagdu] Ownership of your dog
- [nagdu] Ownership of your dog
Sheila Leigland
- [nagdu] Owners of Doberman in Battery Park City say condo board is barking up wrong tree
Ginger Kutsch
- [nagdu] Owners of Doberman in Battery Park City say condo board is barking up wrong tree
Cindy Ray
- [nagdu] Owners of Doberman in Battery Park City say condo board is barking up wrong tree
Pickrell, Rebecca M (TASC)
- [nagdu] Pilot Dogs' Ownership Agreement
Marion Gwizdala
- [nagdu] Please change subject lines
Tina Thomas
- [nagdu] public appologies/duplicated messages
Criminal Justice Major
- [nagdu] questioning other dog handlers. Who can do it and when.
Dailyah Patt
- [nagdu] questions for GDDI, SEGDI and TSE grads
Criminal Justice Major
- [nagdu] questions for GDDI, SEGDI and TSE grads
- [nagdu] questions for GDDI, SEGDI and TSE grads
Juanita Herrera
- [nagdu] questions for GDDI, SEGDI and TSE grads
Tina Thomas
- [nagdu] questions for GDDI, SEGDI and TSE grads
Michael Hingson
- [nagdu] questions for GDDI, SEGDI and TSE grads
Juanita Herrera
- [nagdu] raw hide bone
d m gina
- [nagdu] raw hide bone
Jessica Pitzer
- [nagdu] raw hide bone
d m gina
- [nagdu] raw hide bone
Tina Thomas
- [nagdu] raw hide bone
Larry D. Keeler
- [nagdu] raw hide bone
Julie J.
- [nagdu] Restored vision
Tracy Carcione
- [nagdu] Restored vision
Cindy Ray
- [nagdu] Restored vision
Tami Jarvis
- [nagdu] Restored vision
Lyn Gwizdak
- [nagdu] Restored vision thread
Marsha Drenth
- [nagdu] retirement
Hannah Chadwick
- [nagdu] retirement
Marsha Drenth
- [nagdu] retirement
Shannon Dyer
- [nagdu] retirement
Hannah Chadwick
- [nagdu] retirement
rhonda cruz
- [nagdu] retirement
Marsha Drenth
- [nagdu] retirement
Chantel Cuddemi
- [nagdu] retirement
- [nagdu] retirement
rhonda cruz
- [nagdu] retirement
Hannah Chadwick
- [nagdu] retirement
Hannah Chadwick
- [nagdu] retirement
Tina Thomas
- [nagdu] retirement
Hannah Chadwick
- [nagdu] retirement
- [nagdu] retirement
Tracy Carcione
- [nagdu] retirement
- [nagdu] retirement
Hannah Chadwick
- [nagdu] retirement
Ann Edie
- [nagdu] retirement
Hannah Chadwick
- [nagdu] retirement
Tami Jarvis
- [nagdu] retirement
Criminal Justice Major
- [nagdu] retirement
Hannah Chadwick
- [nagdu] retirement
Juanita Herrera
- [nagdu] retirement
Ann Edie
- [nagdu] retirement
Tracy Carcione
- [nagdu] retirement
Juanita Herrera
- [nagdu] retirement
Julie McGinnity
- [nagdu] retirement
Rebecca Ilniski
- [nagdu] retirement
Pickrell, Rebecca M (TASC)
- [nagdu] return and my morning
Sean Moore
- [nagdu] return and my morning
Marsha Drenth
- [nagdu] return and my morning
- [nagdu] sad news about my dog sugar
Bunny Davidson
- [nagdu] sad news about my dog sugar
Tracy Carcione
- [nagdu] sad news about my dog sugar
Kody Keplinger
- [nagdu] sad news about my dog sugar
- [nagdu] sad news about my dog sugar
Lyn Gwizdak
- [nagdu] sad news about my dog sugar
Debbie Cole
- [nagdu] sad news about my dog sugar
rhonda cruz
- [nagdu] sad news about my dog sugar
Tami Jarvis
- [nagdu] sad news about my dog sugar
Cindy Ray
- [nagdu] sad news about my dog sugar
Sheila Leigland
- [nagdu] sad news about my dog Sugar
Mardi Hadfield
- [nagdu] sad news about my dog Sugar
Bunny Davidson
- [nagdu] sad news about my dog sugar
Bunny Davidson
- [nagdu] sad news about my dog sugar
Bunny Davidson
- [nagdu] Saving Money
- [nagdu] Saving Money
Julie J.
- [nagdu] Saving Money
- [nagdu] Saving Money
Juanita Herrera
- [nagdu] Saving Money
Tracy Carcione
- [nagdu] Saving Money
Chantel Cuddemi
- [nagdu] Saving Money
Chantel Cuddemi
- [nagdu] Saving Money
Mark J. Cadigan
- [nagdu] Saving Money
- [nagdu] Saving Money
- [nagdu] Saving Money
Debbie Cole
- [nagdu] Saving Money
- [nagdu] Saving Money
Juanita Herrera
- [nagdu] Schools during Adverse Conditions
- [nagdu] Schools during Adverse Conditions
Ashley Coleman
- [nagdu] Schools during Adverse Conditions
Ramona Davidson
- [nagdu] Seating
- [nagdu] Seating
William Vandervest
- [nagdu] Seating
Julie J.
- [nagdu] Seating
Larry D. Keeler
- [nagdu] Seating
rhonda cruz
- [nagdu] Seating
- [nagdu] Seating
Pickrell, Rebecca M (TASC)
- [nagdu] Seating
Marsha Drenth
- [nagdu] sherman went over the rainbow bridge
Rebecca Ilniski
- [nagdu] sherman went over the rainbow bridge
Sheila Leigland
- [nagdu] sherman went over the rainbow bridge
Tracy Carcione
- [nagdu] sherman went over the rainbow bridge
Margo and Arrow
- [nagdu] sherman went over the rainbow bridge
d m gina
- [nagdu] sherman went over the rainbow bridge
- [nagdu] sherman went over the rainbow bridge
Lyn Gwizdak
- [nagdu] sherman went over the rainbow bridge
Jenny Keller
- [nagdu] sherman went over the rainbow bridge
Debbie Cole
- [nagdu] sherman went over the rainbow bridge
Danielle Sykora
- [nagdu] still around/accident
Criminal Justice Major
- [nagdu] still around/accident
- [nagdu] Still food and chewing problems
mary wurtzel
- [nagdu] Still food and chewing problems
mary wurtzel
- [nagdu] Still food and chewing problems
Marsha Drenth
- [nagdu] Still food and chewing problems
Julie J.
- [nagdu] Still food and chewing problems
Pickrell, Rebecca M (TASC)
- [nagdu] Still food and chewing problems
- [nagdu] Still food and chewing problems
Tami Jarvis
- [nagdu] Still food and chewing problems
Larry D. Keeler
- [nagdu] Still food and chewing problems
Juanita Herrera
- [nagdu] Still food and chewing problems
Julie J.
- [nagdu] Still food and chewing problems
Larry D. Keeler
- [nagdu] Still food and chewing problems
Sheila Leigland
- [nagdu] Still food and chewing problems
Pickrell, Rebecca M (TASC)
- [nagdu] Still food and chewing problems
Pickrell, Rebecca M (TASC)
- [nagdu] Still food and chewing problems
Sheila Leigland
- [nagdu] Still food and chewing problems
mary wurtzel
- [nagdu] Still food and chewing problems
Lyn Gwizdak
- [nagdu] Still food and chewing problems
Pickrell, Rebecca M (TASC)
- [nagdu] Still food and chewing problems
mary wurtzel
- [nagdu] Still food and chewing problems
mary wurtzel
- [nagdu] Still food and chewing problems
Sheila Leigland
- [nagdu] Story on US air years ago
- [nagdu] Story on US air years ago
Larry D. Keeler
- [nagdu] Story on US air years ago
Marsha Drenth
- [nagdu] Story on US air years ago
t21114 at
- [nagdu] Story on US air years ago
d m gina
- [nagdu] Stress
Tracy Carcione
- [nagdu] stress, how much is too much?
Julie J.
- [nagdu] stress, how much is too much?
Tracy Carcione
- [nagdu] stress, how much is too much?
Julie J.
- [nagdu] stress, how much is too much?
Tracy Carcione
- [nagdu] stress, how much is too much?
- [nagdu] stress, how much is too much?
Pickrell, Rebecca M (TASC)
- [nagdu] stress, how much is too much?
Robert Hooper
- [nagdu] stress, how much is too much?
d m gina
- [nagdu] stress, how much is too much?
Larry D. Keeler
- [nagdu] stress, how much is too much?
Julie J.
- [nagdu] stress, how much is too much?
Julie J.
- [nagdu] stress, how much is too much?
Ramona Davidson
- [nagdu] stress, how much is too much?
Tracy Carcione
- [nagdu] stress, how much is too much?
Julie J.
- [nagdu] stress, how much is too much?
Steven Johnson
- [nagdu] stress, how much is too much?
Robert Hooper
- [nagdu] stress, how much is too much?
Julie McGinnity
- [nagdu] stress, how much is too much?
Robert Hooper
- [nagdu] stress, how much is too much?
Katrin Andberg
- [nagdu] stress, how much is too much?
Sheila Leigland
- [nagdu] stress, how much is too much?
Katrin Andberg
- [nagdu] stress, how much is too much?
Katrin Andberg
- [nagdu] stress, how much is too much?
- [nagdu] stress, how much is too much?
Katrin Andberg
- [nagdu] stress, how much is too much?
Tracy Carcione
- [nagdu] stress, how much is too much?
Tami Jarvis
- [nagdu] stress, how much is too much?
Julie J.
- [nagdu] stress, how much is too much?
Pickrell, Rebecca M (TASC)
- [nagdu] stress, how much is too much?
Lyn Gwizdak
- [nagdu] stress, how much is too much?
Julie J.
- [nagdu] stress, how much is too much?
Toni Whaley
- [nagdu] stress, how much is too much?
Julie McGinnity
- [nagdu] stress, how much is too much?
Danielle Sykora
- [nagdu] stress, how much is too much?
Lyn Gwizdak
- [nagdu] sweaters and rugs
Julie J.
- [nagdu] talking to landlord about guide dogs
Kody Keplinger
- [nagdu] talking to landlord about guide dogs
Buddy Brannan
- [nagdu] talking to landlord about guide dogs
Larry D. Keeler
- [nagdu] talking to landlord about guide dogs
Larry D. Keeler
- [nagdu] talking to landlord about guide dogs
Kody Keplinger
- [nagdu] talking to landlord about guide dogs
Debbie Cole
- [nagdu] talking to landlord about guide dogs
Kody Keplinger
- [nagdu] talking to landlord about guide dogs
Debbie Cole
- [nagdu] talking to landlord about guide dogs
Julie J.
- [nagdu] talking to landlord about guide dogs
Lori Dent
- [nagdu] talking to landlord about guide dogs
- [nagdu] talking to landlord about guide dogs
Julie J.
- [nagdu] talking to landlord about guide dogs
Ginger Kutsch
- [nagdu] talking to landlord about guide dogs
rhonda cruz
- [nagdu] talking to landlord about guide dogs
Julie J.
- [nagdu] talking to landlord about guide dogs
Steven Johnson
- [nagdu] Tami's back! was stress, how much is too much?
Julie J.
- [nagdu] Tami's back! was stress, how much is too much?
Tami Jarvis
- [nagdu] Tami's back! was stress, how much is too much?
rhonda cruz
- [nagdu] Tami's back! was stress, how much is too much?
Larry D. Keeler
- [nagdu] Tami's back! was stress, how much is too much?
Sheila Leigland
- [nagdu] Tami's back! was stress, how much is too much?
Tami Jarvis
- [nagdu] Tami's back! was stress, how much is too much?
Lyn Gwizdak
- [nagdu] Tami's back! was stress, how much is too much?
Sheila Leigland
- [nagdu] Tennis balls for dogs Re:Working Our Dogs
Marsha Drenth
- [nagdu] test
Tami Jarvis
- [nagdu] test
Debbie Cole
- [nagdu] test walk and more
judotina48kg at
- [nagdu] test walk and more
Rebecca Ilniski
- [nagdu] thanks for prayers, update
Bunny Davidson
- [nagdu] The mapple
d m gina
- [nagdu] This is entertaining
d m gina
- [nagdu] This is entertaining
Larry D. Keeler
- [nagdu] This is entertaining
d m gina
- [nagdu] This is entertaining
Larry D. Keeler
- [nagdu] Timing of upset tummy
Tracy Carcione
- [nagdu] Timing of upset tummy
Larry D. Keeler
- [nagdu] Timing of upset tummy
Cindy Ray
- [nagdu] Timing of upset tummy
Larry D. Keeler
- [nagdu] Timing of upset tummy
Tracy Carcione
- [nagdu] Timing of upset tummy
Cindy Ray
- [nagdu] To Sarah, was RE: questions for GDDI, SEGDI and TSE grads
Deanna Lewis
- [nagdu] To Sarah, was RE: questions for GDDI, SEGDI and TSE grads
- [nagdu] To Sarah, was RE: questions for GDDI, SEGDI and TSE grads
d m gina
- [nagdu] To Sarah, was RE: questions for GDDI, SEGDI and TSE grads
Larry D. Keeler
- [nagdu] To Sarah, was RE: questions for GDDI, SEGDI and TSE grads
d m gina
- [nagdu] To Sarah, was RE: questions for GDDI, SEGDI and TSE grads
Larry D. Keeler
- [nagdu] Twoo things here
d m gina
- [nagdu] Twoo things here
judotina48kg at
- [nagdu] Twoo things here
rhonda cruz
- [nagdu] Twoo things here
Larry D. Keeler
- [nagdu] Twoo things here
melissa R green
- [nagdu] update
Jessica Pitzer
- [nagdu] update
Tracy Carcione
- [nagdu] update from me
Criminal Justice Major
- [nagdu] update from me
Sheila Leigland
- [nagdu] update from me
d m gina
- [nagdu] update from the Motley crew
Chantel Cuddemi
- [nagdu] update from the Motley crew
- [nagdu] update from the Motley crew
Lori Dent
- [nagdu] update from the Motley crew
Sheila Leigland
- [nagdu] update from the Motley crew
rhonda cruz
- [nagdu] update from the Motley crew
Chantel Cuddemi
- [nagdu] update from the Motley crew
Chantel Cuddemi
- [nagdu] update from the Motley crew
Lori Dent
- [nagdu] update from the Motley crew
- [nagdu] update from the Motley crew
- [nagdu] vests - a topic I won't reply to too many times
Dailyah Patt
- [nagdu] What to do when bad things happen while flying
Jenine Stanley
- [nagdu] who can legally have guide harnesses?
Lyn Gwizdak
- [nagdu] who can legally have guide harnesses?
Pickrell, Rebecca M (TASC)
- [nagdu] who can legally have guide harnesses?
Lyn Gwizdak
- [nagdu] Working Our Dogs
- [nagdu] Working Our Dogs
Larry D. Keeler
- [nagdu] Working Our Dogs
Tracy Carcione
- [nagdu] Working Our Dogs
Debbie Cole
- [nagdu] Working Our Dogs
Chantel Cuddemi
- [nagdu] Working Our Dogs
Debbie Cole
- [nagdu] Working Our Dogs
- [nagdu] Working Our Dogs
- [nagdu] Working Our Dogs
rhonda cruz
- [nagdu] Working Our Dogs
- [nagdu] Working Our Dogs
- [nagdu] Working Our Dogs
- [nagdu] Working Our Dogs
Debbie Cole
- [nagdu] Working Our Dogs
Larry D. Keeler
- [nagdu] Working Our Dogs
Debbie Cole
- [nagdu] Working Our Dogs
Debbie Cole
- [nagdu] Working Our Dogs
Larry D. Keeler
- [nagdu] Working Our Dogs
d m gina
- [nagdu] Working Our Dogs
Larry D. Keeler
- [nagdu] Working Our Dogs
Lyn Gwizdak
- [nagdu] Working Our Dogs
Lyn Gwizdak
- [nagdu] Working Our Dogs
- [nagdu] Working Our Dogs
- [nagdu] Working Our Dogs
- [nagdu] Working Our Dogs
- [nagdu] Working Our Dogs
Julie J.
- [nagdu] Working Our Dogs
- [nagdu] Working Our Dogs
Debbie Cole
- [nagdu] Working Our Dogs
Tracy Carcione
- [nagdu] Working Our Dogs
Steven Johnson
- [nagdu] Working Our Dogs
Debbie Cole
- [nagdu] Working Our Dogs
Lyn Gwizdak
- [nagdu] Working Our Dogs
- [nagdu] Working Our Dogs
- [nagdu] Working Our Dogs
- [nagdu] Working Our Dogs
- [nagdu] Working Our Dogs
- [nagdu] Working Our Dogs
Larry D. Keeler
- [nagdu] Working Our Dogs
d m gina
- [nagdu] Working Our Dogs
d m gina
- [nagdu] Working Our Dogs
Tracy Carcione
- [nagdu] Working Our Dogs
- [nagdu] Working Our Dogs
- [nagdu] Working Our Dogs
- [nagdu] Working Our Dogs
- [nagdu] Working Our Dogs
- [nagdu] Working Our Dogs
d m gina
- [nagdu] Working Our Dogs
- [nagdu] Working Our Dogs
Juanita Herrera
- [nagdu] Working Our Dogs
Lyn Gwizdak
- [nagdu] Working Our Dogs
Lyn Gwizdak
- [nagdu] working our dogs
Rebecca Ilniski
- [nagdu] Working Our Dogs
Tami Jarvis
- [nagdu] Working Our Dogs
Debbie Cole
- [nagdu] Working Our Dogs
Meg Silkey
- [nagdu] Working Our Dogs
Larry D. Keeler
- [nagdu] Working Our Dogs
d m gina
- [nagdu] Working Our Dogs
Tami Jarvis
- [nagdu] Working Our Dogs
Tami Jarvis
- [nagdu] Working Our Dogs
Lyn Gwizdak
- [nagdu] Working Our Dogs
Pickrell, Rebecca M (TASC)
- [nagdu] You are required to sit in the bulkhead.
Cindy Ray
- [nagdu] You are required to sit in the bulkhead.
Margo and Arrow
- [nagdu] You are required to sit in the bulkhead.
rhonda cruz
- [nagdu] You are required to sit in the bulkhead.
Cindy Ray
- [nagdu] You are required to sit in the bulkhead.
Michael Hingson
- [nagdu] You are required to sit in the bulkhead.
Margo and Arrow
- [nagdu] You are required to sit in the bulkhead.
Tracy Carcione
- [nagdu] You are required to sit in the bulkhead.
Tracy Carcione
- [nagdu] You are required to sit in the bulkhead.
Bunny Davidson
- [nagdu] You are required to sit in the bulkhead.
Cindy Ray
- [nagdu] You are required to sit in the bulkhead.
Cindy Ray
- [nagdu] You are required to sit in the bulkhead.
Cindy Ray
- [nagdu] You are required to sit in the bulkhead.
Lyn Gwizdak
- [nagdu] You are required to sit in the bulkhead.
Cindy Ray
- [nagdu] You are required to sit in the bulkhead.
RJ Sandefur
- [nagdu] You are required to sit in the bulkhead.
Cindy Ray
- [nagdu] [NAGDU] You are required to sit in the bulkhead.
Ginger Kutsch
- [nagdu] You are required to sit in the bulkhead.
Marsha Drenth
- [nagdu] You are required to sit in the bulkhead.
Tami Jarvis
- [nagdu] You are required to sit in the bulkhead.
Lori Dent
- [nagdu] You are required to sit in the bulkhead.
d m gina
- [nagdu] You are required to sit in the bulkhead.
Mark J. Cadigan
- [nagdu] You are required to sit in the bulkhead.
Pickrell, Rebecca M (TASC)
- [nagdu] You are required to sit in the bulkhead.
Pickrell, Rebecca M (TASC)
- [nagdu] You are required to sit in the bulkhead.
Lyn Gwizdak
- [nagdu] You are required to sit in the bulkhead.
Cindy Ray
- [nagdu] You are required to sit in the bulkhead.
Pickrell, Rebecca M (TASC)
Last message date:
Fri Nov 30 23:20:02 UTC 2012
Archived on: Mon Jun 29 15:08:16 UTC 2020
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).