[nagdu] Attending Training Centers with a Guide

Cindy Ray cindyray at gmail.com
Sat Oct 20 12:19:31 UTC 2012

I would have to say that I agree with Julie on this. I feel that my teamwork with the dog would suffer some if I was at the center and using the cane every day. Also, though, I think there is a lot of incompetency in the use of canes by people who haven't had adequate mobility training, and this is not helpful to them when they are for one reason or another without the dog. I also sort of wonder if this fear that the teamwork with the dog would be damaged if we did use the cane daily and then work the dog after hours and weekends only is a little bit fear more than fact. People who have done it rarely say that this has been the case. I think you need to expect to do the whole program when you go there no matter what, unless there are variations on the ways in which you can complete it. For instance, if you were at a training center for a specific purpose such as training to be a vendor, and if you had competent travel skills with a dog, and if then you would not need the training, maybe that would be all right. But for the general prescribed training, I think a person needs to expet to participate in the whole program. What are the benefits of the program for you? That's important. And, if at all possible, I think I would probably go between dogs rather than adding my dog into the mix. That just uncomplicates everything.

I hope that the experience is a grand one. I enjoyed mine back in the olden days at the Iowa Commission for the Blind.

Cindy Lou

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