[nagdu] thans to all

Shannon Wells oldtimechristian at gmail.com
Thu Sep 13 10:38:54 UTC 2012

Hi all,
So many of you have replied with congratulations, and I wish I could reply to each one. But, knowing that one line messages are annoying when someone isn't interested in the topic, I'll just say it in one message.

Thank you, Chantel, Lori, and everyone else who congratulated me on my class date. I know more of you replied to my message, but I can't remember everyone's name. So, thanks to you all.

Marsha mentioned journaling or blogging and I'm thinking about it, mostly for those sighted friends I have who have expressed interest. There is more to just going away for a few days and getting a dog, as we all know. There's my children's feelings to consider, my husband's feelings to consider, the size of my house and so on. These are things we all think of because our dogs are never far from our thoughts, but those who do not have dogs wouldn't think that you'd need to rearrange furniture in order to make a place for your dog to sleep. *smile* 

Anyway, just saying thanks.

Have a good one.
Shannon wells

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