[nagdu] It just can't be this hard!

Marion Gwizdala blind411 at verizon.net
Wed Apr 10 16:35:22 UTC 2013

Mr. Adams,
    I appreciate your persistance on this issue; however, I am  very confused. I have sent several messages in response to your inquiries with detailed instructions about joining the NAGDU & FLAGDU discussion lists. In those messages, I also shared Sherrill O'Brien's telephone number and even gave you mine should you want to get in touch with me personally. All the questions asked in this message have already been answered; however, if you do not have those messages, I would be happy to send them again. Please let me know.

Fraternally yours,
Marion Gwizdala, President
National Association of Guide Dog Users (NAGDU)
National Federation of the Blind
President at NAGDU.ORG

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Ken Ace 
  To: David Andrews ; nagdu at nfbnet.org ; Marion Gwizdala 
  Sent: Wednesday, April 10, 2013 11:29 AM
  Subject: It just can't be this hard!

  Gentlemen, I feel more like a ping pong ball or a hot potato being passed from pillar to post when all I want to do IS JOIN. I have over 15 e-mails, which if you would like I will be happy to forward, and three months  just to try and straighten this out.

  So how about we start all over. Obviously I did something wrong in the beginning so anything you could or would be willing to do to help would be greatly appreciated.

  1)      I want to join

  2)      I want info on the convention in St. Pete in May

  3)      I would like to rent a booth if available at the convention

  4)      I would like to post on your chat room and communicate with others who also have a Guide Dog.


  Thank you, I appreciate any support you could offer,

  D.K. Adams

  Alias Ken & Ace

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