[nagdu] Guide Dogs in Condo swimming pools.
Larry D. Keeler
lkeeler at comcast.net
Mon Aug 5 01:35:21 UTC 2013
Thanks Marion, about what I was thinking as well. As far as the life guard
thing went, I was curious about if the life guard would be responsible for
saving your dog. I would thing not but interesting wuestion.
----- Original Message -----
From: "National Association of Guide Dog Users" <blind411 at verizon.net>
To: "'NAGDU Mailing List, the National Association of Guide Dog Users'"
<nagdu at nfbnet.org>
Sent: Sunday, August 04, 2013 5:50 PM
Subject: Re: [nagdu] Guide Dogs in Condo swimming pools.
> Dear All,
> I will do my best to answer these questions from my lay point of
> view.As far as the question of whether or not a guide dog could be allowed
> in a pool, the purpose of allowing a person access with their guide dog is
> to allow them the independent travel tool of their choice. I know the dog
> would be allowed on the pool deck, but I would think that it would not
> extend to actually being in the pool. Service animals can be removed from
> an
> entity if they pose a direct threat to the health or safety of others. I'm
> not an expert on this issue, but I would bet it could be argued that the
> dog
> in the pool could be construed as a direct threat.
> I don't know how much hair it would take to clog a pool drain, but I
> would think a bunch of humans likely shed more hair in a pool than one
> dog.
> I have never belonged to a condo or homeowners' association, but it
> is my understanding that the policies of the association are written into
> bylaws that are approved by the association members. Such associations
> cannot make bylaws or policies that conflict with local, state, or federal
> law.
> As for the question of whether or not a life guard would be in any
> way responsible or liable for any personal or property damage caused by a
> service dog, on this point the law is very clear. Federal law makes the
> handler of the service dog responsible for any damage caused by the dog.
> Fraternally yours,
> Marion Gwizdala
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