[nagdu] guide dogs in hotels
Debby Phillips
semisweetdebby at gmail.com
Mon Dec 8 15:22:21 UTC 2014
Hi Emily, you do not need to let the hotel know that you are
going to be traveling with your guide dog. Whether you take a
crate or not depends on what you normally do. Does York sleep in
a crate at home? Do you have a crate that folds up for travel?
Neena doesn't use her crate about half the time now, though she
does go in there sometimes on her own. Anyway, I think either a
bed or crate will be good, but a crate might be easier to carry.
Remember that this will be York's first time away from home, too.
So don't be surprised if he is a little stressed out. Sometimes
this shows up in not wanting to relieve, (this usually doesn't
last all that long), but it can, I suppose. My dog Cleo would go
for days and not eat. But eventually she got hungry and ate her
food. The first time she didn't eat when we were at a convention
I was worried. But I talked to a Seeing Eye instructor who said
that when she got hungry she would eat. The next morning she
If you can, try to have some alone time with just you and York.
Take a break and go to your room and play with her a little, just
sit quietly and pet her and talk to her. Sorry, him. That gives
both of you some time to relax.
I'm sure I'm missing some things, but others will have some great
advice, I know. Have a wonderful time! Peace, Debby and
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