[nagdu] More On The Canadian "Quanto's Law"

Doug Parisian via nagdu nagdu at nfbnet.org
Sun May 25 20:22:35 UTC 2014

    Quanto's Law

About two weeks ago, a Canadian Law called Quanto's Law was mentioned.  
While the law seems good as far as it goes, I have found no specifics in 
terms of protection for other service animals though they are obscurely 
mentioned, in anything I have been able to read so far.

I have received no response from either my local member of parliament or 
the Prime Minister, Stephen Harper to whom I have attempted 
correspondence referring them to our provincial Service animal 
regulation.  Basically, I would like the same fines and protections for 
dog guides including unwanted interference by other animals and the 
general public.

In Canada, we have unfortunate organizations which either claim to be 
self-help groups or rehabilitation services.  Seems to me that the 
so-called self help groups are more "song and dance"efforts than any 
real agents for social action and change.

Having no response from either source, I'll be researching Quanto's Law 
on our government web site to see if I can get a clear handle on it's 
status and components.  I'll probably attempt another email to my MP 
since he at least might have responded.  Of course, he is a member of 
one of the opposition parties and from my readings, seems even below the 
impotent level.

Just in case there are any Canadians on this list who actually believe 
in positive action, the email addresses, which are public are below:

pat.martin at parl.gc.ca

pm at PM.GC.CA

Just trying to bark up the right tree!

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