[nagdu] Command Warm-ups
Stephanie via nagdu
nagdu at nfbnet.org
Tue May 27 03:36:59 UTC 2014
At training here in Australia we did it twice a day, every morning and night.
Since returning home, I use it in my every day life. I will make Gypsy wait at the door. Tell her to stay while I do something, then call her to me during the day.
----- Original Message -----
From: Kristen via nagdu <nagdu at nfbnet.org>
To: nagdu at nfbnet.org
Date: Tuesday, May 27, 2014 3:20 am
Subject: [nagdu] Command Warm-ups
> Hi everyone--
> How often do you do obedience with your guide, practicing and
> reviewing commands? Also, how long do you spend on it, and what
> particular commands do you go over?
> When I was in training with Corvette last summer, they had us
> reviewing commands every morning. I've done it sporadically over
> the school year, as I thought he was doing well and had his
> commands down. Now, I began taking him outside every morning for
> the last few days to warm up. I feel there are some commands he
> could be more familiar with (maybe he's forgotten them or just
> being lazy), and this has seemed to let him know that I am in
> control and not to tug in whatever direction he chooses. (For
> example, if I am walking outside and he sees cars, he will
> immediately tug that way, wanting to get in one as fast as he can
> to leave. Another thing with Corvette is trying to get him out
> from under things, such as desks, restaurant tables, and out of
> the car. He's become a little stubborn, wanting to stay put when
> I'm ready to leave.)
> If he has forgotten or slacked on a command, any recommendations
> on how to reteach or develop new ones?
> Thanks for any suggestions/input! The school I attended, KSDS,
> has lots of documentation; however, none of which is in Braille
> or an accessible format. I would like to have this, as he is my
> first guide, and we're still getting used to everything. I'm
> going to a retreat there this July to hopefully help us fine tune
> a few skills.
> --
> Kristen
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