[nagdu] picking breed,gender and influences from others
Mardi Hadfield
wolfsinger.lakota at gmail.com
Wed Jul 15 04:38:25 UTC 2015
Hi Gerardo,and welcome.Mardi from Tucson Arizona here.I am an owner trainer
and have definite breed preferences.I love Siberian Huskies.I am relatively
sure I will never get one at a guide dog school.I know the breed well as I
have had quite a few. I have also had German Shepherds, ! Belgian
Shepherd,several Husky / Shepherd crosses. I have had many Black Labs.I
have also had a Border Collie.I have never had a White Shepherd or a Dutch
Shepherd but would like to have one of them. But I won't get a Dutch
Shepherd at a guide dog school either.I have trained other breeds for other
people as service dogs. I have trained a Standard Poodle for a lady once.
It was a very smart dog.It some times was very hard for her to handle as he
could be very stubborn at times.If you truly want a poodle, talk to as many
poodle owners to see if a poodle is going to work for your personality,
your pace, (the way you walk) and your budget.Even though I have trained 3
Husky guides, 1 Belgian Shepherd guide and am currently training a German
Shepherd guide for my self, I would take a Lab. or a golden or a Lab /
Golden cross or a German Shepherd from a school if I could no longer train
my own. I would be very happy with what ever dog, a trainer thought was the
right dog for me.I would probably not choose a poodle as I know that the
public can't seem to keep their hands off of them.I would never be able to
get my shopping done with all the people petting my dog,and distracting it.
I also live on a fixed income and don't think I could afford to have a
poodle groomed as often as need be.I think people would still try to pet a
Golden or a Lab, but not as much as a poodle. I frequently have people
petting my Huskies and Shepherds but they are not as rare as guides. You
just do not see that many Poodles as guides,and when people see them, they
tend to go a little nuts trying to pet them. At least that has been my
experience when I have seen the few Poodle guides that I have seen.If I
lived in a place where there were lots of poodles and had more money, I
might go for the poodle. If people are so used to seeing lots of poodles
,then mine would just be another poodle dog walking by them. Labs and
Goldens are great dogs. I just prefer Huskies and Shepherds, and as long as
I am able to train my own dogs, That is what I will have. I love dogs. They
are wonderful animals and I will have at least 1 as long as I am able to
care for it. Right now,I have a bunch of dogs and I love them all. Mardi
and Shaman,retired and Neechee and Shulamith,GDIT.
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