[nagdu] Ear cleaning techniques.

Tami Jarvis tami at poodlemutt.com
Thu Jun 4 16:21:50 UTC 2015


I use the second method, squirting the liquid into the ear canal to 
clean out deep gunk. Mitzi was easy, though I seem to remember working 
with her at first while we both got used to the process. Mostly I 
remember my friend who had come to help but who wasn't a dog person, and 
her daughter who did a running commentary between trying to get time on 
my computer. /lol/ The hardest part to get used to was the waste of 
expensive stuff, both the cream and the liquid ear wash, because I 
couldn't tell how much I was getting in and wanted to be sure to get 
enough. So when Loki had his puppy ear infection, I was fine with 
letting my husband do the deed while he had the puppy on his lap for 
morning cuddles.

I do remember with Mitzi using food reward to get her used to the bottle 
and the treatment, but you've also helped me remember sitting and 
talking with her with the bottle in my lap, then moving it closer to her 
until she started to get suspicious, then moving it away... It helped 
that the cream made her sore ears feel really good, I am sure. Also, 
Mitzi is a relatively small standard poodle, and she was a pup for our 
learning experience, so she was physically  manageable.

With Loki, we still tag team him for his regular ear washings, although 
he only puts up a token protest these days. I really should work with 
him so I can do it myself. I think I'll try sitting and chatting with 
him while I hold the bottle and give him treats. I've done a little bit 
of that process using bribes, but I should finish it up.

Funny thing. Zay has always been good about having her ears done, and 
she wants to be involved when we're doing Loki's ears, so she gets in 
the way. I tried showing her the bottle to let Loki see how it's not 
scary, and Zay ran off. So now when she's getting too intrusive, we show 
her the bottle and say her name, and she finds entertainment elsewhere. 
/lol/ Suppose I should work with her in case I need to treat her ears 
again. Silly dogs.

Mambo should get easier as you both get used to the treatment. If you 
find a way to avoid wasting expensive ear goop, do tell! I wasted less 
with experience, but that doesn't mean I wasn't wasting a lot. We use 
vinegar and water for regular ear cleanings, so that's way cheap. Yay!


On 06/04/2015 05:26 AM, Deanna Lewis via nagdu wrote:
> Hi all,
> With my previous guide dog, I cleaned his ears by putting the solution on the gauze/cotton and then using my finger to wipe out his ear. Or sometimes, I would just use an alcohol-free baby wipe. I've been cleaning Mambo's ears in the same manner, but his ears are bigger and floppier than Pascal's (I call them Dumbo ears, LOL). So, when he was a the Vet a few weeks ago, his doctor gave me a new ear cleaner and this one you apply differently. You tilt the dog's head and fill the ear with the solution. Then you rub the ears for a minute, and then the dog will shake out the excess fluid. You are supposed to fill up the ear until you see the liquid overflowing back out of the ear, but it's hard for me to feel when it's full. I think I ended up using a lot more than I needed, so I will have to replace the solution more often than the other one.
> I've heard of people using either method, but is there a preferred one?
> Also, Mambo gets very timid when you approach him with anything. He freaked out in class when I went to put on his frontline. I've been using kibble to get him more comfortable with being approached with things, but I don't think I will be able to clean his ears in this new way without someone's help. So, I was wondering if you all had any ideas.
> Deanna and Mambo with retired Pascal

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