[nagdu] Question about poodle guides
jawsgirl87 at gmail.com
Sat Mar 14 17:59:19 UTC 2015
I had a poodle from Pilot, and one of the things I had to contend with was
his sniffing.
Motley, my poodle, was focused on his work when he wasn't sniffing or
pulling hard.
Poodles do have a hard pull, but you can usually get them to slow down using
a chest pad.
As far as eating goes, unless your poodle has alergies, they will eat
whatever food you get for them.
Switch their food slowly when you get home with them.
Hope that helps,
----- Original Message -----
From: "Kerri Stovall via nagdu" <nagdu at nfbnet.org>
To: "the National Association of Guide Dog Users NAGDU Mailing List"
<nagdu at nfbnet.org>
Sent: Saturday, March 14, 2015 8:23 AM
Subject: [nagdu] Question about poodle guides
> Hi list,
> I don't write much so I thought I'd come out of my mousehole for a little
> while. lol
> I have been following some of the posts on here about dog schools and
> different breeds, which peaked my interest. I wanted to ask for some
> feedback and more info on a certain breed of dog, and if keeping a thread
> about a certain breed is not acceptable, that's ok, I'll give my email
> address at the end of the post here, so that you all can respond to me off
> list.
> I have read where some of you either know someone with or have a poodle
> for a guide yourself. This is what I'm on the waiting list for, and that's
> why it's taking forever and a day. lol. So I'm trying to read up and get
> as much info from people who have them as to their character, temperament,
> caring for them, etc. I have checked out grooming fees, and $60 or a
> little more seems to be the average price for a bath, nail trim, ear
> cleaning, and a short whole body clip, which is what I would want for easy
> maintenance.
> So, I just basically want all the juicy details about poodles that you all
> might have. Are they focused? Distractable? Easy to control or train new
> things? What are their eating habits? Size and weight? Stuff like that.
> Thank you all for your responses in advance, and I hope and pray that
> Pilot doesn't make me wait another year before I hear from them. lol. I've
> been waiting since November or so and I'm missing the feel of a harness.
> Here's my email for those of you who'd like to respond by email off list.
> spedangel84 at gmail.com
> Thank you for all of your info ahead of time.
> Kerri, patiently, well not so patiently, waiting on her poodle
> Sent from my iPhone
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