[nagdu] FW: Criss Cole Announces One-Week Guide Dog Training - April 11-15th, 2016!

David Andrews dandrews at visi.com
Fri Nov 20 03:15:28 UTC 2015

>From: "Simpson,Charlotte (DARS)" <Charlotte.Simpson at dars.state.tx.us>
>Dear NAGDU,
>I’d like to share information about an O&M and 
>Guide Dog Education workshop being held at the 
>Criss Cole Rehabilitation Center in Austin, TX 
>in April of 2016.  It is a 1-week long workshop, 
>and participants will be housed residentially at 
>Criss Cole.  The workshop will include 
>information about O&M as it relates to using a 
>guide dog, auditory orientation practice, juno 
>walk experiences, guide dog user panels, a puppy 
>handling experience, and Q&A regarding what to 
>expect if you choose to work a guide dog.
>Please share this information with anyone who 
>might be interested in knowing this workshop is 
>being held.  There is a flyer attached and a 
>document listing the scope & objectives 
>including application requirements & expectations of the workshop.
>Thank you!
>Charlotte Simpson, MBA, COMS
>Orientation & Mobility Specialist
>Criss Cole Rehabilitation Center
>(512) 377-0416
><mailto:Charlotte.Simpson at dars.state.tx.us>Charlotte.Simpson at dars.state.tx.us
>From: Mrak,Marlo (DARS)
>Subject: Criss Cole Announces One-Week Guide Dog 
>Training - April 11-15th, 2016!
>CCRC One-Week O&M Guide Dog Education Training Program
>Dates: April 11-15th, 2016
>Maximum Participants: 10
>This opportunity serves to assist the field in 
>reaching consumers who could benefit from daily 
>training in O&M for a one-week time period while 
>exploring the use of a guide dog. Guide dogs can 
>offer social benefit and this training offers 
>additional development of auditory orientation 
>skills whether or not the consumer chooses to 
>apply for a guide dog. Please refer to the 
>training outline below in order to determine if 
>you have appropriate consumers who are ready for 
>this type of targeted training.
>SCOPE: Training is for VR students who are 
>interested in learning more about orientation & 
>mobility related to guide dogs. Training will 
>take place both with a long, rigid cane and a 
>simulation harness without a dog (aka “juno 
>walk”). Students should arrive with comfortable 
>clothing & shoes and needed supplies to be 
>prepared for walking and being outdoors in all 
>weather conditions for up to 8-hours a day. 
>Students will meet current guide dog handlers & 
>guide dog instructors from a variety of schools; 
>receive training in crossing intersections 
>safely, experience handling guide dog puppies in 
>training, tour a local guide dog school, and 
>work on auditory orientation related to traveling with a dog and a cane.
>·       VR Caseload Consumer
>·       Ability to work in a large group; not requiring one-on-one
>·       Ability to participate in 5 consecutive 8-hour training days
>·       Ability to stand for periods of up 30-45 minutes without a break
>·       Ability to walk up to one-mile
>·       Ability to work outdoors in all weather conditions
>GOALS: Students will develop auditory skills for 
>orientation & alignment and determining when it 
>is safe to cross a lighted 
>intersection.  Students will experience walking 
>behind a harness to simulate what traveling with 
>a dog feels like versus traveling with a 
>cane.  Students will be introduced to the pros & 
>cons of working a guide dog, briefly experience 
>handling a guide dog puppy-in-training, 
>understand general requirements of applying for 
>a guide dog nationwide, and be able to determine 
>if caring for & working a guide dog is the right 
>choice.  Students will leave with knowledge of 
>how to apply for a guide dog and how to develop 
>complimentary orientation & mobility skills.
>· Problem Solving· Orientation Skills· Non Visual Travel Cues
>· Auditory Skills· Intersections· Juno Walk Experiences
>· Sun Cues· Social Etiquette· Residential Roundabouts
>· Guide Technique· Street Recovery· Networking
>· Guide Dog Handler Q&A· Vet Care· Canine Hygiene
>· Cane vs. Dog· Puppy Handling· Guide Dog School Resources
>· Tour a Kennel· Social Pros & Cons· Canine CPR
>· Application Process· Harness Introduction· Basic Commands
>Referrals need to be made by consumer’s VRC in 
>RehabWorks to CCRC Admissions for “Training 
>Program”. Please note, “Career Focus Training 
>Program-O&M Guide Dog Training” when making your referrals.
>For your convenience, the accessible flyer 
>attached can be shared with prospective consumers interested in the program.
>**The referral deadline date is no later than 
>5:00 PM on Friday March 4th, 2016**
>NOTE: Travel days are 4/10 & 4/16. Actual training days are 4/11 through 4/15.
>At minimum, CCRC Admissions will need a Training 
>Program Service Record and the following reports for review:
>Physical – (DARS 2006 form which is available on 
>DARS website Forms Catalog) current within the year
>Eye Exam - (DARS 2006E form which is available 
>on DARS website Forms Catalog) documenting legal blindness with best correction
>TB test – current within the year
>For more program information contact:
>Marlo Mrak
><mailto:Marlo.Mrak at dars.state.tx.us>Marlo.Mrak at dars.state.tx.us
>For Admissions related questions contact:
>Judy Van Nice
><mailto:Judy.VanNice at dars.state.tx.us>Judy.VanNice at dars.state.tx.us
>Marlo Mrak
>Admissions Recruiter
>Criss Cole Rehabilitation Center
>Division for Blind Services
>4800 N. Lamar Blvd.
>Austin, TX 78756
>Office: (512) 377-0549
>Cell: (512) 415-2487
>         name="Criss Cole 1-Week OM Guide Dog Training Program- Scope &"
>  Objective.docx"
>Content-Description: Criss Cole 1-Week OM Guide Dog Training Program- Scope &
>  Objective.docx
>Content-Disposition: attachment;
>         filename="Criss Cole 1-Week OM Guide Dog Training Program- Scope &"
>  Objective.docx"; size=18826; creation-date="Fri, 06 Nov 2015 17:16:39 GMT";
>         modification-date="Mon, 02 Nov 2015 22:14:28 GMT"

         David Andrews and long white cane Harry.
E-Mail:  dandrews at visi.com or david.andrews at nfbnet.org
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