[nagdu] Relieving signals
Wayne And Harley
k9dad at k9di.org
Sun Nov 29 22:16:18 UTC 2015
Hi Tracy,Each dog is different.LD Sequoia, my first Guide, would just stop. LD Riot would slow waaaaay down. LD Mike, my third Guide, would start speeding up.Harley, my first Owner Trained and current Guide, adds extra pull and veers to a likely Park Spot. Since we travel the same routes five days a week commuting to and from my job a lot of the spots are ones we've already visited, but he is able to find likely spots on routes we've never been on.
Yours, Very Sincerely And Respectfully,
Wayne M. Scace
-------- Original message --------
From: Morgan Leland <morganland at me.com>
Date: 11/29/2015 15:55 (GMT-06:00)
To: "NAGDU Mailing List, the National Association of Guide Dog Users" <nagdu at nfbnet.org>
Cc: Wayne And Harley <k9dad at k9di.org>
Subject: Re: [nagdu] Introduction
Thank you for the suggestions. Many others have told me to watch her signals as well and I'm sure I will be able to do that better as her pace stabilizes. Right now she is all over the map even when she does not have to go so maybe I need to focus on one thing at a time. Hopefully we will get this worked out because I cannot imagine a life time where this happens consistently.
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On Nov 29, 2015, at 2:28 PM, Wayne And Harley via nagdu <nagdu at nfbnet.org> wrote:
HelloMorgan,As others have suggested, always give her a chance to Park before leaving and pay attention to her signals. Figure out her in harness "Mom, I gotta go potty!" signal/s and when she gives them try to find a spot and get her harness off so she can Park. Praise her up big time each time she let's you know. There's no law that your guide can not potty while travelling, just a very strong aversion to our Guides relieving in harness.When I was training with LD Patriot ( ret., SH ) my second Guide in 2003 he parked in harness on route the first time we worked, talk about embarraseed.... We had been together less than twenty-four hours at that pount. I started offering a chance him to relieve immediately preceeding going out on route, but almost invariably, at some point on the route Riot would throw the signals ( thst I learned very quickly ) and I'd find a spot, unharness him and he'd do what he needed. After getting home and aclimatizing to home this behaviour reduced until he regressed at the end of his career.With Harley, my current Guide, I try to maintain a Park schedule, but I stay flexible about relieving when needed. I hope this helps
Yours, Very Sincerely And Respectfully,
Wayne M. Scace
-------- Original message --------
From: Morgan Leland via nagdu <nagdu at nfbnet.org>
Date: 11/27/2015 19:35 (GMT-06:00)
To: NAGDU List <nagdu at nfbnet.org>
Cc: Morgan Leland <morganland at me.com>
Subject: [nagdu] Introduction
Hi, I am Morgan and I recently graduated from Guiding Eyes with my first guide dog. She is a yellow lab named Fairest. I live in Chandler, AZ and attend college full-time at Arizona State University. I am doing well in school and was just welcomed into a national honor's society. My hope is to go to law school after I get my bachelor's degree. Fairest and I are adjusting well except she keeps pooping in harness despite being on a schedule and being given plenty of time to go! I am kind-of sad about this because I do not know how to correct it. Anyway, I love reading the messages from this group!
Sent from my iPhone
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