[nagdu] Talking points for convos with training centers' directors

Cindy Ray cindyray at gmail.com
Thu Sep 3 02:55:07 UTC 2015

Woe, Sandra. The majority has your sensze on it, but if you asked the
question you are proposing, you would have them so on the defensive right
off the get go that you would not get anywhere. This is a fact finding
mission and you don't want to sling arrows at those.
I think it would be interesting to see how many people have determined not
to come because of the dog policy and, in fact, if any have threatened to
Cindy Lou Ray
cindyray at gmail.com

-----Original Message-----
From: nagdu [mailto:nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of S L Johnson via
Sent: Wednesday, September 2, 2015 9:27 PM
To: NAGDU Mailing List, the National Association of Guide Dog Users
<nagdu at nfbnet.org>
Cc: S L Johnson <SLJohnson25 at comcast.net>
Subject: Re: [nagdu] Talking points for convos with training centers'


Excellent list of questions.  I would ask how or why they think they can get
away with violating the ADA by not allowing guide dog user's equal access to
all areas and activities of their programs and facilities.  To me, they are
in direct violation of this federal law.  As I said before, how can we
expect the rest of the country to follow the ADA when the NFB doesn't do it
and daily denies access to those using guide dogs.  This doesn't make sense
and must be stopped immediately.  I am amazed that this discrimination is
still going on after all these years.  I am also amazed that we haven't seen
lawsuits from guide dog user's who have been denied access with their dogs
at the NFB Centers.  I've never attended any kind of rehab center but,
believe me if I did, I would not tolerate this kind of discrimination.  It
is about time that all guide dog user's start fighting back when we are
denied equal access.  It is particularly offensive when it is the  major
advocacy organization for the blind doing the discriminating.  NFB, SHAME ON

SLJohnson25 at comcast.net

-----Original Message-----
From: Raven Tolliver via nagdu
Sent: Wednesday, September 02, 2015 10:02 PM
To: nagdu
Cc: Raven Tolliver
Subject: [nagdu] Talking points for convos with training centers' directors

Below is a list of some of the questions I will use as guidelines to direct
my conversations with the training center directors, in the event that these
individuals are reachable.
Some of these questions can probably be combined.
If you think a question sounds offensive or off-putting, let me know which
ones and why.

1. What is your center's policy on guide dog use during classes?

2. In the past, did your center permit the use of a guide dog during
(If so, why was this permissive policy reversed?
Why does your center prohibit the use of guide dogs during all classes?

3. What difficulties or problems arise when teaching NFB philosophy and
independent living skills to a student using a guide dog?
4. What specific concepts are impossible or challenging to teach to a
traveler using a guide dog rather than a cane or alongside a cane?

5. What fundamentals of NFB philosophy and independent living skills are
disrupted by allowing the use of a guide dog during all classes?

6. Why does your center choose not to phase in or reintroduce the guide dog
into the student's class time and O&M lessons?

7. Do you think using a guide dog is against NFB philosophy? Or, does it
contradict the way the NFB would like to portray blind people, or the way
the NFB would like blind people to think of themselves?

8. Have any clients accused you of practicing discrimination by restricting
the use of a guide dog during classes?

9. How is your policy against guide dog use during class not a
discriminatory policy?

10. Are you in favor of working toward incorporating guide dogs into the
training of guide dog travelers? Why or why not?

11. Are the O&M instructors at your center willing to devise a plan for
learning how to teach O&M to students using guide dogs?

Thanks for any input.
If you prefer to make any comments off list, email Ravend729 at gmail.com.
Founder of 1AM Editing & Research

You are valuable because of your potential, not because of what you have or
what you do.

Naturally-reared guide dogs

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