[nagdu] Washington DC metro area puppies (add Rockville ADA)
Janice Toothman
janice.toothman at verizon.net
Fri Sep 11 13:07:57 UTC 2015
I would encourage you to continue to use your cane as much as possible
as others have recommended to you earlier. This is a safety issue for
you even in familiar areas such as around your neighborhood or even your
own home. I can't tell you how many times my guide dog took me around
obstacles in my path, the children or adults leave behind, for me
potentially to walk into or trip over, if it were not for my guide dog.
This has prevented injuries that I can't afford to have because of my
osteoporesis (brittle bones), Likewise, you can not afford to sustain
further brain injury, which there is a greater risk without consistently
using a long white cane or a guide dog as your mobility aid.
Second, Tom there are guide dog school that serve individuals with
special needs (i.e, other disabilities or medical conditions besides
blindness). I urge you to reconsider apply to the guide to programs.
Raising a puppy will and providing it with socialization and some
obedience training will not protect you from harm. the puppy in
training does not have the requisite guide dog skills to do that job
for you and this may not give you a feeling of satisfaction or whatever
you hope to accomplish by the puppy raising endeavor.
I want the best for you to serve your needs and to enhance your quality
of life by. However, these are just my opinions and you need to
exercise your own autonomy and make your own decisions. We are just
here to help provide guidance and support.
If you do not belong to a local NFB chapter, I belong to the, Sligo
Creek Chapter. We meet every second Saturday at a public library in
Montgomery County. This Saturday, We will meet at the Long Branch
Library at 8800 Garland Ave in Silver Spring Maryland from 1:30-3:30PM
We will have a guest speaker on the bus system in Montgomery County. I
would love to see you there.
janice.toothman at verizon.net
On 9/11/2015 8:02 AM, Marianne Denning via nagdu wrote:
> Tom, tADA says there is a difference between a "service animal" and an
> "assistance animal." A service animal has been specifically trained
> to do a job, such as guide someone who is blind, alert someone who is
> hearing impaired... and is a dog or, in some cases, a guide horse. An
> assistance animal is any animal that provides comfort and support. An
> assistance animal is not allowed into public places but a service
> animal is. My question is, if you only need the animal on a very
> limited basis, like you said, why would you need to take your dog into
> most public places. You could definitely train your own dog to help
> you along a wooded path if you have experience with dogs.
> On 9/10/15, Tom Hunter via nagdu <nagdu at nfbnet.org> wrote:
>> I find it somewhat odd (on this active list) that no one has replied
>> to this latest email. Too soon? More time needed?
>> Perhaps I am too impatient, being a bit brain-damaged, as well as (~70%)
>> blinded by my fall?
>> Please forgive me,
>> --
>> Tom Hunter
>> tomhunter at operamail.com
>> On Thu, Sep 10, 2015, at 06:51 PM, Tom Hunter wrote:
>>> Update: I talked on phone, with someone with the ADA branch in
>>> Rockville, MD (The county seat of my house) and she confirmed:
>>> Any dog I have, trained to help me (including trained by me) who is an
>>> assistance animal for me, who has a disability (I am legally blind)
>>> would therefore be allowed in any public place, per ADA?
>>> --
>>> Tom Hunter
>>> tomhunter at operamail.com
>>> On Wed, Sep 9, 2015, at 10:25 PM, Cindy Ray via nagdu wrote:
>>>> Tom, instead of making that decision, talk to whatever entity you are
>>>> working with to see how their raisers do this. You might find some
>>>> surprises
>>>> out there.
>>>> Cindy Lou Ray
>>>> cindyray at gmail.com
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: nagdu [mailto:nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Tom Hunter
>>>> via
>>>> nagdu
>>>> Sent: Wednesday, September 9, 2015 7:41 PM
>>>> To: Debby Phillips <semisweetdebby at gmail.com>; NAGDU Mailing List,the
>>>> National Association of Guide Dog Users <nagdu at nfbnet.org>
>>>> Cc: Tom Hunter <tomhunter at operamail.com>
>>>> Subject: Re: [nagdu] Washington DC metro area puppies (add Rockville
>>>> ADA)
>>>> Thanks, Debby
>>>> I will check in Maryland and the idea of getting a future guide dog may
>>>> not
>>>> work for me, since the pup would have to be on public transport at
>>>> times.
>>>> I
>>>> don't drive, since 2012 when I fell off my bicycle, and am legally
>>>> blind.
>>>> --
>>>> Tom Hunter
>>>> tomhunter at operamail.com
>>>> On Tue, Sep 8, 2015, at 10:53 PM, Debby Phillips wrote:
>>>>> Hi Tom, in general, no. A pup in training does not have the same
>>>>> status as a service dog. You would have to check with your state
>>>>> to see if they allow pups in training the same access as service
>>>>> dogs. Debby
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