[NAGDU] Introduction

Bianka Brankovic bianka at andi-bika.de
Sun Jun 26 08:31:27 UTC 2016

Hi list, 

thanks for the warm welcome. 

It’s really interesting  to observe the differences in the world regarding guide dog use. I will comment on them  when it’s appropriate. 

One of the main differences is certainly that guide dog instruction is not done in a class setting but on a one to one basis. The school we trained with usually trains at the home of the handler from the start. but other schools divide the training into two parts. However, there is always some time at home to train with the instructor to learn  the basic routes. 

Another difference is that we are supposed to give our dogs the possibility to run free in nature, parks, forests or fields. In GErmany  we do not have the strict leash laws found in the U. S. And yes, off leash recall is a quite important skill if you want your dog to be able to run free. 

There is certainly more to tell but these are the two main things that came to mind. 

Kind regards,


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