[NAGDU] working with consumers in their private homes

Raul A. Gallegos raul at raulgallegos.com
Thu Jan 12 17:57:11 UTC 2017

Hello all. I'll be starting my home training in early February, just 
after Washington Seminar. I'm hoping to see some of you there by the 
way. As for my question, due to the nature of the work that I do, I 
travel frequently to the private homes of consumers I work with. What 
are my rights and the rights of the customers in a situation such as 
this? For example, if we were to meet in a public place, such as a 
library or place of work, there is no issue. However, if the customer 
doesn't want a dog, guide or otherwise in their home, what is a 
solution? I'm certainly no attorney, but my initial guess would be that 
the person has the right to refuse a guide dog in their own private home 
regardless of whether it's for training purposes or a personal visit. 
However, I also would like to get some positive discussion going here 
when it comes to this situation, which i know will come up.


Raul A. Gallegos
Assistive Technology Trainer - RGA Tech Solutions
Voice and Text: 832.554.7285
Office: 832.639.4477
Personal Email: raul at raulgallegos.com
Work Email: training at rgats.com
Twitter: @rga7285 and @RGATrainer

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