[Ncabs] Employment Mentoring Program for College Students who are Legally Blind

Salisbury, Justin Mark SALISBURYJ08 at students.ecu.edu
Fri Mar 23 17:37:54 UTC 2012

The email below is brought to you courtesy of Shelby Ball, our National Association of Blind Students regional representative.

From: Jamie O'Mally [mailto:jomally at colled.msstate.edu]
Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2012 3:18 PM
To: access alias
Subject: Employment Mentoring Program for College Students who are Legally Blind

Dear Colleague,
I am a researcher at the Research & Training Center on Blindness & Low Vision at Mississippi State University, and I am contacting universities across the United States to ask your help in identifying college students and professionals who are legally blind to participate in an employment mentoring project. We hope that you will help us reach potential participants for this opportunity by distributing, posting, or forwarding the attached flyer to individuals or groups that might be interested. Students will be paired with mentors based on their location and field of interest, and we will examine the influence of a mentor relationship on employment outcomes for graduating students including: development of job seeking-skills, job placement, job satisfaction, and self-efficacy.

We anticipate that students and mentors will find this program to be highly beneficial. In addition to incentives, potential benefits for students include: assistance in career goal development, skills training, job seeking, job placement, and opportunities for job shadowing. We expect that mentors will benefit from working closely with college or graduate students who are blind and the opportunity to assist in research that seeks to benefit the blind community. This research is funded by the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research.  To learn more about this project, please visit<http://tiny.cc/mentoring-project><http://tiny.cc/mentoring-project>http://tiny.cc/mentoring-project.

It is important that we reach as many people as we can across the United States, and we appreciate your help in spreading the word. If you are willing to distribute the attached flyers on our behalf to help us find participants, please respond and let us know. Please feel free to forward the body of this email to others that you think might know someone who would be interested in participating.

Thank you for your time and consideration of this request. Please contact Jamie O’Mally at 662-325-2001<tel:662-325-2001> or at<mailto:rrtc2 at colled.msstate.edu><mailto:rrtc2 at colled.msstate.edu>rrtc2 at colled.msstate.edu<mailto:rrtc2 at colled.msstate.edu> if you have any questions, require additional information, or would like to receive copies of the flyer in Braille.

Thank you!
Jamie O’Mally

Dr. Jamie O’Mally, Assistant Research Professor
Research & Training Center on Blindness & Low Vision
Mississippi State University
P.O. Box 6189
Mississippi State, MS 39762

Sent from my iPhone

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