[Ncabs] October minutes

Veronica Puente brl3517 at gmail.com
Wed Oct 10 03:35:44 UTC 2012

Sorry to all of you who got the wrong minutes from yesterday. this is
my first time being a secratary. Here are the right minutes.

 October 8, 2012 Meeting started at 9:37 P.M.  Alan Chase  Kevin
Currin, Sharen Newton ,    Griffin Lynch,  Ashley Coleman,  Daria
Bannerman,  Lauren siegel,  Brice Smith, Veronica Puente  Our mentor
program is still in process. Deria is going to work in goals for the
program. We still need mentors, and we need to figure out a good
support system either from vI teachers or DSB. We are going to have
two Student Seminars in 2013  still trying to figure out the
locations.  The next meeting in November we are going to decide the
locations. The meeting was finish at 10:33 P.M. Thanks to everyone who
came out to our meeting! Hope you guys can put up with me. I will try
to do my best. thanks so much.

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