[Ncabs] JAWS Scam Alert

Alan A. Chase aachase1 at gmail.com
Sat Apr 5 16:30:06 UTC 2014

This information was passed along to us this morning via our friends
at Rehab and LBPH, and we wanted to make everyone aware of it.

An individual received a phone call from a man who said that the
individual's copy of JAWS has caused a virus in his computer.  The man
would repair the computer if the individual could simply turn it on,
go to a specified site (my caller could not remember where) and type
in a few numbers.  He immediately knew something was not right and did
not turn on his computer nor comply in any way with the person.  The
person gave him a call back number, which was 347-871-5995. That
number is all over the Internet as a scam.  The part that causes the
most concern is that the individual who reported this incident was
identified as a JAWS user by the scammer.  It is not known if a
Freedom Scientific database was hacked or what, but it is important
for everyone to have a "head's up" about this.  Most may know not to
do anything, but some may be naïve and think there truly is a problem.

Alan A. Chase, M.Ed.
Exceptional Children Program Facilitator, Durham Public Schools
Program Coordinator, Envisioning Youth Empowerment Retreat
President, North Carolina Association of Blind Students
Secretary, Governor Morehead School Alumni Association

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