[Nebraska-senior-blind] NFBN Senior Division - July meeting, Monday the 11th!

Robert Leslie Newman newmanrl at cox.net
Sat Jul 9 17:25:55 UTC 2016

Hi you all

RE: Notice of July's meeting! This coming Monday!

(You all should have had this on your calendars!)


Contents of this message:

*When and how to get on the call


*The NFB Pledge 

*Minutes from both the May and June meetings are attached & pasted in below


*#1 When and How to Get On the Call:

Date: Monday July 11th 

Time: 6:00 MT, 7:00 CT 

Phone: 1-712-451-0011

Access Code: 345154Pound


*#2 Agenda:

-First- Come-to-order, say our NFB pledge (Nancy Oltman for this month)

-Second- secretary & treasurers Reports Will be discussed and approved
and/or accepted

(We need to approve both May and June's reports.)



-The cartridges and mailers are in; we need to confirm addresses of those
who will receive them. (We will get these ready for sending out in early

-We need to get Robert reimbursed for covering their cost.



-discuss - anything you may bring.


*#3 Philosophical Discussion: Conventions - why go; our Nebraska convention
is coming up. And those of us who went to national will give a report.


--Finally- Brags & Drags



*#4 NFB Pledge: 

 I pledge to participate actively in the efforts of the National

Federation of the Blind to achieve equality, opportunity, and security for
the blind; to support the policies and programs of the Federation; and to
abide by its constitution.


**No July treasure's report yet.


***Here are the May, and June minutes and treasurer's reports:




National Federation of the Blind of Nebraska

Senior Division

May 16, 2016 Meeting

The May meeting began at 7:00 PM (CT). There were unusual events going on
for several of our membership, and so very few were able to attend. The
participants in attendance were Barbara & Brad Loos, Geralyn Konruff, Linda
Mentink, Cheryl Livingston, and Guest Joe Campbell. 


Barbara (our First Vice President) and Brad were not at home, but dialed in
to interact for a few minutes; as their personal business would allow. Since
there wasn't a quorum, Barbara mention the corrections she'd like to see in
the minutes. Then at 7:14, she dismissed us; there would not be anyone
present who could run the meeting, and with no quorum, business could not be


Barber's' corrections for the April meeting: 14 members should be either 14
participants or the correct number of members and the correct number of
others. Cartridges should not be called cassettes. The cost is $13.00 each,
not 3.00.


She dismissed us at 7:14.


***Treasurer's Report:


Treasurer's Report-Senior Division

May 16, 2016


Beginning Balance                                     $902.95


May PAC plan                                              $ 10.00



Ending Balance       May 16, 2016            $892.95 

Respectfully submitted,

Cheryl Livingston, Treasurer





National Federation of the Blind of Nebraska

Senior Division

June 13, 2016 Meeting

 The June meeting began at 7:05 PM (CT). There were 10 participants in

Robert, Barbara, Becky, Brad, Bob, Linda, Gina, Walt. Guest- Della Johnston,
Brenda Folden.


Walt reported, he has a potential new member; she is interested in learning
more about us. Marietta MacFerson and her contact information is: Phone#
Land: 402-388-2481 Cell: 402-366-3773 


Robert presented the NFB Pledge. Hopefully Nancy will be with us next month;
she has intended to be our pledge-person for the past two months. Becky will
practice, and recite the pledge for August.


Lynda read aloud the minutes from April; with corrections, they were
approved. Barbara made the motion that with corrections, the minutes be
accepted. Gina seconded, and the vote was all in favor.


In regard to the minutes for May, Robert will write them up from the notes
provided by Linda. (The May meeting was brief, due to lack of participants.)


Old Business: Robert announced that our Constitution was given the seal of
approval from the affiliate board. And that a new copy will be sent out to
all members.


The next topic was the discussion and acting upon the purchase of the NLS
type cartridge and the mailers made for them. The discussion involved that
we would buy 10 of each, the cartridge ($10.00) and the mailers ($2.50); the
total will be $55.00. Robert will purchase them, getting reimbursed later.
Barbara made the motion that we purchase 10 cartridges and 10 mailers.
Seconded by Linda.


Part of the above discussion brought out the following information: 

Brenda stated that she does have email;  <mailto:i4ujc at yahoo.com>
i4ujc at yahoo.com However, she would like the cartridge.

Walt also stated he would not need a cartridge, his wife would read for him.

Della also stated she has readers to handle email; she will get Robert the


Walt again gave me his email address: lwhively1968 at gmail.com 


The next topic was: For future meetings, what topics and/or guest speakers
would be of interest? One suggestion, by Becky, was to have a guest who is a
member of a Lions Club; she knows a couple of blind people who are. (This
could be generalized to being active outside the home, in a sense of giving
back to the community.)


Second suggestion, have a blind speaker who has made it successfully in
employment; talk about what makes that whole thing work. Linda Mentink (our
member) was suggested, and she has agreed to present to us in July.


Additionally, the topic of finding a replacement for Secretary Lemmon was
discussed. Linda volunteered to step into the Secretary role for the
remainder of this term; October is elections.


Next was our monthly discussion topic: It was the first line of our NFB "1
Minute Message- " "The National Federation of the Blind knows that blindness
is not the characteristic that defines you, or your future." Discussion was
on target, wide ranging, and meaningful.


Minutes respectfully submitted by Robert Leslie Newman


Treasurer's Report-Senior Division

June 13, 2016


Beginning Balance                                      $892.95


June PAC plan                                             $ 10.00



Ending Balance       June 13,  2016        $882.95 

Respectfully submitted,

Cheryl Livingston, Treasurer




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