[Nebraska-Senior-Blind] September 30 Fund-Raising Meeting

Linda Mentink lmentink7360 at gmail.com
Wed Oct 6 01:39:59 UTC 2021

Good evening All,

I attended said meeting last Thursday evening, and tried to take 
notes.  Maybe this will help us with some ideas for our division?



Fund-raising meeting 9/30

What's the first step in any fund-raising effort? Brainstorm, not 
just raise money.  Do a budget for the year.  How much to state 
or national.

Focus on valuing each fund-raiser.  Socrates and Jesus asked 
questions; you should too.  Is it consistent with our mission? No 
dining events.  Does it make the NFB stronger?

Aoalyze event by its costs (not only monetary, but time, 
emotional energy) and benefits (public awareness, chapter 
building, espouses our philosophy and brings our chapter 

Stewarding donors: it's easier to grow a donor than to acquire 
one.  Give them an award.  Ask some questions: Too much 
information or not enough? Venmo, Zell, Square electronic 
payments.  What would you like to know?

Ideas: table in front of or in stores; Social Media events like 
companies such as Double Good, car wash, sponsorship of 
convention (vendors fair with paid tables, different levels with 
different sized ads, sponsorship packages already available, 
partners such as Comcast), bike-a-thon, walk-a-thon, let members 
be sponsors, raffle, auction themed baskets, matching funds.

What is the number one reason people don't give money? They were 
never asked.  Research shows that on average, ask seven times.

Grants: read and reread guidelines.

mfrench at nfb.org to access templates and all other information.

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