[New-york-news] 2018 State Convention National Federation of the Blind
Maurice A. Cook Jr.
moecookjr at gmail.com
Mon Sep 10 23:02:41 UTC 2018
Mike Robinson
President NFB of NY
Mike below you will find the Email I sent out about "VT's 2018 State
Convention". Like we discussed on the phone the other day, If you feel it
would help the growth of NFB of NY Affiliate by having the opportunity for
folks from Northeast NY joining us @ the NFB of Vt 2018 State Convention.
please feel free to share this. By NO means would I want to take any
membership from N.Y. and I feel by having Yourself &/or someone else @ our
Convention present the whole time we could VERY clearly make that clear and
happen, I'm sure we could even find a option for anyone from NY to meet in
a separate location. So you could directly discuss their options As for
becoming a NFBNY member.
Looking forward to hearing back from you as to your thoughts - - Moe
Best Regards,
Moe Cook
NFB/VT Acting Chairman
Please accept this as a Formal Invite to the National Federation of the
Blind of Vt,. 2018 State Convention,to be held @ the Holiday Inn,
So.Burlington,VT. November 2nd (Friday) & 3rd (Saturday) 2018. I will share
the Agenda at a later date.
Could you please help us get the word out about our 2018 St. Convention And
help "Make a Difference for the Blind of the Green Mountain State" By
sharing this with your Employees & Clients along with anyone you think
Might be interested, Hope to see you their..
NFB's 1 Minute speech
The National Federation of the Blind knows that blindness is not the
characteristic that defines you or your future. Every day we raise the
expectations of blind people, because low expectations create obstacles
between blind people and our dreams. You can live the life you want;
blindness is not what holds you back.
Moe Cook,
Acting Chair NFB/VT
National Federation of the Blind of Vermont 2018 State Convention:
Come Make a Difference for the Blind of the Green Mountain State
The National Federation of the Blind of Vermont will hold its annual
convention on Friday and Saturday, November 2-3, 2018, at the Holiday Inn,
1068 Williston Road, South Burlington, VT. 05403. To make reservations,
please call (802) 863-6363, and indicate that you’re with the NFB of
Vermont convention. Room rates are $99.00 per night, plus a 10% tax. The
deadline for room reservations is October,12th 2018 so please reserve soon.
A nominal conference registration charge of $10 will be collected from
attendees at the door.
Everett Bacon, President of the National Federation of the Blind of Utah
and member of the National Board of the National Federation of the Blind,
will serve as National Representative to the convention. During the
Saturday luncheon, Everett will tell his story, and earlier in the day,
Everett will share with those in attendance what’s happening across the
national organization.
An afternoon Meet & Greet will be held on Friday 2nd of November, from
3:00 pm - 6:00 pm With the formal convention program from 9:00 a.m.-5:00
p.m on Saturday 3rd of November. During the Saturday meeting, topics may
include: creation of transportation solutions for members in Vermont; news
from Vermont’s Division of the Blind & Visually Impaired; information from
the Vermont Library for the Blind; a focus on innovative job seeking
strategies for residents of Vermont; election of officers and a
reorganizing of the affiliate; and so much more. Please come and join us,
as we build the Vermont affiliate.
For further information, please contact Moe Cook at (802) 989-0217;
moecookjr at gmail.com or Dan Frye at (410) 241-7006; dbfrye0468 at gmail.com Your
participation will make the difference for the blind of Vermont.
Thank you.
Acting Chair
Moe Cook
moecookjr at gmail.com
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