[New-york-news] Fwd: New York Transportation and Technology Study - seeking participants

Chancey Fleet chanceyfleet at nypl.org
Tue Mar 19 13:31:41 UTC 2019

Please see below for a research opportunity!

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Jessica Murray <jmurray at gradcenter.cuny.edu>
Date: Mon, Mar 18, 2019 at 5:03 PM
Subject: New York Transportation and Technology Study - seeking participants
While transportation access is very important to human development, there
is very little research about how transportation challenges impact
development for people with disabilities. I am conducting this study to
understand how factors in transportation impact motivation for daily
travel, which in turn, impact motivation to pursue other goals. With enough
participants, I can make valid conclusions and test more comparisons. I
hope you will help me reach my goal.

Please get in touch with any questions you have and let me know if you'd
like me to add you to my mailing list for updates when my analysis is

Thank you in advance for your support!

Jessica Murray
Ph.D. Candidate, Developmental Psychology
The Graduate Center, CUNY

*Social media links:*

*New York Transportation and Technology Survey*

Adults living in NYS are invited to take a survey about transportation,
employment, residential satisfaction, and use of communication technology
for people with disabilities and people without disabilities living in New
York. Your participation may contribute to knowledge about inequalities in
transportation and technology access and how they affect employment,
earnings, residential satisfaction, and well-being. The results of the
survey may be used for advocacy purposes and policy recommendations for
local, state, and federal government agencies. The survey will take 20-30
minutes to complete. Your answers will be stored for up to one week so you
don't have to complete the survey in one sitting. You can submit your
answers anonymously, or if you would like to be part of a raffle prize
drawing or be contacted for future paid research opportunities, you can
submit your email address at the end of the survey. On March 31, 2019,
twenty (20) participants will be randomly chosen to receive a $50 gift
card. If you need an alternative format of the survey (like a print version
or to take the survey by phone), please contact Jessica Murray at
jmurray at gradcenter.cuny.edu or phone/text 214-454-6298.

Chancey S. Fleet
Assistive Technology Coordinator
Andrew Heiskell Braille and Talking Book Library
(212) 621-0627
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