[New-York-News] ** IMPORTANT ** NY Accessible Voting
president at nfbny.org
president at nfbny.org
Thu Jun 4 12:37:04 UTC 2020
I have had the pleasure of meeting with many of you to discuss the National
Federation of the Blind but, unfortunately, have not yet visited every
agency serving the blind in New York State. I very much would like that
opportunity in the future.
Today is a historic day. The New York Board of Elections has reached a
settlement with the National Federation of the Blind, Disability Rights, New
York, The Center for Disability Rights and the American Council of the Blind
to provide a fully accessible absentee voting system for print-disabled New
York State voters. (see the attached press release from the National
Federation of the Blind.) This a great victory and will finally allow
print-disabled New Yorker's to request an absentee ballot and submit their
ballot independently.
We need your help. We need eligible voters to use the new system and also
let us know their experiences.
* Request an absentee ballot independently before the June 16th
deadline. The request may be made through the following address:
https://www.elections.ny.gov/MeetingVoterAccessNeeds.html or their county
Board of Elections website.
* Receive their ballot by email as a fillable PDF document.
* Complete and submit the ballot either by postal mail or
hand-delivery to their county Board of Elections as per the instructions
provided by their county. We will also be having a zoom discussion about
the ascendible voting in New York on Tuesday, June 9th at 6:330 pm.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 528 850 6207
One tap mobile
+16468769923,,5288506207# US (New York)
+13126266799,,5288506207# US (Chicago)
* Contact us to complete a brief questionnaire. We need to collect
voter's experiences to assess the system the Board of Elections has
implemented. Voters may call 716-222-3632 or visit
http://nfbny.org/voter-survey to complete their questionnaire.
Due to election deadlines, disseminating this information to your clients as
soon as possible is essential. We also need to utilize the new system so
please share this message as widely as you can.
Everyone has the right to an independent, private vote, and, with your help,
we will ensure all print-disabled New Yorkers are afforded their
constitutional rights.
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
Michael Robinson, President
National Federation of the Blind of New York State, Inc.
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