[Nfb-history] Recording Toolbox

Tina Hansen th404 at comcast.net
Fri Jul 15 16:56:46 UTC 2011

I've been hearing some good comments about recording meetings where there is 
no sound system. In the Living History meeting, there was no sound system in 
the room, and I addressed that by placing the voice recorder and mike set-up 
on the head table, so anyone speaking from there could be heard. In my view, 
that is a good solution where you don't have a sound system, since I've 
heard this being done at other conferences.

I know some of you that are more experienced with this stuff may think I'm 
crazy, but there is one thing to keep in mind as we address this. Digital 
recordings are generally of a higher quality than tape, especially if you 
set the bit rate and sampling rate high, as I do.

Finally, if anyone out there knows where one can buy a lapel mike or a small 
stereo mike that can fit on a table, please let me know. Some years ago, 
Radio Shack sold a very nice stereo mike set that was small and portable. 
They don't sell it any longer, and I can't find anything like it. Any ideas 
on where I might get something like that? Thanks. 

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